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the name of G-d


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Then why do you keep bringing up that you are a Jew, as if it matters to the conversation? Come on. You are now a Christian. That is your community of choice. Stop the pretense.

And THAT is a difference that puts an uncrossable chasm between us.
I am both a Jew and a Christian. I was born a Jew and born again as a Christian. The first is a natural birth; the second is a spiritual birth.

The chasm can be crossed. Join me!


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I am both a Jew and a Christian. I was born a Jew and born again as a Christian. The first is a natural birth; the second is a spiritual birth.

The chasm can be crossed. Join me!
You are TECHNICALLY still a Jew, but you have left the community by converting to a foreign religion. Furthermore, of all the religions you might have chosen, you've gone with a religion that persecuted your people for 2000 years. Sadly, you have lost all your rights as a Jew. The odds are sky high that your grandchildren will not even identify as Jews, and your line is lost to Israel. That breaks my heart, but there is nothing I can do about it. I think of you as simply a Christian, since that is where you have thrown your hat.

I will not be discussing this further, as I have no wish to simply be mean. If you want to have the last word, that's fine.

And please find someone else to proselytize.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Wrong. Gods name is, "I Am".
While it is true that God said to Moses, "Tell them that I am has sent you," that is not actually the same thing as saying I am is his name.

Exodus 6:3
And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El Shaddai, but I did not make myself known to them by my name : [here in the Hebrew text is the four consonants, yad hey vav hey, which no one knows how to pronounce, but they certainly don't mean I am.]


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The bible teaches that God has no name. At one time Moses asked God about his name and God replied that he will be whatever he will be. Basicly, its kind of a dumb question considering God is a god.
Exodus 6:3
And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El Shaddai, but I did not make myself known to them by my name : [here in the Hebrew text are the four consonants, yad hey vav hey, which no one knows how to pronounce.]


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You are TECHNICALLY still a Jew, but you have left the community by converting to a foreign religion. Furthermore, of all the religions you might have chosen, you've gone with a religion that PET your people for 2000 years. Sadly, you have lost all your rights as a Jew. The odds are sky high that your grandchildren will not even identify as Jews, and your line is lost to Israel. That breaks my heart, but there is nothing I can do about it. I think of you as simply a Christian, since that is where you have thrown your hat.

I will not be discussing this further, as I have no wish to simply be mean. If you want to have the last word, that's fine.

And please find someone else to proselytize.
Foreign religion? Yeshua, all the disciples, almost all the members of the early churches, all the apostles, and the authors of 65 of the 66 "books" of the Bible were ALL JEWS!

I have lost all my rights as a Jew? But, unlike yourself, I have gained eternal life.

If you don't want to discuss matters of religion, belief, and faith, WHY ARE YOU HERE?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Foreign religion? Yeshua, all the disciples, almost all the members of the early churches, all the apostles, and the authors of 65 of the 66 "books" of the Bible were ALL JEWS!
And by the end of the first century, that was far from the case.

Are you actually going to deny that for 2000 years, Christians have persecuted Jews?
I have lost all my rights as a Jew? But, unlike yourself, I have gained eternal life.

If you don't want to discuss matters of religion, belief, and faith, WHY ARE YOU HERE?
You need to go back and read my words again. I said nothing like you are claiming. Ending one conversation doesn't mean ending them all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
And by the end of the first century, that was far from the case.

Are you actually going to deny that for 2000 years, Christians have persecuted Jews?

You need to go back and read my words again. I said nothing like you are claiming. Ending one conversation doesn't mean ending them all.
There have always been persecutions. Look what is going on in Gaza now!

Again, all Jesus' disciples were Jews, all the New Testament authors were Jews (except Luke), the first congregations were overwhelmingly Jews, etc. I suggest that you read Paul's letter to the Romans, particularly chapter 9.

Unlike yourself, I don't see Christianity as a gentile religion. Its foundation is Jewish!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Then why do you keep bringing up that you are a Jew, as if it matters to the conversation? Come on. You are now a Christian. That is your community of choice. Stop the pretense.

And THAT is a difference that puts an uncrossable chasm between us.
You have a definition of who a Jew is, and mine is different. A Jew is both an ethnic classification and a religious classification. I was born a Jew and remain a Jew, but I don't believe in the tenets of Judaism.

BTW, you are the one who keeps bringing the topic of my being a Jew up. I am comfortable with who I am, and you are not. -> There is no pretense! <-

If you need a descriptive term, I am a Messianic Jew. As I have said over and over, in case you missed it, 1) every one of Yeshua's disciples were Jews and that 2) the entire Bible, including the New Testament, was written by Jews (with one exception: Luke). 3) All the first believers were Jews, and the headquarters of the first church was in Jerusalem. 4) The most famous of the apostles was Paul (a.k.a. Saul), who wrote "I am [present tense] a Jew born in Tarsus in Cilicia but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, educated strictly according to our ancestral law, being zealous for God, just as all of you are today."

So I don't really care about your definition of who I am!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
And by the end of the first century, that was far from the case.

Are you actually going to deny that for 2000 years, Christians have persecuted Jews?

You need to go back and read my words again. I said nothing like you are claiming. Ending one conversation doesn't mean ending them all.
Did you forget that you wrote this? "I will not be discussing this further, as I have no wish to simply be mean."


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Did you forget that you wrote this? "I will not be discussing this further, as I have no wish to simply be mean."
What is wrong with you? Don't you know the difference between halting one particular conversation/topic, and not talking to an individual about anything?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
God doesn't have a name in that sense. He has titles, but no real name and it's absurd for eternal being that preceded languages to name himself with one particular language. The closest thing that comes to being his name, is his holy spirit and image from him. That metaphorically is what he has chosen as his name.

Why? A name is how something is referenced, and the image of God/face of God/holy spirit is by how God is referenced. The light of God in his chosen is by how we recall God.

Right now, if you see God, you are not seeing him directly, but through his greatest sign, the leader and guide that is a spirit from God encompassing everything in the heavens and earth.

I should make a topic how "God's greatest name" has always been misunderstood to be a title, when it's more of a metaphor of his light and chosen way to be referenced, that is his word of light brought to life. This is true in the old books, in the Quran, and hadiths.

Another synonym to name of God, is the "God's word".

The holy name of God is so passed into the named, that Quran says "Allah is the light of the heavens and earth". The signs of God in the Unseen, the highest type, is so connected to God, that is why Quran says "You did not throw when you threw but God threw" and said "two bows or closer still".

The believers are to tun to God through the light of his face.
“ … God’s GREATEST name…”?!!

The one true God only has ONE NAME!

Did you mean to write:
  • “ … God’s GREAT name…”?