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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I picked up a pregnant lady a couple months ago. Today I picked her up again with the new born.
I was not in a good mood and the crying was like needles to my ears and system. I actually had to mentally push myself to keep going after that because I was thoroughly very done with people after that. That was 2 or 3 rides in. I never got over that. I only made 14 in tips.
But at least she's a mom who's not teaching questionable judgement by paying to be driven such a short distance that's a short and easy walk.
Her baby killed my night though.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Came downstairs to smoke outside at the office. The doors are super reflective so it’s hard to see outside. Opened the door and the security guard is there smoking, and it startled me enough that my vocal folds actually engaged and I squeaked, which startled him (I had also opened the door real fast).

He then tries to talk to me (of course), I pantomime not speaking, he goes “oh you must be the — yeah, got it.”

Now I’m just thinking “the what?” lmao. I’m sure he just knows there’s an employee that doesn’t speak, but he got awkward after that like he didn’t know what to do!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My next to youngest nephew is a sponge of words said around him, often said because people assume he's not really paying attention.
I have learned sister doesn't really support or accept me, and my mom sees it as being the hand I was dealt. As per the norm there is no support. It's just something. Like my shins, that she refused to allow to be surgically fixed when I was a still a little kid. Or being Autistic, and the first time I mentioned to her I think I might have Asperger's she immediately shot out "no you don't."
I don't feel asking for an apology really works that well. What was said can't be unsaid, call someone out and work it out.
But I am tempted very much to weaponize this. My brother did acknowledge what he said and did apologize with prompting. He did accept and support me and apparently told everyone how proud he was of me for for being me. And I can't use this to sharpen a an emotional dagger out of years and all the things they'd said about trans people. And I want to stab deep and straight to the heart with it. And maybe even twist. But probably at least take multiple stabs.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Came downstairs to smoke outside at the office. The doors are super reflective so it’s hard to see outside. Opened the door and the security guard is there smoking, and it startled me enough that my vocal folds actually engaged and I squeaked, which startled him (I had also opened the door real fast).

He then tries to talk to me (of course), I pantomime not speaking, he goes “oh you must be the — yeah, got it.”

Now I’m just thinking “the what?” lmao. I’m sure he just knows there’s an employee that doesn’t speak, but he got awkward after that like he didn’t know what to do!
He probably didn't.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Came downstairs to smoke outside at the office. The doors are super reflective so it’s hard to see outside. Opened the door and the security guard is there smoking, and it startled me enough that my vocal folds actually engaged and I squeaked, which startled him (I had also opened the door real fast).

He then tries to talk to me (of course), I pantomime not speaking, he goes “oh you must be the — yeah, got it.”

Now I’m just thinking “the what?” lmao. I’m sure he just knows there’s an employee that doesn’t speak, but he got awkward after that like he didn’t know what to do!
I was craving nicotine hardcore a couple weeks ago. And at the gas station I saw some video ad thingy for a nicotine lozenge. And I about drooled watching it, lol.
I doubt I could smoke again, but on many occasions I am tempted to vape again. That has awesome flavors and smells, lol.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
My next to youngest nephew is a sponge of words said around him, often said because people assume he's not really paying attention.
I have learned sister doesn't really support or accept me, and my mom sees it as being the hand I was dealt. As per the norm there is no support. It's just something. Like my shins, that she refused to allow to be surgically fixed when I was a still a little kid. Or being Autistic, and the first time I mentioned to her I think I might have Asperger's she immediately shot out "no you don't."
I don't feel asking for an apology really works that well. What was said can't be unsaid, call someone out and work it out.
But I am tempted very much to weaponize this. My brother did acknowledge what he said and did apologize with prompting. He did accept and support me and apparently told everyone how proud he was of me for for being me. And I can't use this to sharpen a an emotional dagger out of years and all the things they'd said about trans people. And I want to stab deep and straight to the heart with it. And maybe even twist. But probably at least take multiple stabs.

I hope that you have good support now around you. You know my inbox is always open to you too <3

I can’t fathom having an unsupportive family. I just have my dad, but my friends are my chosen family. I hope you have this.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
He probably didn't.

True, and I’ve dealt with people feeling awkward enough. I just act normal and look at my phone if I don’t care to talk (like anybody would), but it’s like people feel like they’re supposed to talk to me now, like they’re being wrong by just letting there be comfortable, mutual ignoring!

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
I was craving nicotine hardcore a couple weeks ago. And at the gas station I saw some video ad thingy for a nicotine lozenge. And I about drooled watching it, lol.
I doubt I could smoke again, but on many occasions I am tempted to vape again. That has awesome flavors and smells, lol.

Don’t do it if you’ve stopped!!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I hope that you have good support now around you.
Ironically, I moved back in with my parents when they moved here because I'm needing surgeries and stuff and I could get them while staying here and not have all the bills when I'm down for awhile (especially anything good for my knees, that's going to be a recovery of weeks and months).
I thought this could work better when I moved here it was the first time I had any significant distance from my mom, so I had forgotten what my parents where like, especially how they are compared to my new norm. And it's a long list of things I'm seeing with a fresh look, and also having gained confidence and self esteem since moving here and dealing with her crap.
We butt heads and argue so much I can't even attempt to eat healthy without her getting pissed because that means eating very few of her dinners because they are very mostly fried, loads of gravy, and processed crap from a box.
I can’t fathom having an unsupportive family.
At my parents old house in rural Indiana there a family a bit a ways done the road who had tons and tons of family events and gatherings there. One day I was driving into town with my oldest niece, and as we passed the house I said "I wonder what it's like to be a part of a family that does stuff as a family?"
I'm close with my oldest niece (sister's kid) and oldest nephew (brother's kid). But my brother was the only person I was very close with.
My parents are asses. My sister has some serious issues she doesn't acknowledge and she tends to get preachy with me. Aunts and uncles I didn't know or don't know well or that much. Grandparents died when I was young. So biological family was never much of something I had.
I hope you have this.
In Indiana. My best and and her family. I've done tons more family stuff with them, always felt comfortable and at ease around them, and we've always each others backs through whatever, including tons of mosh pits.:D
Many of my best memories are with her at Ozzfest, Family Values, Mayhem, and other concerts we've been too, both big and small and major bands and local bands.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I just act normal and look at my phone if I don’t care to talk (like anybody would),
Well, ya know what, I think you're weird and I'm normal for just politely acknowledge someone's existence and hurrying along.:p
Don’t do it if you’ve stopped!!
Nicotine in small amounts does have some benefits. It's the junk added to cigarettes, the smoke it'self, and all that that is bad.
And it's been a couple years since I've had any, and I really want some. Just let some melt in my mouth as I melt into relaxation and then pep up with better focus.
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Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Well, ya know what, I think you're weird and I'm normal for just political acknowledge someone's existence and hurrying along.:p

I’m not rude, I did! We just smoke a ways from the doors. We’d acknowledged each other and I was looking at my phone and he kept looking like he was going to say something and then deciding not to, several times. I’m just laughing about it is all haha