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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Pragmatic Libertarian
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Ohio State gets approval to trademark 'The' for merchandise | AP News

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio State University has won its fight to trademark the word “The.”

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office approved the university’s request Tuesday. The school says it allows Ohio State to control use of “The” on branded products associated with and sold through athletics and collegiate channels, such as T-shirts, baseball caps and hats.

“THE has been a rallying cry in the Ohio State community for many years, and Buckeye fans who purchase official Ohio State gear support student scholarships, libraries and other university initiatives,” said Ben Johnson, the university’s senior director of media and public relations. He noted the university’s licensing and trademark program generates over $12.5 million a year in revenue, which helps fund student scholarships and university programs.

Ohio State started pursuing a trademark in August 2019 after fashion retailer Marc Jacobs had filed an application for the word a few months earlier. The company and the university reached a deal in August 2021 that allows both parties to use the branding.

The patent office rejected Ohio State’s initial application, finding the trademark appeared to be used for “merely decorative manner” and as an “ornamental feature” that didn’t appear to function as a trademark that would differentiate the items from others.

It's not just any old Ohio State University, it's The Ohio State University.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Quote from the Dowager Countess of Grantham (Lady Violet)
just heard on you know what.....
"My reason for traveling is to make myself eager to come
home. A month among the French should manage it."
I don't know. Promoting secularism would probably tempt me, very much so, to stay.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
We should trademark every letter of the alphabet. S(tm)o(tm), t(tm)i(tm)m(tm)e(tm) and so forth.

I'd license the use of the letter at a fair rate, say 1c/letter and use the proceeds to by the US.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
We should trademark every letter of the alphabet. S(tm)o(tm), t(tm)i(tm)m(tm)e(tm) and so forth.

I'd license the use of the letter at a fair rate, say 1c/letter and use the proceeds to by the US.
Might as well bring back ash and thorn while we're at it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Today is a day I become even more convinced the Klingons literally killed their gods for being too much trouble than they were worth.