Here's a cap of what we've got so far...
Breathing heavily, standing at the very edge of the fissure, Jane yelled "I can't see you anymore!". Taking out her flashlight, she fumbled for the switch, noticing the blood on...
her hands then suddenly her vision got blurry, and she almost stumbled into the deep crevice herself. After a moment Chris, her fiance, called up from the bottom.
"I think my leg is stuck up in my buttocks. I don't know how it got there but it hurts like hell."
"When I told you to put your foot up your butt I was only joking!" she yells down.
As he lies there in pain, his eye glanced torse the sky in time to see some bright light from above
"Get that damn light out of my eyes" he yells up.
"Honey, I don't even have a light on."
Suddenly a large craft came swiftly and silently to a halt just inches away from the opening of the fissure.
"What in FSM's name is that?" Jane wondered.
"It's like a giant cup!"
"SILENCE" a voice says from the craft. "We're here to take you to our leader. Get on board the cup craft pronto!" But Jane's fiance was still stuck, so the cup craft lowered the leg anal extractornator and removed his leg then it lowered the rectum compressor.
"You aren't bringing that thing anywhere near me." Chris hollered.
"Just shut up and let it help you!"
"What if I end up pregnant?" Chris wondered.
"Then I will pay child support." But Chris realized the alien couldn't possibly pay in earth money, so he grabbed the rectum compressor and started climbing up. When he got to the top he threw himself towards Jane.
"What are you doing, the can help you!"
"I don't want their help. I just want to be in your arms."
"Baby, I really wish you would let them help. I'll be right beside you, I'll hold your penis, while they use the rectum compressor on you." Chris thought about it and just snapped. He grabbed the gun off Janes' waist and fired at the cup craft.
"What are you doing!?!?" Jane said.
The aliens retreated into the cup craft and brought out a strange looking laser, which fired communion wine, hitting the couple in the eyes and made Janes vision come back.
"I can see" she exclaimed.
"Lucky you, I cant see a thing. Hey aliens! You missed a spot!" Then Chris got so frustrated he picked up a rock and hurled it, hitting the craft and they fell to the ground holding thier faces because thier eyes was burning from the wine. Chris held the gun out and blindly fired some more shots at the aliens.
Let's keep it going ...