I do "seek truth." But truth cannot be found by simply believing what somebody else said -- otherwise, there'd be no point in seeking. So no, Gabriel may have talked to Mohammed, but he's not talking to anybody else, so what reason can the rest of us have for being Muslim? Moses may have got the law on tablets of stone, but the rest of us don't -- nor has anyone you or I know ever seen them -- so why should anybody but Moses be Jewish? Joseph Smith may have found tables of gold in "Reformed Egyptian" (no such thing) and "seer stones" to read them, but nobody else ever did -- so why should anybody be Mormon?
No, I am confident (note I do not say "believe") that I have found -- if not "The Truth" -- at least a means of proceeding, and it's called Humanism. Humanism uses human reason, human ethics, social justice and philosophical naturalism (science) -- while always rejecting dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience and superstition as the bases for morality and decision making.
You say "even without a god that would be how it works." I say, "since there is no god, that is how it works." Because if there were indeed a god, that god would need to be deliberately deceitful to allow humans to believe "revelation" which leads -- and has always led -- to division, dissension, war and death.