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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I have fond memories of Maine. We went to Baxter State Park for our honeymoon thinking that having an island to ourselves was just the thing. After miles of hiking we got to the boat to take us to the island. After realizing that the romantic getaway involved digging latrines, becoming smelly because the water was too cold to bath in and the camping food we brought was camping food, we left early and found a motel. I remember that time with mixed fondness.
I worked with a man who took his family there every summer for vacation.... honestly I cold never figure out why. I have never been there, but I know about it. My experience with Maine is mostly York Beach, which has changed a whole lot over the last 50 years.... never use to be that many house there, and the road to the lighthouse hd no houses.... now they are packed in there like sardines


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
mostly, but it depends on what your degree is in for some. and in a few cases it depends on the expectations of the graduate. There are those getting out into the work world demanding to dollar, equivalent to those who have been in the job for many years. I know 2 doctors offices that were interviewing newly minted MDs who during the interview started dictating what they would and would not do, would take 6 weeks paid vacation a year, would not work weekends of go on call, wanted the same salary as the MD in charge of the office. WE run into the same thing in IT too. And I even had to talk my oldest down recently because he expected the same salary and hours as those much more senior than he would be in that office. And then got depressed because they did not agree...

But employment is much less certain than it was when I graduated college.
The funny thing is that was an ad for a company
looking to do graduation photos.


Veteran Member
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It is when you realize that I'm mocking
an advert for a photographer hawking
their trade to recent graduates.

I don't actually think graduates have a
bleak future....if they're willing to work.
Thanks for that meaningless clarification. Looks like I was meaninglessly worried.


Veteran Member
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Actually Maine does not border NY at all.....New Hampshire and Massachusetts are what gives Maine an inferiority complex

Yes, but they're all a bunch of little states clumped together. 5 states in the east = 1 state in the west.