Ken Brown
Well-Known Member
Shalom Mountain Climber, I'm not certain you really understood what I was trying to say to JB. Adam and Eve were NAKED, and they were not ashamed, yet almost all of the Scriptures in describing nakedness renders it as something that is "shameful," and it needs to be covered. Nakedness or being naked is symbolic of being sinful. Adam and Eve were created "sinful" and they didn't realize it. They were just like two little babies with no knowledge of nakedness/sinfulness, therefore they felt no shame, but just as soon as they committed sin, their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked or sinful. They didn't BECOME naked when they sinned, rather it was by sinning they came to a KNOWLEDGE of good and evil, and realized their condition...naked, sinful, flesh. So being "naked" is a sure sign of sinfulness, and one should cover their nakedness with fine white linen (the righteousness of the Saints).I am glad I caught this post 349 of yours as it answers much for me.
You haven't gotten it that "naked flesh" as you called it, cannot be anything but a follower. Naked flesh has no intelligence factor with which to make decisions. All decisions are made for it by the state of a man's spirit, be that state of the man's spirit be godly by it's allegiance to God's spirit, or be that state of the spirit ungodly by it's having defected away from loyalty to God's spirit in favor of pursuing self gratification falsely thinking it can make one happier.
Your body develops habits which show forth as cravings. We call these cravings lust when they are inordinate cravings which violate the natural law God has established for his creatures. But it begins by the defection of a man's spirit away from the supreme governing of God's spirit.
One poster here alludes to Paul's words at Romans 7:18 as his or her proof that our physical bodies are unable to keep from sin. But that poster has half heard Paul and has rushed forward presumptuously to twist what Paul said to mean what he or she really only mistakenly thinks he meant.
The spirit I talked about above which must lead the body, whether a bad spirit leading the body to bad or a good spirit leading the body to do good, Paul, in Romans 7:23, also mentions that spirit as it is what operates in the mind of men. This is what Paul describes for us at Ephesians 4:21-24. But according to that poster we are unable to do what Paul said and, "put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts", which in believing will hold that poster captive to sin.
You people, yes almost all I see posting to this thread, are only hearing what you want from Paul but you are not really hearing him through. You are those Peter spoke of at 2 Peter 3:16. I tell you that for your own good that you might come down from off of this high you are on in thinking you know so much more than you do.
I am one of few who can teach you Paul's words correctly though I like you had to first go through a time of wresting his words. But God used that wresting I was doing when I believed and taught the very things you are saying, to cause a great crash in my life. And being brought low to the ground I finally became humble enough that I could be taught. And teach me God did.
I am not speaking guesswork about the things I see you saying. I am speaking as one who was as you and had to learn the hard way what the truth really is.
It is very predictable that someone will object by way of another half thought out idea, claiming that Paul is saying in Romans 7:23 that we can be true to the law in our mind but not in our body. But Paul is merely telling us that it took time for bad habits to be formed in our bodies during the time the spirit of our minds were disconnected from God, and it takes time to undo those bad habits once we finally get the spirit of our minds reconnected to God's spirit. Our naked flesh body, according to Paul and the rest of the entirety of scripture, is but a follower; a victim of the choice of the spirit which regulates our minds. So of course nothing good dwells in the body. Anything good must come by having our spirits connected to God's spirit so that he can impart good to our minds and our minds be strong enough to lead the body as it was meant to be led.
Mountain Climber, I have a question. If Hashem did not plan for Adam and Eve to sin (by being created naked FLESH), why didn't He create them LIKE the Second Adam (glorious, powerful, incorruptible, and a Spiritual Body with immortality)? Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.