It's only monotheistic if I don't recognize other gods. I made it clear ITT that I was not invalidating the gods of other religions.
And yet
you said that you are of the opinion that
all gods that have been worshiped by man are
aspects of
One God.
"The cameras on both the Voyager and Galileo spacecraft detected lightning in Jupiter’s atmosphere. In 2011, the Cassini probe cameras detected a faint flash of lightning on Saturn, as well. The flashes on both gas giants were associated with recognizable storm systems."
...which makes no mention of thunder whatsoever.
Now who's being obtuse? Jupiter has an atmosphere. This is a fact. If there is lightning, then by it's very nature, it would produce thunder - the sound of that atmosphere rapidly expanding around the lightning bolt. Your apparent claim that there would be no thunder because a camera on a rocket didn't hear it (which then seems to claim that there is no thunder, and thus no sound) is preposterous and scientifically ludicrous.
Thunder is the expansion of an atmosphere - regardless of density. Granted, it would sound
different, but there would not be no sound, as Mars
does have an atmosphere.
Yes, only if "an aspect of" means "the same as".
Let's use the word "aspect" in a sentence: "My favorite aspect of the movie is the scene where the dead hero jumps out of his casket."
So by your logic, the whole move is the same as the scene.
And yet, just like you "don't believe for a minute" that my intent was to refer to any and all thunderstorms - just your impression of them - I do not believe that was the definition of "aspect" that you meant. Especially since you're talking about figures and beings, not an experience.
as•pect n
1. a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc; a way in which if may be considered
The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.
the most important aspect of the debate
She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect
This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.
The consultancy gives advice to manufacturers on the health and safety aspects of their products
2. [singular] (
formal) the appearance of a place, a situation, or a person
Events began to take on a more sinister aspect
the dirty and seedy aspect of the bar
3. [usually singular] (
formal) the direction in which a building, window, piece of land, etc. faces; the side of a building that faces a particular direction
synonym: orientation
Our room had a western aspect.
The southern aspect of the school was dominated by the mountain.
4. (grammar) the form of a verb that shows, for example, whether the action happens once or repeatedly, is complete or still continuing. See also:
perfect adj (7),
progressive adj.
(Source: the Oxford English Dictionary)
As you are discussion gods - figures, persons, or beings - you were then using the second definition. Thus, the appearance of a god. Ergo, saying that the thunderstorm is the same as the ocean; Thor to Ran.