Monk Of Reason
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And I don't dispute that. But what does this "mean"? If 1 out of every 10 black men were arrested and only 1 in every 100 white men were arrested what does that mean? You don't know till you get more information. Perhaps the police had racial tendicnes. Perhaps the black men lived in a poorer neighborhood. Perhaps this was based off of a small sample? Ect.My entire position comes from statistics from the CDC and
equally competent authorities. I don't know what you specifically said but my sources (the CDC being the primary one) HAVE been constantly dismissed. They have as of yet to give a single reason to dismiss them. They just say that bias exists in the world so any inconvenient statistics are ignored. In fact he statistic I post by far the most is a CDC statistic and all that I need to justify my position.
1. In the US the 4% of us that are homosexual produce 60% of new aids cases.
The underlying CAUSE of the statistics which you have assumed is not backed up by the CDC.
Actually we use animal based serums all the time. We still do. Its pretty convenient. But beside the point.I know what produced it (using monkey blood serum in polio vaccines, it contained HIV but monkeys are immune) but that was not the point. Homosexuality spread the disease at a much higher rate than heterosexuality and does not contain any justification for that cost. It is human suffering and monetary costs I was using in my argument not how diseases came into existence. In this case perhaps it was overzealous evolutionists who thought monkey blood serum should be the same as Human.
You still have not brought the meat of the argument which links homosexuality alone to the cause rather than any of the other factors.
And you would condemn the behavior rather than the condition? Is that what I am hearing? Why not do the same with homosexuality?Of course skin pigmentation does not cause theft and color is not a behavior to begin with. Homosexuality of course is involved in fluid exchange in ways that result in HIV remission much greatest then heterosexuality and this is a behavior. So there is no equality here what so ever. The African American culture is the most affluent African culture group in history. This is not the subject and your the one who linked crime with color but I will give you a few things in my opinion that are contributing to this.
1. Welfare has been linked to the breakup of the family. The loss of family units and especially male authority figures lead to lawlessness.
2. Even when they have a father figure it is many times a bad one. A father with 4 different kids by 2 or 3 women and who hangs out at the club all night.
3. Poverty is a factor but poverty is also a symptom.
4. Modern society has given the modern African community which does not contain a single slave a sense of being the victim and entitled to things from people who have never owned a single slave.
IOW it is a social issue not a genetic issue. It is a choice but the behavior is all that can change (and I would condemn the behavior just as I do with homosexuality if we were in a thread on theft).
You know the worst possible defense of X is the attempt to condemn Y. In legal circles it is a sure sign the defense has no case. I have explained why what you said it not an equality in any sense and so does not make a rational analogy. However even if it were true we can't change skin pigmentation but we can change sexual behavior. Not that I am proposing any solution at all. I do not need to be able to manufacture medicine to know I am sick.
After probably more than a hundred discussion on homosexuality. It is weird how a books worth of defense condenses down to only 3 or 4 points.
1. Homosexuality is good because something is else is bad. Pitiful.
2. Homosexuality in general is ok because some hypothetical sanitized sub group can be imagined where it would be less risky.
3. To counter, water down, slightly change, or just to even challenge alone, any one of the dozens of facts that support my position is enough to defeat them all without bothering to even attempt it.
4. Any gain (even if it is a theoretical gain) offsets any cost. Physical pleasure is apparently worth millions of deaths and billions of dollars (many times of those who do not even engage in the behavior.) Or to say love is involved (despite the fact that we can and do love things that are consider immoral, are self destructive, and that are illegal) is apparently worth people dying faster in African nations than they can be buried.
People dress them up in every conceivable outfit but they always use one of those few and ineffective tactics.
I find it funny that you feel like you have debased my argument but have strengthened it. Your rational approach to the racial analogy proves to me that you are capable of thinking about it rationally yet have chosen not to do so with homosexuality. The "behavior" is the sexual misconduct. It is the lack of protection. It is not the homosexual sex itself. Nothing innate about homosexuality spreads AIDS more than heterosexuality. It has been the behaviors fostered by our communities and misunderstandings and bigotry about homosexuality that has shaped and defined the exact causes that spread AIDS.
Yet you refuse to admit that even when you admit it about other things.
To your list of 4.
1) Homosexuality is natural because it exists. I was showing you your double standard .Not that something else is bad so homosexuality is good.
2) Because the fact is that you cannot link anything to homosexual sex except by the unfortunate demographic broad brush stroke that you have painted it with. Which exposes the lack of substance to your argument.
3) Real change has already begun to make things better. In fact it is the only thing that has or can make it better.
4) Human pleasure is the base of all things. Why not live as slaves to a tyrannical government and end all wars so we can live in peace? Because we want freedom to enjoy the ONLY life we get for sure. And to step on anyone's happiness because of bigotry is not to be tolerated. How many people kill themselves because of Christianity? How many wars were fought over Christianity? How much science that could have saved billions of lives by now was stopped in the name of Christianity? That doesn't make Christianity evil. It means that there are mistakes that people make sometimes even for the right reasons. And homosexuality has existed alongside heterosexuality for millions of years and has not been a problem until recently. This "suffering" comes from a disease. Blaming the victims of that disease is just stupid. How dare all those children not wash their hands? Do you know how many kids die of "X" disease each year? Of course not.