Oh c'mon, InChrist! The whole point of forgiveness is that it is supposed to TRUMP sin! Grace, I've been told my whole life, means getting something you don't deserve. In the famous passage from 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says love keeps no record of wrongs. So if we're talking about a God who is INFINITELY loving, INFINITELY gracious, surely you must see that such a great God must be able to handle our measly little sins here in this life without damning us to eternal torment forever. Even when we don't ask for it (don't you forgive that way? Have you only ever forgiven people in your life who asked for it or who "deserved" it? If we are capable of such selflessness, surely an infinitely loving God is, too).
Yes, the point of biblical forgiveness is grace. I’m not saying otherwise or that God keeps a record of wrongs...
after a person is honest, confesses and repents. But the grace of God cannot be applied to someone who is
determined to continue on in their sin.
I don't think I said that. I said that if God is really all that Christians say he is - all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving - then surely he should be able to arrange the situation so that evil is eliminated from the world without sending people to everlasting torment simply because they did not "get the message" in this life.
Our perspectives are different,. I don’t look at it as God sending people to everlasting torment because they did not “get the message”. First, I don’t believe God’s plan is to arrange the situation and force people to repent and stop sinning, as it must be a freewill choice. So if there are those who desire to continue with their sin or evil then it cannot be eliminated, but must be separated. The torment results from one's realization of being separated from all that is good in God and completely separated from His light. Secondly, I believe God makes sure everyone has the opportunity to receive the needed message.
I don't follow your analogy. Are you comparing sinners being kept out of heaven to child molesters being kept away from children? Yikes. You must see how terrible that analogy is.
We aren't in "the eternal realm." We're right here on this rock hurtling through space. We have tiny finite brains that make imperfect decisions based on imperfect information. What you are saying is something like telling a 5 year old that because she didn't eat her peas tonight, her punishment is life in prison. And actually what you're suggesting is much, much more terrible than even that.
I don’t think we are lacking the needed information or that it is at all the same as punishing a 5 year old with life imprisonment for not eating her peas. I do think that you, as most people, including me, really have no true concept of how terrible sin is and how it has marred God’s creation, is an affront to His holiness, and harms others. It appears you expect God abandon justice and simply to treat sin as trivial (measly little sins) and sweep it all under the rug.
I realize you are saying that because that's what you've been taught to say, but I hope you can at least see why I don't find that explanation very convincing.
I’m saying it because it makes sense as I’ve prayed and searched the subject out myself. I certainly don’t expect to convince you and hope that I wouldn’t since being convincing concerning important spiritual matters is between you and God alone.
Nice having conversation with you, but don't feel the necessity to respond quickly as I probably will be offline for the remainder of the evening. Have a good night, Nick.