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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
well.....goodnight RF.... wherever you are


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What is the origin of Phlegethon?

In addition to referring to “a stream of fire or fiery light,” Phlegethon retains its original meaning as the river of fire that surrounded Hades, the underworld, in Greek mythology. Its name literally means “burning” or “flaming” in Ancient Greek. The Phlegethon was one of five rivers in Hades; the others were the Acheron, Cocytus, Lethe, and Styx. While the Phlegethon was known as the river of fire, the Acheron was the river of sadness, the Cocytus was the river of weeping, the Lethe was the river of forgetfulness, and the Styx was the river of hatred. All five rivers coalesced at the center of Hades, and Charon ferried the souls of the dead either along the Acheron or the Styx, depending on the author.
That's the boring Phlegethon. The better Phlegethon is in Hell and is a boiling river of water.
Hell also has the better Cocytus. A frozen lake wear bodied are horribly contorted and frozen in place, and their tears have frozen their eyes shut, and where Satan is frozen in his icy prison.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am very certain my ac/heater core is going out. I'm hoping it's very plugged, but piecing things together I really don't think it is.
So, because I've been feeling like crap for a while and haven't been driving in awhile I have to hope my car's motor blower doesn't get ruined this weekend because the air here is too smokey to not have the AC on. And it'll be needed at least until Halloween.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The air is smokey but the smoke is high for now. Later today, I might be wearing an N95 mask indoors if it gets really bad.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I finally got a smaller file that would work. My thumbs are sore, but my electric chainsaw is sharp.

Its raining. Tomorrow the next tree is going down.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I finally got a smaller file that would work. My thumbs are sore, but my electric chainsaw is sharp.

Its raining. Tomorrow the next tree is going down.

Tried the sharpening idea soon after i started playing with the chainsaw, seemed like a win win... But alas no, its easier to buy a new chain


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
This morning we set out at the crack of 8am to Monpazier.


A gorgeous bastide about 50km away. We usually visit 2 or 3 times a year, it has a great clothes shop who specialises in Italian linen and i just love linen clothes. Bought a skirt, had coffee, did the tourist bit and set off home.

Decided on the way that i was in need of another coffee, so called in at Villefranch, another bastide close by (story to follow).


Not been there for about 10 years, had coffee, wondered around the antique market but bought nothing and headed for home.

There is a story that around 800 years ago the inhabitants of monpazier decided to raid Villefranch on precisely the same night as the good folks of villefranch decided to raid monpazier.

Both parties arrived at their target and found no resistance, took what they could carry and returned (by different routes) to their home village.

Only to find it bare of any valuables.

Following argument that involved local barons and went right up to the landowner (king of england) it was decided that each village would return the others goods, shake hands and have a drink together.

The two bastides have been an item ever since.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
An 18" blade is only 10 or 20 dollars. No biggie.

About the same in Euro.

Yet the guy we buy wood from resharpens his chains several times. I guess the difference is he uses his tronçonneuse (chainsaw) all day every day so buying new chains will work out spendy. I use ours maybe 3 or 4 times a year, for a total of... Say 5 or 10 hours