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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
This morning we set out at the crack of 8am to Monpazier.

View attachment 54048

A gorgeous bastide about 50km away. We usually visit 2 or 3 times a year, it has a great clothes shop who specialises in Italian linen and i just love linen clothes. Bought a skirt, had coffee, did the tourist bit and set off home.

Decided on the way that i was in need of another coffee, so called in at Villefranch, another bastide close by (story to follow).

View attachment 54049

Not been there for about 10 years, had coffee, wondered around the antique market but bought nothing and headed for home.

There is a story that around 800 years ago the inhabitants of monpazier decided to raid Villefranch on precisely the same night as the good folks of villefranch decided to raid monpazier.

Both parties arrived at their target and found no resistance, took what they could carry and returned (by different routes) to their home village.

Only to find it bare of any valuables.

Following argument that involved local barons and went right up to the landowner (king of england) it was decided that each village would return the others goods, shake hands and have a drink together.

The two bastides have been an item ever since.

That looks like a wonderful place to spend time...


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I'm going to slow down on the pizza just a little. It hasn't made me gain weight, but I'm worried it could affect my blood pressure if I keep it up.

If bp concerns you why not invest in a monitor for 25 or 30 dollars to give you a picture as a guide.

Then pizzas may not need to suffer


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm going to slow down on the pizza just a little. It hasn't made me gain weight, but I'm worried it could affect my blood pressure if I keep it up.

I don't have trouble with pizza per se, just all food. I'm finding 'mealtimes' to be problematic, because then I feel obligated to eat(because its mealtime), I eat way too much(in hopes I won't be hungry again until the next meal), I do get hungry, eat more, and its... a real mess.

I've stopped formal meal times. I'm trying to eat when I'm hungry. I am cooking for others when they're hungry(and keeping track of who eats when, so everyone is eating enough). It sounds like more work, and it might be more work, but I'm feeling better because I'm not stuffing myself silly multiple times a day.

Though, I think my youngest is like you... he is constantly asking for pizza. (Or pizza rolls.)


Veteran Member
I don't have trouble with pizza per se, just all food. I'm finding 'mealtimes' to be problematic, because then I feel obligated to eat(because its mealtime), I eat way too much(in hopes I won't be hungry again until the next meal), I do get hungry, eat more, and its... a real mess.

I've stopped formal meal times. I'm trying to eat when I'm hungry. I am cooking for others when they're hungry(and keeping track of who eats when, so everyone is eating enough). It sounds like more work, and it might be more work, but I'm feeling better because I'm not stuffing myself silly multiple times a day.

Though, I think my youngest is like you... he is constantly asking for pizza. (Or pizza rolls.)

I once read online that when you are hungry, you are burning fat. I'm really not sure if this is true or accurate, but sometimes I use it as a reassurance that it's okay to be a little hungry.

Maybe it isn't, though at the weight I used to be, something had to budge at some point. It was to the point where doctors were telling me "I don't care how you do it, but do it - lose weight."


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I once read online that when you are hungry, you are burning fat. I'm really not sure if this is true or accurate, but sometimes I use it as a reassurance that it's okay to be a little hungry.

Maybe it isn't, though at the weight I used to be, something had to budge at some point. It was to the point where doctors were telling me "I don't care how you do it, but do it - lose weight."

My mom was told by her doctor that you cannot lose weight unless you go hungry. Reason being you still burn calories whether hungry or not. Not hungry the calories come from the food. If you are hungry the calories come from stored fat and voila, weight loss happens.

So yes, true


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I once read online that when you are hungry, you are burning fat. I'm really not sure if this is true or accurate, but sometimes I use it as a reassurance that it's okay to be a little hungry.

Maybe it isn't, though at the weight I used to be, something had to budge at some point. It was to the point where doctors were telling me "I don't care how you do it, but do it - lose weight."

I've heard its healthy to be hungry sometimes. Not starving, of course, but just hungry. Also, I hear its good to stop eating before full(though I don't seem to be able to do this).

Sometimes I think people get too hung up on how its done... what works for one body doesn't work for all. I dropped 15 pounds in two weeks once, and I'd get compliments. Then they'd ask how I did it(ate one plate of food every 48 hours), and I'd get scolded. It made me laugh.

It wasn't something I did long term, but I had two weeks to drop weight for something. It had to go.

I wish it still worked. :( Not even that helps anymore...

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Hey...its Friday...afternoon...... and my DING DANG KNEE is still not right.....if it is not right by the end of next month...the Doc wants to do another procedure in the operating room


Veteran Member
I've heard its healthy to be hungry sometimes. Not starving, of course, but just hungry. Also, I hear its good to stop eating before full(though I don't seem to be able to do this).

Sometimes I think people get too hung up on how its done... what works for one body doesn't work for all. I dropped 15 pounds in two weeks once, and I'd get compliments. Then they'd ask how I did it(ate one plate of food every 48 hours), and I'd get scolded. It made me laugh.

It wasn't something I did long term, but I had two weeks to drop weight for something. It had to go.

I wish it still worked. :( Not even that helps anymore...

I've gone from 330 to 238. My secret is that the first 20 pounds are the hardest. Eventually your weight loss will slow down, but when you have a lot of weight to lose, in other words if you were me, then losing 20 pounds the hard way can kickstart your metabolism.

That, and I changed a medicine. The doctor changed things after I told them I thought it was making me gain weight.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson