I believe in American English, it's spelled PEROGATIVE.
prerogative - US English
prérogative - French
Pronunciation is a bit different though the french is closer to Prerog-a-teev
I should probably say this in order to not offend...on a serious note
There are some different spellings between British English and American English that may be causing some confusion when discussing language with someone not familiar with USA English spelling.... but I will not get into that... to allow cooler heads to prevail
But pronunciations are very different..... it is the French word with WAY to many consonants and vowels in the wrong places, from an American english speakers perspective, that make pronunciation hard. And fpr the record, I have no trouble with Chinese pinyin pronunciations
English - West
French - Ouest
Pronounced pretty much the same, but I would never figure that out by the spelling. That is my biggest issue with French
déjeuner (lunch) is roughly pronounced Day-je-nee
océan = Ocean, but is pronounced Oh-See-On
chaude, from an American english perspective is not easy to pronounce correctly due to spelling...it is pronounced 'should' and it means 'warm'
And there are many more I can't think of at the moment..... and Mrs Wu, trying to pronounce French anywhere near correctly is darn near impossible