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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Our AI overlords don't like you complaining about their power over us.


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The fourth is with us.

I remember reading an astrologer who said that, since the US birthday is on July 4, that means America was "born" under the sign of Cancer. I understand that Cancer is the sign of the mother of the zodiac (also a crab), so this might explain why the U.S. is like the "mother" of the world. ;)

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I remember reading an astrologer who said that, since the US birthday is on July 4, that means America was "born" under the sign of Cancer. I understand that Cancer is the sign of the mother of the zodiac (also a crab), so this might explain why the U.S. is like the "mother" of the world. ;)
That at least at one point was controversial. I took two years of astrology in the 1970's. One day the astrologer put up a chart and asked us to interpret it. THEN he told us it was a chart of the US and some of the astrological questions such as: was the US born when the declaration of Independence was signed, when the War of Independence was ended, when the Constitution was drafted or when it was finally ratified?

He then went into chart rectification and how chart progressions can be matched with the history of the US to "rectify" the "natal" chart.

It may be bunkum, but it's very logical if you accept the premise that it's real.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
When it's this hot, I have no urge to do anything but snooze. Given what's going to happen tonight when ding-dongs see how many brushfires they can start and our dog will again be digging a den in the hardwood floor to escape the horror, napping is good preparation.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Going to sound like a war zone here soon....

Firework shows all around me and a fwe neighbors who like to do their own....


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Gathering of 10,000 hippies in forest shut down as Rainbow Family threatened with jail

Alongtime counterculture festival now in its fifth decade and set to be held over the July Fourth holiday is being shut down, with U.S. Forest Service officials citing a lack of appropriate permitting and concerns over environmental impact.

The Rainbow Family of Living Light gathering was set to be held the first week of July in California’s Plumas National Forest. On June 25, however, the U.S. Forest Service officials issued an order asking people to leave the area, with those who refuse to go facing fines of up to $5,000 or a six-month jail sentence.

The Man is always getting on the hippies' case.


Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
So it begins.... BOOM, pop, BANG, POW POW POW......pop pop pop.......KABOOM..... and repeat for about 1 hour.......possibly more is it is the neighbors.......