you also said>> So you must suspend reason and call it 'faith', because as mentioned earlier you can't believe what you can't believe.
True. And also the reciprocal is true. You can't disbelieve what you believe.
Not quite. You can't believe and disbelieve at the same time, but you can disbelieve what you formerly believed. But if a thing is literally unbelievable, because of a contradiction for example, then it cannot be believed.
Premise>>>God really does exist and the bible was "authored" by Him. If so, then in the bible you will find the verses I've included in these posts. And, according to the premise....Faith is given and is immutable. It can't be nullified or ignored. It is a spiritual "proof" of God etc. And, no doubt those who have this faith and communicate with God believe in God. Irrevocably.
if the premise is true....Faith is the Only proof. And those who "suffer" from it (bit of a joke there...) actually have the undubitable proof you are asking for. And it can't be given, but it is the proof.
Reason is not forsaken here...if God does indeed exist and faith is the proof. Just the opposite. In either's impossible to unbelieve what you believe. It would be irrational to deny what you believe as true. Don't you think?
No, I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. As mentioned previously, belief and unbelief cannot occur at the same time, but belief that something is true does not amount to a true belief.
It seems irrational to you because once you remove yourself from the premise, you believe that the premise is not true because of what you won't believe anything (within reason) unless it is proven. You are the Thomas of the bible. Notice that Christ commanded Thomas to stop doubting and believe. Thomas didn't just decide to obey Christ all of a sudden and start believing. As you have said and I have agreed....not possible. God made him believe. He gave Him faith. Which is again....the evidence of things unseen. Then Thomas, once He had the evidence (the proof you also require) ...he believed.
Ok...drop the premise and you have your rationality that is opposed to a faulty God, therefore you actually that believe the God of the Bible (and in fact just any such real creator) couldn't exist. Or at least you hope He doesn't, given your opinion of Him as witnessed by your cognitive senses, historical accounts and biblical accounts. Very rational. You would be a nutbar if you believed in God without the requisite faith (evidence) to compell you to. And I am unable to reject the proof of faith. If I attempted it, I would consider myself a nutbar as well.
A man says God told me to go out and kill. Another says God exists and the Bible is true. The first example, a madman, we describe politely as psychotic. The second example simply describes a person of faith. This certainly isnt to imply that believers suffer from psychosis, but there is a common identifier: in both cases it is a reflection of brain states. Neither the madman, nor the person in the street who has religious faith, is giving us any true information. All they are revealing to us is the content of their minds. So faith is nothing on its own. There has to be a corresponding truth, and faith isn't evidence of truth. If I, as Doubting Cottage, am exhorted to have faith, is it not reasonable for me to ask: 'faith in what?' I very strongly suspect that believers have an inclination or a disposition to believe, which is prior to the object of belief.
A frubal? Er, Im not entirely sure myself what these are or what they represent. I think theyre supposed to be some kind of award or merit. Ill let the other contributors explain.