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The most ANNOYING misconception about YOUR faith?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Because God wants us to fight over money, so the atheists decided to spread it? :D

I do not get it either :shrug:



many communist regimes have flat out rejected religion...
Thus essentially making atheims the state religion.


Communism - Atheism and Amorality
Communism doesn't end with economic and political reform. By definition, it further demands the abolition of both Religion and the Absolute Morality founded upon Religion. The irony is that Communism supposedly attempts to enhance civility within society, but removes all notions of Absolute Morality, the very cornerstone of civility. Furthermore, after Communism is instituted by the people, the system becomes Totalitarian, resulting in greater oppression of the people it was designed to "serve." This fact is well documented throughout the history of Communist nations.


if you dont believe me...do your own research


if you dont believe me...do your own research

After hearing it for the first time I did my research. It could possibly go one way, in one view, but definatelly not in all ways. It's as useless as the debate if Einstein was an atheist or deist or whatever..

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
After hearing it for the first time I did my research. It could possibly go one way, in one view, but definatelly not in all ways. It's as useless as the debate if Einstein was an atheist or deist or whatever..

nto really as atheism is a part of the core of communism...a part of the communist manifestos....

While I agree it is not clear cut, at its heart communism promoted atheism

Which frankly is why I assume you have been labelled as such ,....

maybe I'm wrong...hmmmm

but anyway...the two have a long association.
My family are mostly athiests....
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Self-appointed Lunatic
What, for you, is the most annoying misconception about your faith?

I'm not sure about the MOST annoying thing, but today, an atheist guy online went rambling about how stupid and ignorant Christians were. I didn't read his entire rant (to be honest, it looked like something he had preprepared for any discussion on Christianity, he spouted it off much faster than anyone could ever type...), but the jist of it was that Christians believed that there's 10 things a "perfect invisible man" said and if you do them, you get to suffer in a firey pit of torture for all eternity. (The conversation started when I asked him if he was a member of religiousforums.com. He had the same name as one of our members)
Non-Christians (and oftentimes Christians too) will completely "forget" the whole "forgiveness" and "grace" and "love your neighbor" thing and treat Christianity as if it's all about judging people according to "outdated morals" and punishing people for not believing in a "perfect invisible man."

Um communism has everything to do with atheism....
Untrue. Karl Marx might have insulted his religion in his description of communism, but communism in and of itself can coexist perfectly with religion - in fact, I think the lack of religion in our historical examples of communism may be why they failed. Just a theory I made without any research, but maybe the communist governments would have done better if they didn't spend so much resources trying to kill off religion, and maybe the populace would be better motivated with religion too (with capitalism gone, material goods as a motivation kind of dwindles).
All communism is is the forced redistribution of wealth by the government for the people. Usually the word "communism" implies a totaltarian government ("socialism" is used to describe a communist democracy).


nto really as atheism is a part of the core of communism...a part of the communist manifestos....

While I agree it is not clear cut, at its heart communism promoted atheism

Which frankly is why I assume you have been labelled as such ,....

maybe I'm wrong...hmmmm

but anyway...the two have a long association.
My family are mostly athiests....
Like I said before, one way direction.
Maybe most communists are atheists, don't know, don't care..
But I'll bet you that nowadays most atheists are NOT communists.. And even if so, it definatelly does not mean that all atheists are communist.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
And even if so, it definatelly does not mean that all atheists are communist.

no, I agree

but I think it stems from a social stigma, from the likes of rev rick...

people like him that would practically spit on the ground at the mention of commies, athiests and anarchists.

Remmeber george Bush senior is on record as commenting that atheists are not really american citizens...

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Ayn Rand, heroine of many hardcore free-market types, was a strong atheist and was disdainful of those who held any sort of theistic beliefs. Many right-anarchists are the same. On the other hand, those who follow Liberation Theology are often sympathetic to socialist and communist economic theories, and many have pointed out that early Christian communities seemed to follow a primitive communistic socioeconomic system.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Ayn Rand, heroine of many hardcore free-market types, was a strong atheist and was disdainful of those who held any sort of theistic beliefs. Many right-anarchists are the same. On the other hand, those who follow Liberation Theology are often sympathetic to socialist and communist economic theories, and many have pointed out that early Christian communities seemed to follow a primitive communistic socioeconomic system.

Christian Terrorist groups in India have close ties with the communists. Much of the riots of late in Orissa are due to christians who are communists fighting with Fundamentalist Hindu nationalist groups like the VHP.
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Undercover Nudist
I get really mad at people who think that agnostics, atheists and other non-believers whose belief system is determined by logic has no system of morality, whereas they get theirs from their holy scriptures. We actually have intricate morals, and even a Christian would say that slaughtering innocent women and children in the name of God is immoral, even though that's what the Israelites did in Jericho. In a way, isn't that putting your logical reasoning ahead of your faith? We non-believers just went a step further and made an end to our faiths once and for all.

Peggy Anne

Deist Aries
That God created everything, and then skipped away and "isn't actively" involved with us. Some Deists believe this, some do not.


I'm so sick of hearing "but if you're an atheist, how can you have any morals". The fact that someone would ask me that question is an embarassing exposure of that person's juvenile knowledge about morality, and it's usually a waste of time to even bother trying to explain. As soon as I start talking about social psychology and the emperical testing done by Howser and Singer on morality, they get completely lost and just say something like "uh, I just devote my life to jesus (or Allah...)" which is like saying "i'm not intelligent enough to even know that there can be empirical studies going on about human nature and the source for our moral convictions and since I don't understand you, it must be nonsense."
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