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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


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I was thinking Vaal, but Landru would work

These are the guys who programmed Landru to begin with:



Not As Much Fun As I Look
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We call it "soda" in our neck of the woods.

My husband was completely flabbergasted by the switch from 'pop' to 'soda'. He would go to grocery stores and find the drink isle, so he could see 'pop' written on a sign.


Veteran Member
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My husband was completely flabbergasted by the switch from 'pop' to 'soda'. He would go to grocery stores and find the drink isle, so he could see 'pop' written on a sign.

I know some people who refer to any carbonated beverage as "Coke." I was at work and there was an extra can of Diet 7-Up someone offered me and said "Here's a Coke if you want one."


Not As Much Fun As I Look
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Premium Member
If you just call it "pop", some my think you are referring to your father.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to their dad as 'Pop', other than in children's books.

I've heard 'Pops' used, but it was meant to be offensive, and wasn't directed at their father but rather a man they wanted to feel was old and in the way.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I know some people who refer to any carbonated beverage as "Coke." I was at work and there was an extra can of Diet 7-Up someone offered me and said "Here's a Coke if you want one."

A relative of my husband thought that when they were asked "You guys want pops?" that they were being offered cereal. He rejected it, thinking it was a very random request.



Veteran Member
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A relative of my husband thought that when they were asked "You guys want pops?" that they were being offered cereal. He rejected it, thinking it was a very random request.

View attachment 54097

I remember when they used to call them Sugar Corn Pops.

I've spent enough time in the Midwest to become acquainted with the usage of "pop," although they still refer to coffee as "coffee," and that's the main thing.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to their dad as 'Pop', other than in children's books.

I've heard 'Pops' used, but it was meant to be offensive, and wasn't directed at their father but rather a man they wanted to feel was old and in the way.
