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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
From the center for healthy minds website -

This program is a 12-week curriculum designed for teachers to implement with their preschoolers.

Focusing on a range of themes, from encouraging kids to distinguish how emotions make them feel on the inside and outside to acts of kindness and forgiveness, the curriculum includes scripts, activities, parent letters and instructions for implementing each lesson.

Kindness Curriculum Released for Greater Well-Being in the Classroom - Center for Healthy Minds



Resident megalomaniac
Laura Pinger and Lisa Flook share their lessons from creating a "kindness curriculum" for young students.

Click here for a VERY comprehensive article at the Greater Good website!

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
A simple search for the phrase parenting kindness tosses up a few - I like this one -

Resources for Choose Kindness Day & Week:
  1. Write down all the kindness you see around you today including kindness you say or do, kindness you witness and kindness that is done to you. These could be written on a large piece of paper or banner in classrooms or in the hallway. Consider having staff participate, as well.
  2. Pay attention to the messages in the media regarding what is acceptable behavior towards others. Are kindness and respect encouraged?
Many more excellent suggestions on this page -

Resources for Choose Kindness Day & Week :: Jeremiah's Hope for Kindness



Resident megalomaniac
This site is also worth a visit -


I sometimes forget that I am the #1 role model for my kids (or at least one of the most important role models). I’m with them so much of the time, it’s easy to just get down to the “daily grind” without remembering that my kids are soaking in every word I say and every action I make, and especially taking in every interaction I have with them.

When I see someone else with them, however, I have a reality check. When I watch the way my husband lovingly cuddles our daughter, or patiently attends to my son when he’s unwell, I am reminded that these are the moments that are making the biggest difference to our kids’ character. They are watching and learning from us how to behave right now and in the future.

If we are kind to them – and everyone else we come into contact with throughout the day – most likely they will follow in our footsteps. The best way to teach our children kindness is to be kind ourselves. In the small moments and in the little things… we can model a lifestyle of gentle kindness.

Click here for the full article -

Reflections on Kindness - Moments A Day

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
This comes from a site called "16 Guidelines" -

Kindness says: “I want you to be happy.” To be kind means to be friendly, caring, generous, benevolent, considerate, respectful, fair and affectionate. We all know in our hearts when we have received or offered kindness because of the warm feeling it brings. Is there anyone who does not want to experience kindness from another person?

Kindness knows with exquisite wisdom when it is appropriate to say or do something. It is found in the small details. A gentle touch on the cheek or a soft support of the elbow guiding someone across the road. Sustaining eye contact for just that moment longer. Making a telephone call. Remembering the little things that please someone.

Here is the rest!


Resident megalomaniac
Found another good site - here is one example -

A couple of months ago, I attended a workshop on mindfulness conducted by a Buddhist monk at The Kadampa Meditation Center in New York City. He guided meditations and supported them with profound teachings from the Buddha. Topics included being present, kindness and ultimately staying connected to wisdom through mindfulness.

He explained that mindfulness is about being present and integrating Buddha’s teaching into our daily life moment by moment. It is remembering that all human beings have the same basic wish, the wish to be happy and maintain a peaceful mind especially during difficult times.

At the end of the talk, a student raised their hand and asked, “You’re a monk — you don’t live in the urban environment that we live in here. How do you practice mindfulness?”

The monk responded with a few simple things he does to cultivate mindfulness in his own practice. Part of his nightly practice includes meditation and reflecting on the kindness he received from others throughout the day. He gave simple yet profound examples of this kindness — the driver who drove his cab to the temple, the people who built the cab, the engineers who designed it and so on. He said, “Without these acts of kindness — without others — we would have nothing.”

For the rest of the article -

The Power Of Kindness - Daily Love with Mastin Kipp



Resident megalomaniac
This search also leads to some interesting sites -

Brian Wlliams kindness

Looks like he is also on YouTube!

Enjoy your day!


Resident megalomaniac
Hope this image pastes in properly ...


If not, try this link -

