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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Veteran Member
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Oh, me? I shapeshifted to human form. Sometimes I go back to wolf form, but not often.
And bears can't really outrun a wolf.
We're just kiddin around. I've met a wolfpack, and I've seen a bear transform into a wolf. All gather round the watering hole.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Sir, pray tell: how do you make your tea?

with water and tea.... :)

Nothing fancy, the Chinese influence took all fancy tea prep away. I even occasionally make things Chinese style

What I usually do
I use loose leaf organic tea in a mesh tea ball.

about a 1 teaspoon of loose tea
Put in cup
add hot (boiling) water
Let steep
Black tea I let steep 5 minutes
Green tea I let steep 4 minutes.

Chinese style (I only do this with Chinese and Japanese teas)
Put loose leaf tea in a cup
add hot (boiling) water
Drink whenever you feel l like it
get low on tea, just add more hot water to the leaves.
can drink like this, with the same leave, for a long time

Some black teas, English, Irish, Scottish, I may add milked before I drink
All other teas I add nothing.

and with that, I think it is time for a cup of Irish tea
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The best tea I ever had was in Ahmednagar, India, from a chaiwalla in 1974 - water buffalo milk and the proper herbs, of course. But the light dusting of India dirt must have been the final touch.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson


Veteran Member
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By the way @Quetzal recently announced leaving the forum. If you know him make sure and wish him goodbye. If you remember the good conversations with him its a good opportunity to let him know he'll be missed. He's started some interesting threads.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am proudly a trans-woman who proudly did not vote for Jenner should Newsom be recalled.
Let the breaking of the Internet commence!


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I am proudly a trans-woman who proudly did not vote for Jenner should Newsom be recalled.
Let the breaking of the Internet commence!

I remember during the Trump/Clinton election, people assumed I was going to vote for Clinton because I was a woman. How ridiculous!

I proudly voted for Alice Cooper.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I remember during the Trump/Clinton election, people assumed I was going to vote for Clinton because I was a woman. How ridiculous!
That reminds me of when Family Guy had an episode where Cleveland and Jerome started hanging out. Cleveland thought Jerome was genuinely interested in hanging out with him as a person. But it turns out Peter was right in the end when Jerome said it was just because Cleveland is black.
Silly people and thinking like has to be with and like like.