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The last post is the WINNER!

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Hey guys, what do you call this in America?
we call it beauty-case.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
My cousin last year wanted to commit suicide because her fiancé dumped her.

I told her: honey, if I ever decided to commit suicide, I would do it for serious and devastating things.
Like losing the beauty-case at the airport...
I mean...I would immediately drown myself.


My cousin last year wanted to commit suicide because her fiancé dumped her.

I told her: honey, if I ever decided to commit suicide, I would do it for serious and devastating things.
Like losing the beauty-case at the airport...
I mean...I would immediately drown myself.
I have an aunt like that who is in her 70s now. It's pathetic to watch her try to put rouge on beef jerky.... I mean, her face.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Hey, so far at 62 I manage to look decent AND be all I can be, which is frankly a lot - LOL. I'm sort of in a weird place right now though, because I am sort of a "professional volunteer" being retired but since I hurt my knee I've been having to keep it elevated plus I am living in a new state and new city and I am doing about zero volunteer work, which is a big change for me. I haven't even finished moving in, which is how I hurt my knee by the way. Anyway, I am nearly fully recovered now so time to get out there and get busy. I started by going to the gym but that's about all I have been doing - that and finishing my unpacking finally, like today. I am going to a July 4th thing and that's really it this week, other than going to the gym. Times are strange right now.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I'm old, ornery, nasty, grumpy and proud of it.....but sadly....technically not yet retired

I have things I want to do, that I am trying to get back into more seriously... but this work thing keeps getting in the way.... but if I get back to those things..... I must warn you all.... I might....MIGHT....just end up a kinder gentler me....and may even be slightly..SLIGHTYL mind you...less grumpy


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm old, ornery, nasty, grumpy and proud of it.....but sadly....technically not yet retired

I have things I want to do, that I am trying to get back into more seriously... but this work thing keeps getting in the way.... but if I get back to those things..... I must warn you all.... I might....MIGHT....just end up a kinder gentler me....and may even be slightly..SLIGHTYL mind you...less grumpy
Less grumpy?

What would we do with you then?


Hey, so far at 62 I manage to look decent AND be all I can be, which is frankly a lot - LOL. I'm sort of in a weird place right now though, because I am sort of a "professional volunteer" being retired but since I hurt my knee I've been having to keep it elevated plus I am living in a new state and new city and I am doing about zero volunteer work, which is a big change for me. I haven't even finished moving in, which is how I hurt my knee by the way. Anyway, I am nearly fully recovered now so time to get out there and get busy. I started by going to the gym but that's about all I have been doing - that and finishing my unpacking finally, like today. I am going to a July 4th thing and that's really it this week, other than going to the gym. Times are strange right now.
What does volunteering pay?

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Just had a century egg that was roasted in Chicken...... yummy

I have discovered that I although I am an American... I have a Chinese stomach.....
