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The last post is the WINNER!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I've decided to not post any pictures at all


Or possibly it is a picture of Polar Bears in a blizzard... you decide


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I miss a good thunder storm. Where I grew up we had some great ones. Once we had a bolt of lighting strike so close to the house that there did not seem to be any gap between flash and BOOM!! At the time. It was within a hundred meters of the house. We were able to easily find the tree it hit the next day. That was a bit closer than we liked the lighting to be.

We had a beaut by the studio. Lighting hit a lamp post outside the building. The result took out our fire and burglar alarm systems, the cctv system and 7 computers that were left on overnight.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I miss a good thunder storm. Where I grew up we had some great ones. Once we had a bolt of lighting strike so close to the house that there did not seem to be any gap between flash and BOOM!! At the time. It was within a hundred meters of the house. We were able to easily find the tree it hit the next day. That was a bit closer than we liked the lighting to be.

I don't have feelings one way or the other for them except I'm not a fan of dry ones like last night. They start bush fires.


Staff member
Premium Member
That is sad. And you live in the tropics of Iowa. It is probably not all that different up north in Minnesota.
We're hotter in the summer than Northern Minnesota, and while we endure the nasty winters, I think ours stay nasty for a shorter period of time. We (I think) got more tornados, though that's winding down.

When I've vacationed to Minnesota in the warm months, I still find I have to bring a jacket along, in case it gets cool at night. You won't need a jacket at any time in July/August in Iowa.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
We're hotter in the summer than Northern Minnesota, and while we endure the nasty winters, I think ours stay nasty for a shorter period of time. We (I think) got more tornados, though that's winding down.

When I've vacationed to Minnesota in the warm months, I still find I have to bring a jacket along, in case it gets cool at night. You won't need a jacket at any time in July/August in Iowa.
Maybe my blood was different. Or it was because I lived about 30 miles south of Minneapolis, not northern Minnesota. It used to get down to -20 every winter. Lately that has been national news when it does that. My brother who moved out here too did not believe me when I said that about the old stomping ground so I said "You have a computer, don't trust me, look it up". He did. The coldest I ever saw without windchill was -29 F. That is cold enough to freeze your eyelashes together for a fraction of a second when you blink. That was in Minneapolis. Take another ten degrees off that temperature for northern Minnesota.

It is amazing how warm 0 F feels after a week of -20 and -50 windchill temperatures. And the short midwinter thaw where it hit 40 would have people wearing short sleeved shirts.


Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe my blood was different. Or it was because I lived about 30 miles south of Minneapolis, not northern Minnesota. It used to get down to -20 every winter. Lately that has been national news when it does that. My brother who moved out here too did not believe me when I said that about the old stomping ground so I said "You have a computer, don't trust me, look it up". He did. The coldest I ever saw without windchill was -29 F. That is cold enough to freeze your eyelashes together for a fraction of a second when you blink. That was in Minneapolis. Take another ten degrees off that temperature for northern Minnesota.

It is amazing how warm 0 F feels after a week of -20 and -50 windchill temperatures. And the short midwinter thaw where it hit 40 would have people wearing short sleeved shirts.
Yours does sound similar to ours; I think our climates are about the same given that information, but your winter ends later.

That being said, I get cold easily. I'm sitting bundled in my living room complete with hood on.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yours does sound similar to ours; I think our climates are about the same given that information, but your winter ends later.

That being said, I get cold easily. I'm sitting bundled in my living room complete with hood on.
When I was growing up there would be snow on the ground until mid April. I have heard that it mellowed since I moved out. Maybe it was my fault:oops::oops::eek:

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I've got a few years for that yet.
Guys or at least me, are not totally immune from hot flashes. I've had a few and my wife, bless her, said "NOW you know what I went through". My intellectual understanding had become experiential.

Addition: She had it a *LOT* worse.