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The poles have changed

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member


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Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
For minute there, I thought the North and South poles switched.
Which does actually happen, right? A very cool phenomena that was key in helping scientists figure out plate tectonics a few decades back. But I digress (though plate tectonics and geomagnitism is more interesting than the topic of this thread to me... haha).

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
The experts were saying Trump and Harris were running neck and neck and would be tied till the election. Now kamala is surging ahead Perhaps its because of Trumps embarrassing rascist remarks to Kamalla.
Let's cancel the election right?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
No one is suggesting that. But it is nice isn't it? Meanwhile Trump is as delusional as ever and claimed that he was still ahead in the polls just yesterday. He now lags Harris:

One site says he's ahead another said he's behind so how do you tell which one is the correct site?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
One site says he's ahead another said he's behind so how do you tell which one is the correct site?
The site that I linked averaged all of those polls. That was the figure in the graph. It is still a statistical tie, but she is slightly ahead where she started off, or Biden was, significantly behind. And in recent elections the polls have been shown to be wrong in the Republican's favor. It looked as if the Republicans were ahead in quite a few races, but when it came to voting they lost.

So things are looking very good for Harris. Don't worry, there is a lot of time between now and the elections.


Veteran Member
Let's cancel the election right?
How does that help MAGAs? There’s no election to commit their fraud. Maybe it’s the only way for them to stay out of jail. Well if Harris keeps up the momentum and Trump keeps making stupid mistakes then MAGA fraud won’t matter.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm amongst that 2/3rds first time donors.

I don't have a lot of disposable income so I am fussy about my charitable contributions. My donations are firmly grounded in my religion, which means I prioritize the interests of the Spirits of the Land over all else. Biggest annual donation goes to a state-based that has done amazing work over many decades serving the interests of the greater-than-human world. Others go variously to other deeply revered gods, Spirits of Education, Spirits of Science, Spirits of Creativity. Over time, the "republican" party has devolved to the point it opposes almost everything I worship and hold sacred.

They oppose my very existence.

They've abandoned actual conservatism - which I have at times supported - in favor of authoritarianism. Stripping me of fundamental human rights crossed a line I will never, EVER forgive for as long as I draw breath on this world. As someone who tends to be very live and let live and very forgiving, them's some serious words. I've had it. I will NOT permit or accept the enslavement of women by the state. There are strong parallels between those who abuse women and those who abuse nature. The males who think they "own" the land, just like they think they "own" women and treat them like chattel and property. The males who rape them and the land - and the "republican" party candidate is a known rapist. A known rapist! What the actual flip?!

In this moment, nothing matters more to me than getting that piece of crap locked up behind bars where it belongs and basic human rights restored for all women. I threw the same amount of money towards Kamala Harris that I did towards my biggest annual donation to the Spirits of the Land. The Spirits of the Land won't be served with a rapist-in-chief at the helm.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
It seems that when anything bad happens to Trump he gets a sudden boost in campaign funds. The attempted assassination led to a huge spurt of cash. He also got a good sized amount of money when he was convicted of his felonies in New York. Do you think that he could make some extra money if he pled guilty on his remaining cases? Think of the funds that that would bring in.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
@Ignatius A and @Twilight Hue, what do you think Trump and MAGA offers the average citizen that is superior to Harris and the democrats? What policies does Trump advocate for that will make life better?
Reasonably to incredibly secure border.

Free trade that benefits America rather than America being taken advantage of.

Less all around tax burden with a smaller and more efficient less intrusive government.

More rights for states to run themselves with a less centralized federal governmet operating in its proper role as intended for the benefit of the states.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Reasonably to incredibly secure border.

And yet Trump opposed securing the border and told his minions in Congress to oppose a bill that would have helped immensely, and legally.
Free trade that benefits America rather than America being taken advantage of.
Are you referring to the trade deficit with China which has decreased dramatically under Biden and not under Trump?

Less all around tax burden with a smaller and more efficient less intrusive government.

Less tax is not necessarily a good thing. A fiscal conservative pays his bills and does not pass them on to his children.
More rights for states to run themselves with a less centralized federal governmet operating in its proper role as intended for the benefit of the states.
Unfortunately we live in one country. Minnesota cannot freely pollute the Mississippi and pass on its problems to the people downstream. You keep demonstrating that you do not understand how a government that is looking out for everyone works.


Veteran Member
Reasonably to incredibly secure border.
He had four years to do that and didn't do anything but build a few hundred miles of wall that weren't very effective. He did break federal and international humanitarian laws, and separated childrn from their families.
Free trade that benefits America rather than America being taken advantage of.
What part of free trade includes tariffs? Many economists conclude Trump's ideas will cause massive inflation.
Less all around tax burden with a smaller and more efficient less intrusive government.
What taxes for the middle class does Trump intend to cut? And in what way does Trump and Vance advocate for a smaller government when they intend to round up migrants and devort them?
More rights for states to run themselves with a less centralized federal governmet operating in its proper role as intended for the benefit of the states.
Like eliminating the dept of education will mean states will have to set their own standards which could mean rather dumbing down of science standards for poor red states. And the poor red states won't have federal grants anymore to help pay for education, meaning fewer resources, and more burden on schools, teachers, and parents.