Through daily
acts of simple kindness, you can make a significant impact in the lives of people in your family, your neighborhood, your community and beyond. Kindness begets kindness. It is like fertilizer for the human heart... except you can never spread too much.
Kindness, like eating healthy or exercising, is a learned habit. Through deliberate thought and action, you can increase your capacity for kindness. So start here, today, now. Commit to performing one act of kindness a day. It doesn't have to be grandiose or Earth moving. "Remember
there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams
To start with: Make someone laugh. Take time to really listen to someone. Tell someone if you notice they're doing a good job.
Looking for something a little bigger? Donate blood. Send a letter to a veteran or overseas soldier. Visit a sick friend, relative or neighbor.
Ready to do even more? Organize a fundraising event. Offer to mow an elderly neighbor's lawn on a regular basis. Give food to a homeless person and take time to talk with them. Volunteer to support a
Charitable Organization.
For the full article -
Make a Difference Monday • Spread Peace and Love
All the best!