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The last post is the WINNER!


Staff member
Premium Member
You snooze you lose.
I slept a vvhole night. I bet I missed a lot...
Should i be concerned or is this a real winner?
Everyone has but me has a bad cold. Of course Paul's and Adi's are the worst with full on man flu. Even Sam and Beth are suffering. With me rushed off my feet looking after everyone with drinks and medications. Still I don't have a cold (yet)
Keep vvell!


Staff member
Premium Member
Trust me, I'll try. Handing drinks etc out at arms reach.
I'm still hovering betvveen sick/not sick.

VVe're vvondering if Ares might have this slightly, based off of his performance yesterday... he can be a real *** if he's sick or tired, and yesterday it seemed both vvere possible.

He vvon't generally say if he's sick... too proud. Unless he's vomited. I guess at that point, he figures the cat is out of the bag.

Yudhi certainly isn't... he ate tvvo sandvviches for supper. Normally you have to keep on him just to eat one!


Staff member
Premium Member
Keep not sick. Best all around

Yes, giveaway.

Watch him, when they start that they'll empty the pantry.
I vvould love for Yudhi to empty the pantry... he's been so picky and dainty for so long, I'd give him a shovel to use for a spoon if he vvould. He's absolutely itsy bitsy, so it vvouldn't hurt him any.

LeeAnder never did the 'empty the pantry' phase... his OCD affects hovv he eats. He 'sneaks' food, vvhich I find strange, because he's allovved to eat anything he vvants unless its in one of the fridge dravvers(that means I have it set aside for something). But, he'll grab something and hide on the stairvvell and eat it...


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I vvould love for Yudhi to empty the pantry... he's been so picky and dainty for so long, I'd give him a shovel to use for a spoon if he vvould. He's absolutely itsy bitsy, so it vvouldn't hurt him any.

LeeAnder never did the 'empty the pantry' phase... his OCD affects hovv he eats. He 'sneaks' food, vvhich I find strange, because he's allovved to eat anything he vvants unless its in one of the fridge dravvers(that means I have it set aside for something). But, he'll grab something and hide on the stairvvell and eat it...

You have weird children.

With mine, if i haven't put a post-it claiming whatever then food is fair game.

Or maybe i have the weird ones ;-)



Staff member
Premium Member
You have weird children.

With mine, if i haven't put a post-it claiming whatever then food is fair game.

Or maybe i have the weird ones ;-)

View attachment 87756
I think yours are fairly typical.

Ares vvas problematically picky as a toddler, and novv eats the vvay you'd expect most teens to.

My husband vvill only eat at about 10pm, and vvill buy things and expect it to be there days later. And continues to be shocked each time he finds that its vanished...


Staff member
Premium Member
It's too bad my parents never knew you and your families. They might have not taken me to a child psychologist if they had.
Out in the 'real vvorld', I tend to make other parents uncomfortable.

I'm not sure if that's because of me, or because of the kids. I assume both.


Staff member
Premium Member
Not good, food needs to digest before bed so it doesn't turn to fat, cause indigestion or heartburn.

Unless he doesn't hit the sack for a few hours after eating.
Fat... ha!

I can't convince him to do othervvise, and I have other battles to fight. He's 36 years old. If he vvants to deal vvith his indigestion, that's his problem.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
The psychologist told my parents I was a typical adolescent. And looking back, maybe more than that because among other things I told my parents that they were not my REAL parents, insisted on taking a typewriter on the boat for lake fishing and other stunts.

Sounds typical