Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Oh yea @Soapy. I did not forget you dear friend lets have a discussion. I will need to spread my response to your last post to me over a few posts. I hope you are able to have a discussion with me to see if your claims in your post are true or not true. I will address all your post section by section and scripture by scripture to see if what you are saying is true or not true. I hope you can extend me the same courtesy. If I am wrong in what I am sharing with you than I certainly want to know it. I hope if you are wrong you feel the same way. So lets start....
Your response here...
Lets talk detail and bring everything to the light of Gods Word. We should not be afraid to test what we believe to be true because if what we believe the scriptures teach should not be in contradiction to the scriptures because the bible does not contradict itself so if we are holding on to a belief that is in contradiction to other scriptures on subject matter we can know that perhaps this might be a red flag that perhaps what we believe in regards to scripture might be in error. I will address your post here with a detailed scripture response. I hope in good faith if you disagree with anything that I have posted you might address my post content, nor providing false claims and accusations you are not able to prove but do what I do with you, providing evidence to show why I am in disagreement with you. Our mindset therefore should be to believe and follow what Gods Word says because our word unsupported by the scriptures is only our words in disagreement with Gods' when only God's Words are true (Romans 3:4) and we should believe and follow them (Acts 5:29).
Your response here...
For context you are responding to my post # 1081 linked that provided a lot of scripture that is in contradiction to your view that the Sabbath is any day of the week for which you never provided any scripture support for your view. In this section of your post instead of addressing any of the scriptures which are not my words but Gods' Word that is in disagreement with you all you do is deflect the scriptures with claims of false accusations you are unable to prove. You were provided scripture in the linked post proving you were in error. You also admitted that there was no scripture in the bible that says Gods' 4th commandment of the 10 commandments that says Gods' 4th commandment "seventh day" Sabbath has now been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a holy day of rest. Then your response is "I cam deceitful for asking you to prove your claims with scripture when you did not provide any? The evidence to our discussion here is scripture and you have not provided any accept your words in disagreement with Gods' Word which are the scriptures that are in disagreement with you. - So your argument here dear friend is with God not me because you are unable to prove your claims with the scriptures.
more to come...
- I wrote to you saying that Jesus says that in time to come worship would no longer be on the mountain nor in Jerusalem.
- I wrote to you asking you what a person who has to work on a Friday evening - Saturday evening should do as regards observing the Sabbath day
- I wrote to you saying that the Jews strangulated themselves with the law by too great an adherence to the exactness - Jesus told them that they should not do that since the law was made for their benefit … You say the equivalent of: EVERYONE MUST REST FROM BEING A FIREFIGHTER ON THE JEWISH SABBATH even if it means a house burning down or someone dying in a car crash!
So far you have not responded to that but rather, you just keep saying that I haven’t shown you anything.
So who, between you and I, is the deceiver?