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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Who is Aphrodite?

The one in the shell


Also known as Venus


Staff member
Premium Member
Talk about wrong WRONG and again WRONG. We know that cats don't do this. They may play along for fun or a treat but that's it.

Cats Taking Weekly Holy Communion At Their Own Miniature Pews Goes Viral

Cats honor only...

My cat, Lamar, is a Saivite.

Cats are not allovved in the puja room, but he got in somehovv. I savv him through the crack in the door, and vvas about to evict him, but savv he vvas standing on tvvo legs, vvith his front pavvs on Shiva's altar, gazing lovingly at the image of Shiva and his family on the vvall. He stayed that vvay for avvhile, and I left him to his vvorship. After avvhile, he pavved at the door to get out.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
I hope she puts on a little more than that. She'll freeze othervvise!

Lol. This reminds me of a story that Peter Steele of Type O Negative told when he appeared on Springer. He said one very cold winter night, a young woman walked to the porch and rang the doorbell, expecting to see him. She was wearing only high heels and a Santa hat. Peter wasn’t there, so his mother answered the door. The woman asked, ‘Is Peter here?’ His mom replied, ‘No, Peter’s not here, and you’re gonna catch pneumonia!’


Staff member
Premium Member
Lol. This reminds me of a story that Peter Steele of Type O Negative told when he appeared on Springer. He said one very cold winter night, a young woman walked to the porch and rang the doorbell, expecting to see him. She was wearing only high heels and a Santa hat. Peter wasn’t there, so his mother answered the door. The woman asked, ‘Is Peter here?’ His mom replied, ‘No, Peter’s not here, and you’re gonna catch pneumonia!’
It does seem impractical.
There were no naked women or praying kitties at the farmer's market this morning. Maybe next week.
Our farmer's market is done for the year.


Staff member
Premium Member
Naked kittens are sad. I know some want a cat but have an allergy so opt for furless cats but not us. Praying women are fine unless they want to use me as a human sacrifice.
I hear sphynxes are not hypoallergenic.

Ragdolls do better for that, from vvhat I understand.



Staff member
Premium Member

I've been avoiding learning to play Ares's favorite song all day because I didn't vvant to put the guitar in drop D tuning.

It seems to have spontaneously put itself in drop D tuning.