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The last post is the WINNER!

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Wow! Every time I log in, you guys have posted pages that I want to read, but I'm too tired to even browse. I feel like I'm missing out. I hate sleep issues.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
It couldn't hurt. Might be useful some day.

If you ever come down under for a visit I'll take you to the local fish and chip / Thai takeaway shop. They have Bao Friday.


Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Money isn't everything. Of course, you know that, but a child probably doesn't get it.

I wish I was rich. Could've been, but divorce fixed that for me. I didn't know it needed fixed.
My first wife stole our entire bank account and maxed out my credit card on the way out.... also troed to saddle me with her debt of 6 credit cards that I did not even know she had (my lawyer stopped that). And at that timeI was not working because we had an agreement. I worked and she finished college. Then it was my turn...... well.... after one semester going onto the second, she took it all and left..... I had no job at that time, and no money.... then discovered she wrote all of our friends and told them I was a deadbeat who wouldn't work.... learned who my real friends were at that tine too.......ended up back at my parents house, had drop out of my second semester, and got 3 part time jobs.....

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
My first wife stole our entire bank account and maxed out my credit card on the way out.... also troed to saddle me with her debt of 6 credit cards that I did not even know she had (my lawyer stopped that). And at that timeI was not working because we had an agreement. I worked and she finished college. Then it was my turn...... well.... after one semester going onto the second, she took it all and left..... I had no job at that time, and no money.... then discovered she wrote all of our friends and told them I was a deadbeat who wouldn't work.... learned who my real friends were at that tine too.......ended up back at my parents house, had drop out of my second semester, and got 3 part time jobs.....
Very extremely sucky


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Until about 17 years ago the main highway between Sydney and Brisbane used to run though my little town then we got bypassed. Today this happened on the highway and they've diverted traffic via us. I tried to go to the shop but a cop stopped me and said don't bother trying, it's a parking lot for about 20klm.
