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The last post is the WINNER!


Happy Canada Day!


Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I have no idea what to do...... I have a user that I gave written instructions to as to how to access a system they need to do their job..... apparently they found some other way (or I suspect were told by corporate) to access it, that worked...briefly, but no longer works..... and now they want me to fix the way they were using.... that will no longer work, because they never followed my original instructions and are not comfortable with that way of doing things.......... I have explained why they need to do it the way I told them.... I have explained why they way they found is not working..... and they still want me to fix it....... I can send and respond to only so many emails that are the same exact question and answer..... I know what I will do..... I think I will just filter all emails from them, with the subject line of that email, to go directly to SPAM.......


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I have no idea what to do...... I have a user that I gave written instructions to as to how to access a system they need to do their job..... apparently they found some other way (or I suspect were told by corporate) to access it, that worked...briefly, but no longer works..... and now they want me to fix the way they were using.... that will no longer work, because they never followed my original instructions and are not comfortable with that way of doing things.......... I have explained why they need to do it the way I told them.... I have explained why they way they found is not working..... and they still want me to fix it....... I can send and respond to only so many emails that are the same exact question and answer..... I know what I will do..... I think I will just filter all emails from them, with the subject line of that email, to go directly to SPAM.......
You want me to hunt them down and poop on their doorstep?

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Well this is a win...Mrs Wu was in Chinatown yesterday and brought home a lot of food...... and lunch today is simply manna from heaven....Jianbing.... that's lunch today...and I am not grumpy for the moment because of that...... but don't get to comfortable with my lack of grumpiness... grumpiness will return as soon as the jianbing is gone