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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Taking the high road here and NOT going to the gutter......like SOME on RF today
But you'd be in such good company. @ChristineM and I can help make this as relaxing and comfortable as possible.
Just relax and slid in. There's more jokes amd laughs and giggles to be had, I promise.:D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Dalit girl rape and murder in India, girl shot for “tight clothing” in Afghanistan, I am sick of violence against women (no this doesn’t mean I don’t care about men, I can care about multiple things at once, I am just talking about this one right now). Thinking about what’s going to happen an Afghanistan makes me feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach.
Thats why I keep awareness of but don't think of it too much.
The world is filled with too much cruelty and violence for me to function or be healthy if I thought about this stuff. Schindler's List makes me sob and weep. To actually think about children starving to death or forced to fight in wars, the abuses and violence and slavery inflicted against women, massacres and genocides, torture and brutal executioms, or the many other things I'd rather just not think about.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If google shows me this advertisement of an anime girl being raped again I'm going to feel legally entitled to kick their advertising team in the crotch with steel toe boots that have spikes on the front.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Computer being difficult.
Internet dead at house.
Mrs Revolt says house is cursed.
I agree.
So I'll be posting less, & ignoring nearly everyone's posts.


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Underwater blocks of land for sale asking less than $100,000 (domain.com.au)

Sometimes, you just have to admire the brass on some salespeople.

Property prices have gone crazy across the world over the past year but surely this is a new – quite literal – low: people are selling blocks of underwater land.

In Ontario, Canada, a sprawling 7.7-hectare plot has hit the market for the seemingly bargain price of $CAD99,000 ($107,610).

However, it is entirely covered by the waters of Lake Erie.

The listing says: “This property is presently underwater but could have endless possibilities in the future.”

It’s dream real estate for Ariel from The Little Mermaid, but for the rest of us without fins, what do you do with a property that is actually – seriously – under the sea?

The listing has the answer: “Be creative.”

Bizarrely, it’s not the only underwater property available to purchase right now. If you’d rather live a subaqueous life in the United States than in Canada (possibly a warmer option?) there is a plot for sale in San Francisco asking $US75,000 ($102,193).

Why would someone buy underwater land? I guess if they thought there was sunken treasure or something, I could see that.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This song is still awesome. I'm glad I fled the Church in time to enjoy this back when Limp Bizkit was still a huge name.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Me want cookie!
View attachment 53920

Me want cookie!



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A ‘Real Blue Moon’ Shines Close To A Super-Bright Jupiter: What You Can See In The Night Sky This Week (forbes.com)

What To Watch For In The Night Sky This Week: August 16-22, 2021
What is a “Blue Moon?” Many say it’s the second full Moon in the same calendar month. That happens because the Mon orbits Earth every 29 days, so occasionally there’s bound to be two in a month.

However, that’s not technically correct.

A “real” Blue Moon occurs when four full Moons occur in the same three-month season. That’s what happens this week, as well as the annual bright “opposition” of Jupiter and some great views of the Moon and both giant planets.


They say it's also a good time to look out for Jupiter and Saturn.

If you’ve ever wanted to see Jupiter and Saturn up close, this is the month, so find yourself a telescope (for Saturn and Jupiter), or even a pair of binoculars (for Jupiter’s moons) for some awesome planetary views!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021: A SpaceX cargo flight to the ISS
At some point today a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket leave from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, carrying a Dragon capsule on a cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station. It will screen live on NASA TV and YouTube.

Thursday, August 19, 2021: Jupiter at Opposition
Earth orbits the Sun every 365.25 days, but slow-moving Jupiter tajes 12 years. So it makes sense that once every year our planet will pass between Jupiter and the Sun.

The alignment—which occurs tonight, but practically speaking, applies to the whole month—puts Earth as close to Jupiter as it ever gets. Cue a bigger, brighter, and fully illuminated giant planet that rises at sunset and is “up” all night long!

Friday, August 20, 2021: The Moon and Saturn
Look southeast just after dark tonight and you’ll see the pretty sight of a 97%-lit Moon shining about 4º below the ringed planet Saturn. To the left will be the bright planet Jupiter.

If you can’t see Saturn, just wait … it’s faint, but it will appear. If you have a small telescope, fetch it! All three targets will look magnificent with a little magnification.

Saturday, August 21, 2021: Jupiter and a nearly-full Moon
After dark tonight you’ll be able to see a 99%-lit nearly-full Moon rising in the southeast just 4° from bright Jupiter. Come back early tomorrow morning and you’ll see them setting together in the southwest, the Moon on the cusp of being full (8:02 a.m. EDT on August 22).

Sunday, August 22, 2021: A full ‘Blue Moon’
At dusk in the southeast will be the exquisite sight of a rising full “Sturgeon Moon.” Since it’s the third of four full Moons this summer season, it’s technically termed a “Blue Moon” by astronomers, but as you’ll see, it will turn from orange to yellow, not blue, as it rises into the night sky.

Object of the week: Jupiter and its Galilean moons
Dominating the night sky this month to the naked-eye, Jupiter looks even more stunning in a pair of binoculars. However, look closely around it and you’ll see four tiny dots around the planet that move quickly—Ganymede, Europa, Callisto and Io.

These four largest of Jupiter’s 79 moons are known as the Galilean satellites because they were first spotted by the astronomer Galileo Galilei from Italy in 1610.

So, this is a real blue moon.

"Stay on the road. Keep clear of the moors."
"Beware the Moon, lads."