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The Koran is the Word of God? How do we know this?


Well-Known Member
Then lets look at post 2:
Response: In ch: 4:82 of the qur'an we read, "Will they not,then, meditate upon the Qur'an? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy". Also in ch.2:23 we read "And if you are in doubt as to what We have sent down to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it, and call upon your helpers beside Allah, if you are truthful".

Here we have two tests. Once applied, we come to learn that the qur'an is in fact the truthful word of Allah(swt).

No facts there Fatihah,a whole lot of faith but no facts.

Response: There's the statement. Where's the proof?


Well-Known Member
Response: There's the statement. Where's the proof?

This is getting boring now Fatihah, seriously.

I'm starting to think you're better off just not saying anything if that's all you're gonna do.

Can we not have any other Muslims come to this debate instead?


Well-Known Member

Argh come on Fatihah this now is getting really boring when you just keep on doing this sorta stuff.

Seriously, I think I've seen enough of "Refer to Post #....", especially when the post you refer to usually says in itself "refer to this post......".


Response: I'm not an entertainer. So thanks for the compliment.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: There's the statement. Where's the proof?

:facepalm: thats what we are asking you,it would be far better for your credibility if you said "this is what i believe " blah blah instead of presenting post 2 as some kind of
one answer that serves to answer all questions.


Well-Known Member
:facepalm: thats what we are asking you,it would be far better for your credibility if you said "this is what i believe " blah blah instead of presenting post 2 as some kind of
one answer that serves to answer all questions.

Response: And that's what we're asking you. It would be better for your credibility by simply acknowledging that you have no proof than to insist on a round about circle of dialogue in an attempt to distract from your non-answer.
Last edited:

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: And that's what we're asking you. It would be better for your credibility by simply acknowledging that you have no proof than to insist on a round about circle of dialogue in an attempt to distract from your non-answer.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Greetings Dezzie, I don't believe we have met.
Well... from what I have experienced and from what I have read, Religion is all in Faith. From what I originally got from Religion is, God is testing those who still carry on their beliefs no matter what other "Scientific Explanations" may arise.
The difficulty here resides in people clutching desperately to their alleged faith in spite of evidence that should make them start scratching their heads. Sadly, I don't see appeals to faith as being particularly meaningful, most certainly, not in the area of debates. In my view, and if only in my view, faith is for those who do not understand the nature of the object of their adoration. If they did, they would no longer require faith, as faith would give way to knowledge.

Then people ask, "but how do we know the Bible is true? How do we know the Qur'an is true?" Why does it matter? Both "books" or... mind some of you... religious texts, have wonderful meaning... the words and the lessons they both provide are great places to stem from.
Of course. The way I see it is similar to that of "over the counter" pain relievers. It is one thing for the manufacturer to claim their product may relieve some affliction, but things tend to get a bit dodgy when the person selling you the product makes wild claims beyond those of the manufacturer. The whole business gets more than a bit smelly, rather quickly.

There is nothing wrong with what God or Allah may want for us (IF he 100% exists).
Claims as to "what God allegedly wants" from us have always struck me as being little more than the arrogance of assumed authority.

I have come to realize since I have been away from the forum, is that... we all came from somewhere... Our spirits came from something somewhere. The ways in which I think, feel, and the many things I believe in, came from SOMEWHERE. I honestly do not want to believe that when I die, I will just rot in the ground.
I can deal with this kind of thinking, as it does seem somewhat reasonable. It's when claims and expectations go beyond this fine line that credulity tends to enter the fray.

Maybe the Bible or the Qur'an are not the actual words of God... So what? Why do people constantly need to ask whether or not the Qur'an or the Bible are true?
Comparing the Bible with the Qur'an, is not particularly wise as they are not viewed in the same way. By and large, the Bible is not seen to be the "Word of God". Yes, some Christians believe it is, but they are in the distinct minority. The Qur'an is seen by an overwhelming number of Muslims as being "The Word of God". Apples and oranges. As to why people continually ask if they are true is likely because the believers are steadily chanting the mantra which relentlessly invites the question. Is this hard to understand?

Not many people can even answer that question. Why ask it? If you can't answer the question for yourself, why do you need to throw it out there?
I have little difficulty answering your question. No, neither the Qur'an or The Bible were written by this alleged "god" being. Both are holey written by human animals, who were perhaps inspired by visions of reality that forced them to make conclusions about the universe that may or may not be valid.

Before people start making assumptions of me... let me add that I was that person once. I was a Mormon at first but only because my parents were. I changed after that and decided that I would be Agnostic because I still believed that a God existed. Soon after becoming Agnostic I did my research... I asked those questions... I made automatic assumptions of other people because of their beliefs. Trust me... I've had my fair share of looking down to others. I have noticed a big change in myself lately though... I have Faith in a God... in any religious text. I have educated myself in many things.
Lovely. If you have indeed educated yourself on these topics then you will undoubtedly recognize just how flimsy the "evidence" for god is and may well appreciate why many are not impressed by fallacious appeals to faith, that are conveniently used to fill in the gaps of understanding.

The question I want to ask is... Why ask how anyone knows whether or not a religious text is true?
Probability theory might help to explain why not as well as a solid course in psychology.

Is it all for debate and nothing more? Is throwing that question out there a way to rid all religion from people's lives? What is the reason?
Would people's lives be any less rich if religion was removed from their beliefs structures? You make it sound as if religion is an essential quality. That's a bit rich.

I'll say this once more... if you can not answer the question yourself... why on Earth do you think someone else could answer it?
Heaven forbid that the religious actually lean critical thinking skills.

I believe that IF there is an actual God... he wants us to have Faith in him no matter what proof is available to us.
This strikes me as an almost proverbial head in the sand approach. I'd say that if god really existed he would make it possible for us to know him, so that we would not need to rely on the flimsy support of faith. I guess that is asking a lot though.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
For me, I believe it as word of God, so I dont need to perform any test or to get any proof, its u who is not believing, so u should give some reason for not accepting it, by providing authentic and perfect proof for disaproving:)
I know this is difficult to grasp but it is believers like yourself who are the reason to doubt the authenticity of the book you so admire. Your book doesn't allow for people like me to exist and I'm sorry, but I take that a little personally. :flirt:


Active Member
Just some facts from Quran, for you to analyze. Infact I'am not given responsibility to prove u , but still, if some1 want to analyze, maybe some of u already know this, but for those who dont know.
The word "day" is mentioned 365 times, the word "month" is mentioned 12 times, and the word "days" is mentioned 30 times in the Quran.

The word "land" is mentioned 15 times and the word "sea" is mentioned 32 times in the Quran.
15 + 32 = 45
15/45 = 28.89
32/45 = 71.11
Does that remind you of the land/sea ratio of the earth?

Also, The numerical miracles Of Quran are also countless, but we take just few
as examples :-
1) The mention of ( Hour ) came in Quran just 24 times, and ( Month)
came 12 times, while (day) came in Quran 365 times.
2) The mention of man came in Quran 24 times, exactly as the mention of
woman came in Quran 24 times.
3) The mention of (Aql) which means intellect came in Quran 49 times, as
the mention of (Noor) which means light 49 times.
4) People 368 times, as messengers 368 times. This means that whenever
there were people, there was a messenger and a message from God to guide
5) Tongue is mentioned in Quran 29 times, as talking is also 29 times.
6) Astray goers 17 times, as Dead persons 17 times, because going astray
is the real death.
7) Difficulty 114 times, as Patience 114.
Life 145, as Death 145.
9) Dunia which means this life, came in Quran 115 times, as Aakhirah
which means hereafter which also came 115 times.
10) Sins 180 times, as Good deeds 180 times.
11) Angels 88 times, as the devils 88 times.
12) Imam 12 times, successor 12 times, The Best Chosen by Allah
(Al-Mostafawn) 12 times, Most pious (Al-Abraar) 12 times, and Shia 12
times. You find (Firqa) which means a division came in Quran 72 times
which the number of divisions in Muslim Ummah away from the right path
of Islam as the total sects according to the Hadeeth is 73.
13) Adam 25 times, as Easa (Jesus) 25 times. Quran says that ( The
example of Easa with Allah is like the example of Adam ( 3:59).
14) Land and Sea are mentioned in Quran in 12 times for land and 41
times for sea, which is the exact ratio of land and sea on the globe
which was discovered after advancement of science and
space photography of the globe.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Just some facts from Quran, for you to analyze. Infact I'am not given responsibility to prove u , but still, if some1 want to analyze, maybe some of u already know this, but for those who dont know.
The word "day" is mentioned 365 times, the word "month" is mentioned 12 times, and the word "days" is mentioned 30 times in the Quran.

The word "land" is mentioned 15 times and the word "sea" is mentioned 32 times in the Quran.
15 + 32 = 45
15/45 = 28.89
32/45 = 71.11
Does that remind you of the land/sea ratio of the earth?

Also, The numerical miracles Of Quran are also countless, but we take just few
as examples :-
1) The mention of ( Hour ) came in Quran just 24 times, and ( Month)
came 12 times, while (day) came in Quran 365 times.
2) The mention of man came in Quran 24 times, exactly as the mention of
woman came in Quran 24 times.
3) The mention of (Aql) which means intellect came in Quran 49 times, as
the mention of (Noor) which means light 49 times.
4) People 368 times, as messengers 368 times. This means that whenever
there were people, there was a messenger and a message from God to guide
5) Tongue is mentioned in Quran 29 times, as talking is also 29 times.
6) Astray goers 17 times, as Dead persons 17 times, because going astray
is the real death.
7) Difficulty 114 times, as Patience 114.
Life 145, as Death 145.
9) Dunia which means this life, came in Quran 115 times, as Aakhirah
which means hereafter which also came 115 times.
10) Sins 180 times, as Good deeds 180 times.
11) Angels 88 times, as the devils 88 times.
12) Imam 12 times, successor 12 times, The Best Chosen by Allah
(Al-Mostafawn) 12 times, Most pious (Al-Abraar) 12 times, and Shia 12
times. You find (Firqa) which means a division came in Quran 72 times
which the number of divisions in Muslim Ummah away from the right path
of Islam as the total sects according to the Hadeeth is 73.
13) Adam 25 times, as Easa (Jesus) 25 times. Quran says that ( The
example of Easa with Allah is like the example of Adam ( 3:59).
14) Land and Sea are mentioned in Quran in 12 times for land and 41
times for sea, which is the exact ratio of land and sea on the globe
which was discovered after advancement of science and
space photography of the globe.
This kind of post directly supports precisely what I mean in my previous post. In all seriousness do you really expect people to bother verifying these claims? Like, seriously. :rolleyes:


Active Member
I told already, its not my responsibility to make ppl accept, my duty is to just deliver the message, coz for illl ppl, its already mentioned, even they see clear proof, their arrogance won't let them accept the truth. Even I give example of Pulsar or watever, ur mind will be in darkness always :)


Just some facts from Quran, for you to analyze. Infact I'am not given responsibility to prove u , but still, if some1 want to analyze, maybe some of u already know this, but for those who dont know.
The word "day" is mentioned 365 times, the word "month" is mentioned 12 times, and the word "days" is mentioned 30 times in the Quran.

The word "land" is mentioned 15 times and the word "sea" is mentioned 32 times in the Quran.
15 + 32 = 45
15/45 = 28.89
32/45 = 71.11
Does that remind you of the land/sea ratio of the earth?

Also, The numerical miracles Of Quran are also countless, but we take just few
as examples :-
1) The mention of ( Hour ) came in Quran just 24 times, and ( Month)
came 12 times, while (day) came in Quran 365 times.
2) The mention of man came in Quran 24 times, exactly as the mention of
woman came in Quran 24 times.
3) The mention of (Aql) which means intellect came in Quran 49 times, as
the mention of (Noor) which means light 49 times.
4) People 368 times, as messengers 368 times. This means that whenever
there were people, there was a messenger and a message from God to guide
5) Tongue is mentioned in Quran 29 times, as talking is also 29 times.
6) Astray goers 17 times, as Dead persons 17 times, because going astray
is the real death.
7) Difficulty 114 times, as Patience 114.
Life 145, as Death 145.
9) Dunia which means this life, came in Quran 115 times, as Aakhirah
which means hereafter which also came 115 times.
10) Sins 180 times, as Good deeds 180 times.
11) Angels 88 times, as the devils 88 times.
12) Imam 12 times, successor 12 times, The Best Chosen by Allah
(Al-Mostafawn) 12 times, Most pious (Al-Abraar) 12 times, and Shia 12
times. You find (Firqa) which means a division came in Quran 72 times
which the number of divisions in Muslim Ummah away from the right path
of Islam as the total sects according to the Hadeeth is 73.
13) Adam 25 times, as Easa (Jesus) 25 times. Quran says that ( The
example of Easa with Allah is like the example of Adam ( 3:59).
14) Land and Sea are mentioned in Quran in 12 times for land and 41
times for sea, which is the exact ratio of land and sea on the globe
which was discovered after advancement of science and
space photography of the globe.

Hi syberpriend

i am curious! did you count all this yourself?


Active Member
Hi syberpriend

i am curious! did you count all this yourself?

Like I said: day. If you knew just the slightest bit of Arabic, you'd know that it is "yawm".
"Ayyam" (plural - 3 or more) occurs 27 times (number of days in a sidereal month), and "yamaywn" (dual - 2) occurs 3 times; add them together and you have 30. The word "month" occurs 12 times.

If you really want to be picky and all, here you go:

Below is the complete list of the frequency of the singular word "DAY" (YaWM) in the Quran:

No -----> Sura:Verse
1 ------> 1 :4
2 ------> 2:8
3 ------> 2:48
4 ------> 2:62
5 ------> 2:85
6 ------> 2:113
7 ------> 2:123
8 ------> 2:126
9 ------> 2:174
10 ------> 2:177
11 ------> 2:212
12 ------> 2:228
13 ------> 2:232
14 ------> 2:249
15 ------> 2:254
16 ------> 2:259
17 ------> 2:259
18 ------> 2:264
19 ------> 2:281
20 ------> 3:9
21 ------> 3:25
22 ------> 3:30
23 ------> 3:55
24 ------> 3:77
25 ------> 3:106
26 ------> 3:114
27 ------> 3:155
28 ------> 3:161
29 ------> 3:166
30 ------> 3:180
31 ------> 3:185
32 ------> 3:194
33 ------> 4:38
34 ------> 4:39
35 ------> 4:59
36 ------> 4:87
37 ------> 4:109
38 ------> 4:136
39 ------> 4:141
40 ------> 4:159
41 ------> 4:162
42 ------> 5:3
43 ------> 5:3
44 ------> 5:5
45 ------> 5:14
46 ------> 5:36
47 ------> 5:64
48 ------> 5:69
49 ------> 5:109
50 ------> 5:119
51 ------> 6:12
52 ------> 6:15
53 ------> 6:22
54 ------> 6:73
55 ------> 6:73
56 ------> 6:93
57 ------> 6:128
58 ------> 6:141
59 ------> 6:158
60 ------> 7:14
61 ------> 7:32
62 ------> 7:51
63 ------> 7:53
64 ------> 7:59
65 ------> 7:163
66 ------> 7:163
67 ------> 7:167
68 ------> 7:172
69 ------> 8:41
70 ------> 8:41
71 ------> 8:48
72 ------> 9:3
73 ------> 9:18
74 ------> 9:19
75 ------> 9:25
76 ------> 9:29
77 ------> 9:35
78 ------> 9:36
79 ------> 9:44
80 ------> 9:45
81 ------> 9:77
82 ------> 9:99
83 ------> 9:108
84 ------> 10:15
85 ------> 10:28
86 ------> 10:45
87 ------> 10:60
88 ------> 10:92
89 ------> 10:93
90 ------> 11:3
91 ------> 11:8
92 ------> 11:26
93 ------> 11:43
94 ------> 11:60
95 ------> 11:77
96 ------> 11:84
97 ------> 11:98
98 ------> 11:99
99 ------> 11:103
100 ------> 11:103
101 ------> 11:105
102 ------> 12:54
103 ------> 12:92
104 ------> 14:18
105 ------> 14:31
106 ------> 14:41
107 ------> 14:42
108 ------> 14:44
109 ------> 14:48
110 ------> 15:35
111 ------> 15:36
112 ------> 15:38
113 ------> 16:25
114 ------> 16:27
115 ------> 16:27
116 ------> 16:63
117 ------> 16:80
118 ------> 16:80
119 ------> 16:84
120 ------> 16:89
121 ------> 16:92
122 ------> 16:111
123 ------> 16:124
124 ------> 17:13
125 ------> 17:14
126 ------> 17:52
127 ------> 17:58
128 ------> 17:62
129 ------> 17:71
130 ------> 17:97
131 ------> 18:19
132 ------> 18:19
133 ------> 18:47
134 ------> 18:52
135 ------> 18:105
136 ------> 19:15
137 ------> 19:15
138 ------> 19:15
139 ------> 19:26
140 ------> 19:33
141 ------> 19:33
142 ------> 19:33
143 ------> 19:37
144 ------> 19:38
145 ------> 19:38
146 ------> 19:39
147 ------> 19:85
148 ------> 19:95
149 ------> 20:59
150 ------> 20:64
151 ------> 20:100
152 ------> 20:101
153 ------> 20:102
154 ------> 20:104
155 ------> 20:124
156 ------> 20:126
157 ------> 21:47
158 ------> 21:104
159 ------> 22:2
160 ------> 22:9
161 ------> 22:17
162 ------> 22:47
163 ------> 22:55
164 ------> 22:69
165 ------> 23:16
166 ------> 23:65
167 ------> 23:100
168 ------> 23:111
169 ------> 23:113
170 ------> 23:113
171 ------> 24:2
172 ------> 24:24
173 ------> 24:37
174 ------> 24:64
175 ------> 25:14
176 ------> 25:17
177 ------> 25:22
178 ------> 25:25
179 ------> 25:26
180 ------> 25:27
181 ------> 25:69
182 ------> 26:38
183 ------> 26:82
184 ------> 26:87
185 ------> 26:88
186 ------> 26:135
187 ------> 26:155
188 ------> 26:156
189 ------> 26:189
190 ------> 26:189
191 ------> 27:83
192 ------> 27:87
193 ------> 28:41
194 ------> 28:42
195 ------> 28:61
196 ------> 28:62
197 ------> 28:65
198 ------> 28:71
199 ------> 28:72
200 ------> 28:74
201 ------> 29:13
202 ------> 29:25
203 ------> 29:36
204 ------> 29:55
205 ------> 30:12
206 ------> 30:14
207 ------> 30:43
208 ------> 30:55
209 ------> 30:56
210 ------> 30:56
211 ------> 31:33
212 ------> 32:5
213 ------> 32:25
214 ------> 32:29
215 ------> 33:21
216 ------> 33:44
217 ------> 33:66
218 ------> 34:30
219 ------> 34:40
220 ------> 34:42
221 ------> 35:14
222 ------> 36:54
223 ------> 36:55
224 ------> 36:59
225 ------> 36:64
226 ------> 36:65
227 ------> 37:20
228 ------> 37:21
229 ------> 37:26
230 ------> 37:144
231 ------> 38:16
232 ------> 38:26
233 ------> 38:53
234 ------> 38:78
235 ------> 38:79
236 ------> 38:81
237 ------> 39:13
238 ------> 39:15
239 ------> 39:24
240 ------> 39:31
241 ------> 39:47
242 ------> 39:60
243 ------> 39:67
244 ------> 40:15
245 ------> 40:16
246 ------> 40:16
247 ------> 40:17
248 ------> 40:17
249 ------> 40:18
250 ------> 40:27
251 ------> 40:29
252 ------> 40:30
253 ------> 40:32
254 ------> 40:33
255 ------> 40:46
256 ------> 40:49
257 ------> 40:51
258 ------> 40:52
259 ------> 41:19
260 ------> 41:40
261 ------> 41:47
262 ------> 42:7
263 ------> 42:45
264 ------> 42:47
265 ------> 43:39
266 ------> 43:65
267 ------> 43:68
268 ------> 44:10
269 ------> 44:16
270 ------> 44:40
271 ------> 44:41
272 ------> 45:17
273 ------> 45:26
274 ------> 45:27
275 ------> 45:28
276 ------> 45:34
277 ------> 45:35
278 ------> 46:5
279 ------> 46:20
280 ------> 46:20
281 ------> 46:21
282 ------> 46:34
283 ------> 46:35
284 ------> 50:20
285 ------> 50:22
286 ------> 50:30
287 ------> 50:34
288 ------> 50:41
289 ------> 50:42
290 ------> 50:42
291 ------> 50:44
292 ------> 51:12
293 ------> 51:13
294 ------> 52:9
295 ------> 52:13
296 ------> 52:46
297 ------> 54:6
298 ------> 54:8
299 ------> 54:19
300 ------> 54:48
301 ------> 55:29
302 ------> 56:50
303 ------> 56:56
304 ------> 57:12
305 ------> 57:12
306 ------> 57:13
307 ------> 57:15
308 ------> 58:6
309 ------> 58:7
310 ------> 58:18
311 ------> 58:22
312 ------> 60:3
313 ------> 60:6
314 ------> 62:9
315 ------> 64:9
316 ------> 64:9
317 ------> 64:9
318 ------> 65:2
319 ------> 66:7
320 ------> 66:8
321 ------> 68:24
322 ------> 68:39
323 ------> 68:42
324 ------> 69:35
325 ------> 70:4
326 ------> 70:8
327 ------> 70:26
328 ------> 70:43
329 ------> 70:44
330 ------> 73:14
331 ------> 73:17
332 ------> 74:9
333 ------> 74:46
334 ------> 75:1
335 ------> 75:6
336 ------> 76:7
337 ------> 76:10
338 ------> 76:11
339 ------> 76:27
340 ------> 77:12
341 ------> 77:13
342 ------> 77:14
343 ------> 77:35
344 ------> 77:38
345 ------> 78:17
346 ------> 78:18
347 ------> 78:38
348 ------> 78:39
349 ------> 78:40
350 ------> 79:6
351 ------> 79:35
352 ------> 79:46
353 ------> 80:34
354 ------> 82:15
355 ------> 82:17
356 ------> 82:18
357 ------> 82:19
358 ------> 83:5
359 ------> 83:6
360 ------> 83:11
361 ------> 83:34
362 ------> 85:2
363 ------> 86:9
364 ------> 90:14
365 ------> 101:4

Below is the complete list of the frequency of the plural forms of the word "DAY" (AYyAM, YaWMaYN):

No -----> Sura:Verse
1 ------> 2:80
2 ------> 2:184
3 ------> 2:184
4 ------> 2:185
5 ------> 2:196
6 ------> 2:203
7 ------> 2:203
8 ------> 3:24
9 ------> 3:41
10 ------> 3:140
11 ------> 5:89
12 ------> 7:54
13 ------> 10:3
14 ------> 10:102
15 ------> 11:7
16 ------> 11:65
17 ------> 14:5
18 ------> 22:28
19 ------> 25:59
20 ------> 32:4
21 ------> 34:18
22 ------> 41:9
23 ------> 41:10
24 ------> 41:12
25 ------> 41:16
26 ------> 45:14
27 ------> 50:38
28 ------> 57:4
29 ------> 69:7
30 ------> 69:24

Below is the complete list of the frequency of the word "SHaHR" (Month):

No -----> Sura:Verse
1 ------> 2:185
2 ------> 2:185
3 ------> 2:194
4 ------> 2:194
5 ------> 2:217
6 ------> 5:2
7 ------> 5:97
8 ------> 9:36
9 ------> 34:12
10 ------> 34:12
11 ------> 46:15
12 ------> 97:3

(List of chapter/verse numbers of the occurences of the words are from http://www.yuksel.org/e/religion/365days.htm)


Its amazing what you can do with these kind of things isnt it tell me don't you think you should check all this counting yourself? or are you just taking it as a matter of faith.

i found some which i think are rather insulting so i wont post them, because unless i could count them myself ( and i cant) i could never take anyone's word for it.


Active Member
Its amazing what you can do with these kind of things isnt it tell me don't you think you should check all this counting yourself? or are you just taking it as a matter of faith.

i found some which i think are rather insulting so i wont post them, because unless i could count them myself ( and i cant) i could never take anyone's word for it.

Thats y the reference is given, so ppl can check by themselves. Dont take my words, do check it by urself.


Active Member
thn uve to enrol in school again and learn maths:) take some Adol for ur dizzines dear.
One more thing friends, some predictions are also mentioned, like after the downfalll of Rome by Persians, it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that Romans will rise again, and coz of this revelation, a bet was place between Abu-Bakr (Companion of Prophet), and one non-muslim, and the time was given as 10 yrs, coz no sign was there of romans to rise again, but within 10yrs, Romans came bak strongly, and were powerful again.
Romans were not friends of muslims, neither they were muslims, but stilll the predictio and sympathy was shown to them.