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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I listened to fireworks but didn't watch them. Apparently they were all around me though, so I probably would have just had to walk outside to see them. This went on till well after 10 pm, probably closer to midnight. I was so glad when they stopped, and so were my cats of course, though they weren't freaking out like my dogs used to do. My two dogs would lose their minds.
Id rather see another drone show myself. Decades of the basically the same fireworks and music not really actually appropriate for the situation and clearly picked by someone who has never really listened to them, it lost its charm when I was a kid really.
But those drones could do some cool things, and to think of all the individual electrical compenents and drones being able to act as one, it's fascinating.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My shoulder is getting worse. Like, way worse. Both of them, actually.
But I put $100 in my pocket using app work that hasn't performed well here since the pandemic lockdowns ended.
Monday I'll get Lyft and Uber back and get money to grow my business as I originally planned, but only with very limited drop shipping.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Regretfully tomorrow I have to go back to work in the safe, secure, rule laced and hierarchical modeled and boss centered Eden. I have been out working in the Land of Nod, where the work is more and harder and less secure but where breathing the air of freedom is it's own source of fuel for someone like me.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Ive got to figure out how in the hell car insurance. Trying to figure out why mine is so high, five accidents? No. Four over the past five years. Twice I've had engine problems serious enough for police involvement (more due to the location being the desert) amd tow truck dispatch involved.
One of those wrecks doesn't show up (not legally my fault and hit by an uninsured driver, damaged driver side door on my end but it still opened and closed). One of these "accidents" would later reveal itself as the radiator cap gasket going out and I had to do car sins and baby my car to the nearest exit and gas station.
Now here's the stumper. My first wreck and my engine blowing happened around the same time. So which one is showing up because they aren't both there.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I really just do not at all in any way shape or form go to the job tomorrow. I want to do what I'm doing and in between trips work on my business.
Might happen anyways because **** a duck and me running my shoulder pops and cracks with almost every movement now.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If I quit the job next time I'm in Frenso and get a ride request to San Francisco or around there I'm gonna take it. I've heard rideshare pays really good there.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Id rather see another drone show myself. Decades of the basically the same fireworks and music not really actually appropriate for the situation and clearly picked by someone who has never really listened to them, it lost its charm when I was a kid really.
But those drones could do some cool things, and to think of all the individual electrical compenents and drones being able to act as one, it's fascinating.
Drones truly are fascinating.

OK, so a few years ago, I went to a fireworks show in a small town and they actually played "Take This Job and Shove It" and the FRENCH NATIONAL ANTHEM and didn't play a single American -themed song. So a few years later, I was sitting around talking to a group of women and I mentioned this and ONE OF THE WOMEN who is older than me said "I picked those songs." Lord, have mercy.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Drones truly are fascinating.

OK, so a few years ago, I went to a fireworks show in a small town and they actually played "Take This Job and Shove It" and the FRENCH NATIONAL ANTHEM and didn't play a single American -themed song. So a few years later, I was sitting around talking to a group of women and I mentioned this and ONE OF THE WOMEN who is older than me said "I picked those songs." Lord, have mercy.
True drone story

State office paid a whole lot of money for a professional camera drone to film and state funded opening... Drone went airborne, followed some of the flight plan and then took hard left and headed down the middle of the Hudson river towards the Atlantic ocean..... eventually disappearing in the distance.... it stopped responding to the controls and it was never seen again


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
True drone story

State office paid a whole lot of money for a professional camera drone to film and state funded opening... Drone went airborne, followed some of the flight plan and then took hard left and headed down the middle of the Hudson river towards the Atlantic ocean..... eventually disappearing in the distance.... it stopped responding to the controls and it was never seen again


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
True drone story

State office paid a whole lot of money for a professional camera drone to film and state funded opening... Drone went airborne, followed some of the flight plan and then took hard left and headed down the middle of the Hudson river towards the Atlantic ocean..... eventually disappearing in the distance.... it stopped responding to the controls and it was never seen again

It must have heard the call of the wild.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Considering the night before when we were dealing with a terrified dog for hours causes me to nominate you for sainthood given the small taste of what you've dealt with for way way way too long.
I will respectfully decline...

I imagine being a saint is a lot of work, and I need a day off.

Maybe next lifetime.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
True drone story

State office paid a whole lot of money for a professional camera drone to film and state funded opening... Drone went airborne, followed some of the flight plan and then took hard left and headed down the middle of the Hudson river towards the Atlantic ocean..... eventually disappearing in the distance.... it stopped responding to the controls and it was never seen again
Hudson Valley...it got hijacked by the triangle-shaped UFOs...or maybe it was the US Secret Government Operation in the valley...or both...and flown down to the secret base under one of the lakes in the valley...

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
True drone story

State office paid a whole lot of money for a professional camera drone to film and state funded opening... Drone went airborne, followed some of the flight plan and then took hard left and headed down the middle of the Hudson river towards the Atlantic ocean..... eventually disappearing in the distance.... it stopped responding to the controls and it was never seen again
Chinese? Russkies? Aliens?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Drones truly are fascinating.

OK, so a few years ago, I went to a fireworks show in a small town and they actually played "Take This Job and Shove It" and the FRENCH NATIONAL ANTHEM and didn't play a single American -themed song. So a few years later, I was sitting around talking to a group of women and I mentioned this and ONE OF THE WOMEN who is older than me said "I picked those songs." Lord, have mercy.
I usually hear American themed songs like Born in the USA or American Woman.