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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I've gone from 330 to 238. My secret is that the first 20 pounds are the hardest. Eventually your weight loss will slow down, but when you have a lot of weight to lose, in other words if you were me, then losing 20 pounds the hard way can kickstart your metabolism.

That, and I changed a medicine. The doctor changed things after I told them I thought it was making me gain weight.

I'd be happy with 20. I could probably lose up to 40, but 20 would be cool with me. It would close to where I was before kid #3. 40 would be where I was after kid #1, but I'm not trying to be unreasonable.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Whats a matcha tea?

Japanese green tea that is used in tea ceremony. It has caffeine content on the order of coffee but the jolt is better.

TJ's has small packets of 10 for those that want to try it. Or you can go full bore in preparation. I just use the packet and stir with a fork (it does not easily dissolve) which is, of course, a barbarism.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Whats a matcha tea?


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I'm about to watch something on TV but not Rocky & Bullwinkle. For some very strange reason, my wife does not like Boris and Natasha as much as I do.