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The name of our creator is ALLAH


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Truth...Quran recital in the Arabic tongue is absolutely beautiful and really soothes one's soul. I don't know Arabic but would like to learn, if possible. Is it a hard language to learn? It seems as though it would be.

Nothing is hard to learn if you really love it. Arabic is my first language and it might not be fair to tell if it was hard or easy, but there is one of the members in RF which started to learn Arabic and she did it well in a short period. I will ask her if you want to, and maybe even let you talk to her if you are interested to know how she could manage to make it. :)


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I totally agree with you but think about it. How does that guy's question logically make sense?

Hi AllahkaBanda, welcome to the forums.

FredX10's question was, I'm thinking, a rhetorical one, in which case it's not required to make sense. Such a question (if that was the posters intention) is geared towards getting the person it's aimed at to consider whether or not what he's saying makes sense.

I think it's a logical question in this case because;

1. "Allah" is not a name, it's not a proper pronoun, it's a title. All it is is Arabic for "The God", (just as "God" is merely English for "Allah")and it's usage isn't restricted to Muslims; Arabic speaking Jews and Christians use "Allah" in reference to "God" as well. In fact arabic versions of the Christian Bible use "Allah".

To argue over whether or not the Creator of the Universe is "God" or "Allah" makes as much sense to me as an Englishman arguing with a Frenchman over whether that thing on his head is a hat or a chapo.

2. Asking something like "what would a person who can't speak call God?" is (if I'm reading the poster correctly) just a way of challenging the idea that the worship of Allah/God would depend on a name, or on the ability to express a name.

In fact his question put me in mind of one of the Hadiths. I don't remember it verbatium but the idea was that animals live in a natural state of Islam (submission to Allah) without the benifit of any kind of language whatsoever.

How in the world you gonna find out the name a duff person "call" God by when you can't hear that person. At least last time when i checked no human could.

The point is; why would any human aside from the deaf person himself need to?

He thought he is being so smart when he threw that question at us.

Ah yes, but so what? This is the debates forum. Being a smart-aleck is completely permisable. The whole point of posting what you believe in this forum is to have it challenged. It gives you a chance to address objections and clear up other people's misconceptions about what you believe.

Responding to another posters questions, objections, or even their insults as an attack doesn't do much good; it's speculative, offtopic, and all it does is perpetuate misunderstanding.

Aplogizing in advance, if you find my comments to be offensive!

Not at all. Sorry if I got too preachy.


New Member
ALL'a Dat?
(all of that)
btw thanks for the earlier lecture, lol, i appreciate. Now if i think about it, i think i got carried away, thanks for reminding. the whole point is that when you add any word or charcters to "Allah" it changes the whole meaning but if we add a word or characters to "God" it doesn't change the whole meaning e.g. goddess, gods etc.

Welcome Niceman. Where is this Islamic paradise you speak of?
what do you want to know about it? Where would it be? i don't think that people talk about different heavens when the bring up that idea. We should more care about what it offers then where it is, shouldn't we? I don't really care where it is in the skies as long as i get there, would you?


tri-polar optimist
I was not refering to the afterlife. I was refering to a place on earth where Islam has brought all these things together for the betterment of man.


Well-Known Member
btw thanks for the earlier lecture, lol, i appreciate. Now if i think about it, i think i got carried away, thanks for reminding. the whole point is that when you add any word or charcters to "Allah" it changes the whole meaning but if we add a word or characters to "God" it doesn't change the whole meaning e.g. goddess, gods etc.

Im sorry but it does change the meaning Christians believe in One God not Gods or Goddesses.

God = One God
Goddess = Female God (different meaning!)
Gods = Many Gods (different meaning!).

You can have similar words with different meanings - mean for example

mean = average
mean = your not very nice (not your personally! :D )
mean = the definition of something


I believe the female derivative of Allah is Alat? yes it is a slightly different version but so is Goddess? In fact Alat has more in common with Allah than Goddess has with God.


Active Member
Im sorry but it does change the meaning Christians believe in One God not Gods or Goddesses.

God = One God
Goddess = Female God (different meaning!)
Gods = Many Gods (different meaning!).

You can have similar words with different meanings - mean for example

mean = average
mean = your not very nice (not your personally! :D )
mean = the definition of something


I believe the female derivative of Allah is Alat? yes it is a slightly different version but so is Goddess? In fact Alat has more in common with Allah than Goddess has with God.

Where are you getting "Alat" from? its not a word... and has no meaning... There is no male or female derivative for Allah...

okay looking more I did find "Allat" ... this was an Idol that was used in pre-Islamic Arabia... they believed[FONT=&quot][/FONT] this to be the daughter of God... she was worshipped along with her sisters Uzza and Manat... so Allat is not a female derivative for Allah...


New Member
I was not refering to the afterlife. I was refering to a place on earth where Islam has brought all these things together for the betterment of man.
first of all we never claim that Islam will turn this world into heaven so your argument is baseless. just for information, your western society runs on the standards that Islam created and laid 1000s years ago. you guys copied and stole everything from us and now asking us questions, give me a break. Go find out who created the 1st university on this planet and where is the oldest university. please don't bash about Islam when you have no background or basic knowledge


tri-polar optimist
first of all we never claim that Islam will turn this world into heaven so your argument is baseless. just for information, your western society runs on the standards that Islam created and laid 1000s years ago. you guys copied and stole everything from us and now asking us questions, give me a break. Go find out who created the 1st university on this planet and where is the oldest university. please don't bash about Islam when you have no background or basic knowledge
First of all the claim was made that Islam is the perfect guide for man in government and law and personal life. My question is where in this world is an example of this? All I hear from Islamic countries is strife and unrest even among fellow Muslims. Where is this Peace? I don't see it.


Veteran Member
A name is just a name. It doesn't change or define what anyone truly is.

Is it in the Koran that Mohammad (PBUH) is the last messenger and the Koran is the last and final of all the religious books or is this idea promoted by the Mullahs?


i didnot introduce myself either.
i hope it is not big deal.
here i am, call me lava

i just want to make one point clear about the difference between messenger and prophet.
Mohammed (SAAS) is the last Prophet yet he is not the last messenger. after his death many messengers came along. there's always a Imam of the age and many Murshidas who connected to that one chosen man.
today, there is Imam of the age and Murshidas all around the world. they are all messengers of Allah.

how you call the Creator is depend on the science you're given and culture you grew up. what matters is what' within your heart. cos that is the only place where Allah looks at. sincerety, love and compassion counts. i rather be a person who's not educated with a heart fulfilled with love and compassion than a person who has great education with hate & arrogance in his heart.

thank you for your time


Veteran Member
First of all the claim was made that Islam is the perfect guide for man in government and law and personal life. My question is where in this world is an example of this? All I hear from Islamic countries is strife and unrest even among fellow Muslims. Where is this Peace? I don't see it.

that's a reasonable question. there is none at the moment.
there was one, nearly hundred years ago.
it is called OTTOMANS.
they did follow Quran truely. therefor, many nations (such as Greece), however did spend maybe 400 years under the flag of Ottoman, they still had their own religion and language. they were never forced to change anything except law. during those times it was impossible for a poor to sue rich man. after Ottomans took over the land poor and rich people were equal in the courts.


Slave of Allah
I'm confused. Based on what I read in the first post, I have to ask niceman20 what it is he worships: Mohamed, the Koran, his beliefs or Allah?
My friends of RF.
I am sorry that I could not give quick responses to your posts, but its because I had electric power and internet connection problems.

If you know a bit about religions in none of the religions its mentioned that you should worship your prophet or the religious books. Its a fact that the prophets and the religious books are sent down by God and nowhere God says that you should worship them not me.
Now man its clear that I only worship Allah. Muhammad and the Holy Quran were sent down by him.


Slave of Allah
So are you implying those that do not follow Islam are un-wise simply because they do not follow Islam?

yes definetly the ones who do not follow the true path and the true guidance they are absolutely unwise. They will realise all this on the day of judgement and they will themselves say that they are fools and idiots that they didn't follow the true path.


tri-polar optimist
In what way does God verify Muhhamed's claim to be the true and final prophet? Is your religion based solely on the word of Muhhamed?


Veteran Member
In what way does God verify Muhhamed's claim to be the true and final prophet? Is your religion based solely on the word of Muhhamed?

that was said in Quran.
Mohammed(BPUH) was selfless like many Prophets. he only followed the commands of Allah. words of Quran are the words of Allah.

yet it is useless to discuss about it. i personally do not try to prove anything cos i know i can't and no man can prove that to you.
there is only one recourse for that.
if you honestly want to know the truth, ask Allah.

sincerety is always answered.


Slave of Allah
if you honestly want to know the truth, ask Allah. sincerety is always answered.
Yes he is absolutely right. If you really want things to be proven they can be proven in Islam but its possible for someone who is an Islamic Scholar and you should know this some of us are not scholars but we are students.
As he said if you are really searching for truth and you are not able to believe whatever is presented you then ask Allah by heart then you wait what you will get.