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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Here are 20 of the very best books about kindness for kids! Absolutely perfect for teaching the most important lessons in life about values, character development and showing empathy towards others, in a world that seems increasingly scary and uncertain. Now more than ever, these are the values we wish to instill in our children. What better place to start than with some inspirational story books?!

Best Books about Kindness for Kids - The Imagination Tree

Try this too:

theimaginationtree.com kindness

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Lyrics from the ironically named song by Sting; History Will Teach Us Nothing.

Convince an enemy, convince him that he's wrong
Is to win a bloodless battle where victory is long
A simple act of faith
In reason over might
To blow up his children will only prove him right


Resident megalomaniac

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Resident megalomaniac
Lara Heacock is the author of Practical Kindness: 52 Ways to Bring More Compassion, Courage & Kindness into Your World. She’s a life and leadership coach who runs the popular personal development blog Kind Over Matter. Drawing on her background of nearly 20 years in corporate America, she works with professionals and companies to help them use kindness to end the epidemic of burnout.

More at this site -

Kindness Matters with Lara Heacock (Video)

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Great article about kindness from the Taoist perspective -

Kindness can never be used to control others. Instead, leaders fall to the dark side and use unkind tactics for purposes of control. Hence, from politicians and pulpits, you will often find fear, conflict, forced conversion, segregation and other unkind tactics to force others to follow doctrine or laws. Such tactics are always self-defeating since in being unkind, they harm the very person inflicting them. Sadly this is only apparent in the long view of things, so patience tempers kindness.

Understanding Kindness, Taoism and the Golden Rule



Resident megalomaniac
Here’s a story that will help children understand why it’s important to be kind to their classmates. Cut a large heart out of red construction paper and hold it in your lap as you begin to tell the story below:

This is a story about a special friend named (imaginary name). He always came to school with a smile on his face and a big heart full of love for his classmates. (Hold up the big heart.) (Name) listened to his teacher, did his best work, and helped his friends. However, some of his friends weren’t always so kind. Joe made fun of his shoes and broke a little of his heart. (Tear off a piece of the heart and let it drop to the floor.) Ann said, “I’m saving this seat and you can’t sit here” at story time and broke a little more of his heart. Sammy wouldn’t share his crayons (tear off a little of the heart) and Sara called him a mean name. What are some other things that might break his heart? (Let the children name other things that cause hurt feelings as you let the pieces fall to the floor.) By the end of the day his heart was all in pieces and it was so sad.

Who can tell me how to put his heart back together? What are some kind things you can do for your friends? As children name different acts of kindness pick the pieces of the heart off the floor. Glue the pieces together on a poster as a reminder to have a kind heart. Encourage children to write friends’ names on the poster when they are kind and helpful to them!

Comes from this page -


Or ...

Dr. Jean & Friends Blog: August 2011



Resident megalomaniac
Through daily acts of simple kindness, you can make a significant impact in the lives of people in your family, your neighborhood, your community and beyond. Kindness begets kindness. It is like fertilizer for the human heart... except you can never spread too much.

Kindness, like eating healthy or exercising, is a learned habit. Through deliberate thought and action, you can increase your capacity for kindness. So start here, today, now. Commit to performing one act of kindness a day. It doesn't have to be grandiose or Earth moving. "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams

To start with: Make someone laugh. Take time to really listen to someone. Tell someone if you notice they're doing a good job. Looking for something a little bigger? Donate blood. Send a letter to a veteran or overseas soldier. Visit a sick friend, relative or neighbor. Ready to do even more? Organize a fundraising event. Offer to mow an elderly neighbor's lawn on a regular basis. Give food to a homeless person and take time to talk with them. Volunteer to support a Charitable Organization.

For the full article -

Make a Difference Monday • Spread Peace and Love

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK). It’s almost become a phrase that is both overused and ignored. That in itself is sad, because somehow we have to figure out how to make it something that is part of everyone’s daily lives.

A couple of generations ago RAoK weren’t a ‘thing’, they were just what you did. You complimented people in the street, you helped strangers who needed it, you did nice things for your friends and you were just basically a kind member of your community. As the world got bigger our world actually became smaller. Sadly, we suddenly only really cared about what was going on in our own special little bubble. Now, RAoK are a ‘thing’ because they are not the norm and I think everyone will agree, they should go back to being the norm. The way to make this happen is if the majority of people start doing them on a regular, consistent basis allowing RAoK to become ‘popular’ and ‘normal’ again.

I try to be kind, but it’s not usually very random. I’m kind in my own circle. When I was on my book tour in June I decided that when I was in Christchurch I would spend the day doing as many random acts of kindness as I could. I’ll tell you right now, it’s harder than you think! What’s amazing is that since RAoK have ceased being the norm it actually makes it harder to perform them because people are suspicious of them! How sad is that?!

Read more here -

Why Random Acts Of Kindness Make A Difference - Live More Awesome



Resident megalomaniac
From "Why kindness is good for you' by Dr David Hamilton -

Scientific evidence has proven that kindness changes the brain, impacts the heart and immune system, and may even be an antidote to depression. We're actually genetically wired to be kind. In this book, inspirational ex-scientist David Hamilton shows that kindness has evolved in us and thus its effects are felt daily throughout our nervous systems. When we're kind, our bodies are healthiest. This groundbreaking book is filled with fascinating new discoveries, including: how kindness developed in our genes; that love and kindness can make a damaged heart regenerate faster; how kindness and compassion alter the neural structures of our brains; and that gratitude can make you at least 25 per cent happier. This unique book fuses scientific research around being kind with inspirational real life examples of kindness from ordinary people. Reading these stories will nourish your soul and leave you with renewed optimism for the future, and this book will help you see the many levels on which taking the time to make a difference could transform your health - and your whole world.