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The one true religion

I am not debating what they share. Any system that elevates value or believes in something sacrid will have a conduct that is similar because any one who admits value will be accountable to it. I am not saying you can't claim them similar I am saying by doing so is still claiming that statement to be true. However I agree it was a bad example. I will say to pick and choose what is true within religion and what is false religion only means you believe that you are god, that you posses the devine ability to govern truth. To accept truth or what is true by our own preception of it, has the rational pattern of a madman. If you thought you were a bunny how could you ever realize you were not a bunny if the only things you admit as true are those that support your caim to be a bunny.


Well-Known Member
To claim truth to be reletive is claiming there is no truth.

You will forgive me, I trust, if I point out that this statement makes no sense!

I quote the Baha'i scriptures:

"Such an existence is a contingent and not an absolute existence, inasmuch as the former is preceded by a cause, whilst the latter is independent thereof.

"Absolute existence is strictly confined to God, exalted be His glory. Well is it with them that apprehend this truth."

—(Gleanings, page 157)


These are claiming truth is not subject to interdependent finite existance, which I agree with. They are not claiming that the absolute is reletive.
Bruce, I won't be offended I would just like to talk about the concept. I don't have to be right, I just like learning what I can so I can die with my eyes open. I joined this forum hoping that would be the case and so far you are the first to respond. Thanx


Left Hand Path
Are there people that believe in all religions, or most religions, or are all religions, or most, mutually exclusive? Or is there a one true religion, and which is it?

Personally, I believe that all religions paint the picture of Man's "One Truth".

But then again, religion only paves the way for programming and the manipulation of masses.

A common thing among religion is that most flocks fly south for the winter.

It is not religion that possesses any truth, it is the effort that people put behind the creation of religion, that possess any ounce of truth.
So are you claiming this picture of one truth to be innate within humanity? Would that one truth have to be metaphysical in order to be universal?
All I am trying to say is that there are multiple ideas on the atributes of truth. Without coming to some agreement on truth it is impossible to claim, whether or not there could be one true religion. I think it is respectable to believe in your religion as truth, no matter the religion, because it frames accountability and sociol relation. To remove the notion that a religion is not true removes the accountability to it, and any laws of conduct are then elusive, and unknown. To respect the conduct and not the reason for the conduct is like saying the apples exist but the apple tree does not.


Left Hand Path
All I am trying to say is that there are multiple ideas on the atributes of truth.

Well yes, One painting consists of the multiple tools and colors used to manipulate the painting into existence.

Without coming to some agreement on truth it is impossible to claim, whether or not there could be one true religion.

Truth only exists in delusion.

I think it is respectable to believe in your religion as truth, no matter the religion, because it frames accountability and sociol relation. To remove the notion that a religion is not true removes the accountability to it, and any laws of conduct are then elusive, and unknown. To respect the conduct and not the reason for the conduct is like saying the apples exist but the apple tree does not.

I must be misunderstanding what your trying to get across here and how it applies to me...


Think about this,and it should answer half of your question. There have always been a form of worship to some god. From the time the first couple were placed on earth,up to our time. In between there have been so,so many false god’s teachings and worshippings. Many god’s in time has falling,but one still continues to stand. The first couples God was the true God,which made the couples teachings to their families true. Jacob/Israel’s teachings were true,because he serve the same God the first couple did.

Moses teachings were true,because he serve the serve the God of Israel. The same God also the first couple served. All the way up to Jesus, who not only taught about the God of Israel,(the one the first couple worship), but who he also worshipped,(John 5:30 -I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me).
When Jesus died,he appointed someone who didn’t believe in his teachings. And who was also persecuting those who followed in Jesus step, when it came to teaching what they learn from him. Saul/Paul,(Acts.8:3,4-) Paul believed his religious teachings was so right, that he went around causing havoc on Jesus followers, causing them to flee for their lives.

And…Acts.9:1-20-this tells of Saul on is way to Damascus, to get more of Jesus followers, was stopped by Jesus, [back in heaven],basically converted him, now verse 20 says “And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God“.( regardless of what people want to believe, there are religions that’s teaching wrong, and Jesus way is the right way. not mans way! Acts.20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. (be careful, false teachers will draw you with lies.

These scripture proves, for any who’s seeking,there were false and true teachings. Many misunderstand Jesus words “ seek and you shall find,ask and you shall receive.” To mean a physical or material thing,Jesus was speak spiritual. If you’re TRULY seeking the truth,you will find it. If you’re TRULY asking for the truth..you will receive it. I’m sure many heard the words…”I was once blind,but now I see” this is NOT literal,again..spiritual. it’s basically saying I didn’t understand God’s words, I didn’t know God or his purpose, but now I do.

There are many reason why people refuse to serve the God Jesus did. Many wants to just believe,all I have to do is get baptized,live a good life,give to the needy and say I worship Jesus. But have one read all that Jesus said to do, or they’re just taking their ministers word on what is required? Many continually teach Jesus is the Father,in form of a human. Sad many eyes are close, hence the words, “the eyes of the unbelievers are blind”,(2Cor.4:4 ).

So,many scriptures shows Jesus isn’t the Father,he represents his Father. Here’s what Jesus said,,(I’ll use ellipsis,so one would understand I didn’t write all. I’m trying to get the main point).
(1).John 3:16,17
(2).Matt.8:19-Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.(many false teaches Jesus is saying he’s the Father, no, he’s saying he is JUST LIKE his Father), There is a difference.

Many teach false because they didn’t do as Jesus said to do…his Father’s will. This would determine whether one is his spiritual family,(Matt.12:50-For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother). Many wants to believe, because they were only taught part truth, Jesus just came to die for us. Jesus ALSO came to teach people about HIS Father. The only way anyone can learn about Jesus Father. They HAVE to know about the Father. Every servant of Adam and eve’s God, knew in some way God was soon sending his son. They never believe God would come to earth as the son. Because they had true teachings.

Jesus showed before we can even understand what he’s about to teach us,it has to be the Father who send us to him….John 6:44,45- No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:…(many might be confused when Jesus said..”they shall be all taught of God” but then say…”Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me).” what he meant was, in depth he will teach about his Father. But his Father already mad himself known to them as the ALMIGHTY. Any who wants to learn of this Almighty God. Was sent to Jesus.

Jesus words proves this…John 17:6 -I have manifested, (to make evidence by showing or displaying), thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. (those who God sent to Jesus, was shown God’s name).

So many who say..if you want to become a “christian” just go to Jesus. People believe they have, yet they’re still blinded. no Jesus said it’s his Father which draws us to him. Jesus said we have to know his Father,as we do him, in order to gain everlasting life,(John 17:3 -And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent). again,Many teach Jesus is the Father and knows all. yet Jesus even showed he don’t know when the end would come,only is Father,(Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father).

These scriptures alone shows if one's teaching the truth or not. God didn’t make it hard for one to find the truth. But satan made it easier for one to NOT really want the truth. first he uses things of the world which seems like fun. be-it immoral or innocent in appearance. and secondly he uses false ministers to fool their flocks with SOME lies. These are not ministers of God.

(1).2Cor.-11:13-15, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works,(they will be destroyed).

(2).Matt.23:13 -But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.(they’re not going to make it because of their partly false teachings. And it’ll cause their followers not to make it).

There’ll soon be a time where it’ll be too late to learn Jehovah’s words,[This most likely would be then end], Amos 8:11,12,( Still many would all of the sudden want to know Jehovah God,because they’ll be afraid of his anger).

True ministers teach his followers to be no part of the world,because that’ll only make them enemies to Jehovah,(James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God…?). Don’t be fooled, it’s not referring to literal people cheating on their mates, It’s again spiritual. We can’t be in a sense spiritually married to righteousness, yet want to deal with wickedness. It’s like being married,yet out in the world fooling around. Jehovah is not having it, and if anyone’s thinking, I serve Jesus! Well Jesus serves his Father…so he’s NOT having it either!

there will be true teachings even up to the end. Jehovah doesn’t MAKE anyone worship him. He sent his son to teach and die for us. We say we love and believe Jesus words. Yet we’re calling him a liar,when he shows he isn‘t the Father. just like then,so is today, though many refuse to believe. There is only one true teaching. This is why God’s words says to get out off her,(Isa.52:11 ). and he didn’t mean a literal woman, “Her” meaning false religion/teachings.

We can point fingers and hate those who prove we’re teaching wrong. Or we can say I want to be seen as Jesus spiritual family. if not,Then we’re stay right where we’re at, On the road which leads to destruction. peace  
I don't think she was addressing you, just the question in the forum.
Without truth there is no purpose, or right or wrong.
Without those there is no way to validate the value of a human being.
I was asking if it is possible without truth to validate the law do not kill.
You are either assuming that law to be innate, which eludes to a creater, or you are claiming it to be learned by some system [natural law], or you have never even thought about it and are adopting the apple [do not kill] without the tree it came from [life is sacrid]. All your freedoms came from some concept of value, and people die to give them to you. Your arguement seems to be more of an adolescent rebelion against authority, and I would like some idea of moral oughtness without an authority.


Think about this,and it should answer half of your question. There have always been a form of worship to some god. From the time the first couple were placed on earth,up to our time. In between there have been so,so many false god’s teachings and worshippings. Many god’s in time has falling,but one still continues to stand. The first couples God was the true God,which made the couples teachings to their families true. Jacob/Israel’s teachings were true,because he serve the same God the first couple did.

In your first paragraph, you display your lack of knowledge as to the existence of other religions that are still going just as strong as Christianity, and that you cannot prove to be false any more than they can prove your religion to be false.

sky dancer

Active Member
Think about this,and it should answer half of your question. There have always been a form of worship to some god. From the time the first couple were placed on earth,up to our time. In between there have been so,so many false god’s teachings and worshippings. Many god’s in time has falling,but one still continues to stand. The first couples God was the true God,which made the couples teachings to their families true. Jacob/Israel’s teachings were true,because he serve the same God the first couple did.

Moses teachings were true,because he serve the serve the God of Israel. The same God also the first couple served. All the way up to Jesus, who not only taught about the God of Israel,(the one the first couple worship), but who he also worshipped,(John 5:30 -I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me).
When Jesus died,he appointed someone who didn’t believe in his teachings. And who was also persecuting those who followed in Jesus step, when it came to teaching what they learn from him. Saul/Paul,(Acts.8:3,4-) Paul believed his religious teachings was so right, that he went around causing havoc on Jesus followers, causing them to flee for their lives.

And…Acts.9:1-20-this tells of Saul on is way to Damascus, to get more of Jesus followers, was stopped by Jesus, [back in heaven],basically converted him, now verse 20 says “And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God“.( regardless of what people want to believe, there are religions that’s teaching wrong, and Jesus way is the right way. not mans way! Acts.20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. (be careful, false teachers will draw you with lies.

These scripture proves, for any who’s seeking,there were false and true teachings. Many misunderstand Jesus words “ seek and you shall find,ask and you shall receive.” To mean a physical or material thing,Jesus was speak spiritual. If you’re TRULY seeking the truth,you will find it. If you’re TRULY asking for the truth..you will receive it. I’m sure many heard the words…”I was once blind,but now I see” this is NOT literal,again..spiritual. it’s basically saying I didn’t understand God’s words, I didn’t know God or his purpose, but now I do.

There are many reason why people refuse to serve the God Jesus did. Many wants to just believe,all I have to do is get baptized,live a good life,give to the needy and say I worship Jesus. But have one read all that Jesus said to do, or they’re just taking their ministers word on what is required? Many continually teach Jesus is the Father,in form of a human. Sad many eyes are close, hence the words, “the eyes of the unbelievers are blind”,(2Cor.4:4 ).

So,many scriptures shows Jesus isn’t the Father,he represents his Father. Here’s what Jesus said,,(I’ll use ellipsis,so one would understand I didn’t write all. I’m trying to get the main point).
(1).John 3:16,17
(2).Matt.8:19-Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.(many false teaches Jesus is saying he’s the Father, no, he’s saying he is JUST LIKE his Father), There is a difference.

Many teach false because they didn’t do as Jesus said to do…his Father’s will. This would determine whether one is his spiritual family,(Matt.12:50-For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother). Many wants to believe, because they were only taught part truth, Jesus just came to die for us. Jesus ALSO came to teach people about HIS Father. The only way anyone can learn about Jesus Father. They HAVE to know about the Father. Every servant of Adam and eve’s God, knew in some way God was soon sending his son. They never believe God would come to earth as the son. Because they had true teachings.

Jesus showed before we can even understand what he’s about to teach us,it has to be the Father who send us to him….John 6:44,45- No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:…(many might be confused when Jesus said..”they shall be all taught of God” but then say…”Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me).” what he meant was, in depth he will teach about his Father. But his Father already mad himself known to them as the ALMIGHTY. Any who wants to learn of this Almighty God. Was sent to Jesus.

Jesus words proves this…John 17:6 -I have manifested, (to make evidence by showing or displaying), thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. (those who God sent to Jesus, was shown God’s name).

So many who say..if you want to become a “christian” just go to Jesus. People believe they have, yet they’re still blinded. no Jesus said it’s his Father which draws us to him. Jesus said we have to know his Father,as we do him, in order to gain everlasting life,(John 17:3 -And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent). again,Many teach Jesus is the Father and knows all. yet Jesus even showed he don’t know when the end would come,only is Father,(Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father).

These scriptures alone shows if one's teaching the truth or not. God didn’t make it hard for one to find the truth. But satan made it easier for one to NOT really want the truth. first he uses things of the world which seems like fun. be-it immoral or innocent in appearance. and secondly he uses false ministers to fool their flocks with SOME lies. These are not ministers of God.

(1).2Cor.-11:13-15, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works,(they will be destroyed).

(2).Matt.23:13 -But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.(they’re not going to make it because of their partly false teachings. And it’ll cause their followers not to make it).

There’ll soon be a time where it’ll be too late to learn Jehovah’s words,[This most likely would be then end], Amos 8:11,12,( Still many would all of the sudden want to know Jehovah God,because they’ll be afraid of his anger).

True ministers teach his followers to be no part of the world,because that’ll only make them enemies to Jehovah,(James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God…?). Don’t be fooled, it’s not referring to literal people cheating on their mates, It’s again spiritual. We can’t be in a sense spiritually married to righteousness, yet want to deal with wickedness. It’s like being married,yet out in the world fooling around. Jehovah is not having it, and if anyone’s thinking, I serve Jesus! Well Jesus serves his Father…so he’s NOT having it either!

there will be true teachings even up to the end. Jehovah doesn’t MAKE anyone worship him. He sent his son to teach and die for us. We say we love and believe Jesus words. Yet we’re calling him a liar,when he shows he isn‘t the Father. just like then,so is today, though many refuse to believe. There is only one true teaching. This is why God’s words says to get out off her,(Isa.52:11 ). and he didn’t mean a literal woman, “Her” meaning false religion/teachings.

We can point fingers and hate those who prove we’re teaching wrong. Or we can say I want to be seen as Jesus spiritual family. if not,Then we’re stay right where we’re at, On the road which leads to destruction. peace  


Think about this,and it should answer half of your question. There have always been a form of worship to some god. From the time the first couple were placed on earth,up to our time. In between there have been so,so many false god’s teachings and worshippings. Many god’s in time has falling,but one still continues to stand. The first couples God was the true God,which made the couples teachings to their families true. Jacob/Israel’s teachings were true,because he serve the same God the first couple did.

Moses teachings were true,because he serve the serve the God of Israel. The same God also the first couple served. All the way up to Jesus, who not only taught about the God of Israel,(the one the first couple worship), but who he also worshipped,(John 5:30 -I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me).
When Jesus died,he appointed someone who didn’t believe in his teachings. And who was also persecuting those who followed in Jesus step, when it came to teaching what they learn from him. Saul/Paul,(Acts.8:3,4-) Paul believed his religious teachings was so right, that he went around causing havoc on Jesus followers, causing them to flee for their lives.

You do realize that more than half of the scriptures quoted in your long, rambling, and somewhat incomprehensible post, have nothing to do with whatever it is you are trying to say here (which sounds to me suspiciously like preaching/proselytizing, which is against the rules here).