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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

Apparently, this dam was built in 1910 and it's still holding up, but it may be in need of repair and upgrade.

They also showed footage of the flooding in Waterville. I guess that's a fitting name for a town that's flooded.

The Mississinewa dam was closed a long time ago and was closed for many years while it was repaired.
That dam is actually somewhat important for US history and culture because the nearby city, Peru, is where the big circuses back in the day kept all their stuff and it used to be subject to very terrible flooding. So the dam was built.
The city down river from it, Peoria, today it's just a bait shop at the entrance and then a row of houses along the river but it used to be much bigger and it's possible to see a few remnants of it hiking but you have to have a boat to see more than a few of them and ones that are still large enough to easily identify as the left over stone foundations of a really old building.
And while much of the forest on the state park is there naturally, a part known to ghost hunters as Oakie Pinokie is on a large part that was planted as a part of everything that was going on for the New Deal (and you can tell because you can still tell where trees were planted in rows). However, story goes that during 1800s a girl named Sara was murdered there by a Satanic cult and if you scream her name you can hear her screaming back.
You really can see glowing orb/dot thingies though. That part is true. Though it's probably phosphorous and not spirits.


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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wonder how many of these you'll say "yup, true" to

Ehhh. Periods, yes. But guys have their things with hormones, just usually with more androgens than women, and the dad who stays at home has his own struggles.
Yes, women have struggles, but the list seems unaware and unconcerned that many of those struggles are shared by lots of men.


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Well, it looks like they removed the monolith near Las Vegas.

The column evoked memories of similar monoliths discovered in 2020 in locations including Utah, California, Las Vegas, Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Romania and England's Isle of Wight. An anonymous art collective called The Most Famous Artist later took credit for several of the U.S.-based monoliths.

Another monolith was found earlier this year on Hay Bluff, near Hay-on-Wye, Wales. The origins of that structure remain unknown.

An anonymous art collective called The Most Famous Artist took credit for several of the monoliths.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Well, it looks like they removed the monolith near Las Vegas.

An anonymous art collective called The Most Famous Artist took credit for several of the monoliths.
I read Mammoth, not monolith the first time

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I made the mistake of buying a tin of ginger chews at T. J.'s earlier today. Ginger is the one hot spice I really like.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There's going to be an estimated 160,000 at the Aftershock show this year. Definitely not the largest crowd I've been in (250,000 last estimates I heard) but if this is the second largest or th8rd largest I'm not sure.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It sucks reading of China's mission to the dark side of the moon knowing we just don't do stuff like that even though many others are and a lunar base is likely the next major step in space travel, especially for going to Mars last I looked into it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Rightfully it should have been the Enlgish who did it, complete with the Pink Floyd record and player and some pot and acid so it can be enjoyed the right way.
Out of all our crap we send out, this is something we can offer to show the Cosmos we aren't all bad.


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It sucks reading of China's mission to the dark side of the moon knowing we just don't do stuff like that even though many others are and a lunar base is likely the next major step in space travel, especially for going to Mars last I looked into it.

We should have already been to Jupiter by now.