Yeah, I normally do that. But I don't always.
For the most part, I have.
For the most part, I have.
For the most part, I have.
Bread doesn't bother me. But once I developed IBS I couldn't drink milk anymore, and I can only eat small amounts of dairy.
And with IBS there is no catch all "do this and it will get better." Some have to go on more restrictive and specialized diets, some don't. Some get heartburn, some don't. Different things can trigger different people in different ways, if at all. About the only trends among different people afflicted with it is our bowels are easily irritated, there's a spectrum of irritants that some people will have to avoid while others won't, and there is a spectrum of symptoms that some will have that others won't. Carbonated beverages are another one that some people will have to avoid them, while others will have no problems with them. With IBS, a food journal is your best friend to avoid triggers, because not even your doctor will be able to tell you what to avoid.