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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Driving into work today I kept asking myself....why......
now that I am here..... I still have no answer
Network error occurring, I know what the problem is, I know the fix, I have told a few of the corp folks.... and the act like I'm not even in the room.....

For fans of Star Trek the original series.... you will get this reference......

And I am pretty sure the outcome will eventually be similar..... I just hope when that comes..... I am retired.... and I will NOT be taking any calls...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
We should have already been to Jupiter by now.
At least had some permanent fixtures on the moon by now, even if it's a just a camera feeding is live footage so we can see Earth and space from, even updates of a lunar base that we could use to once again lead the way.


Veteran Member
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Jupiters a gas giant..... what do you have against astronauts to want to kill them by sending them there...sheesh....

They would be in a ship orbiting Jupiter. It was HAL who tried to kill them, the evil computer.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I had my mouth washed out once. I liked the lemony zing.
I still remember when one of my friends was giving me a wierd look. I asked what and he replied it was wierd hearing me cuss.
Yes, there was once a time when I had a very clean mouth. It was all the Church's fault. I left it and had no more reason to not cuss. I feel I'm almost caught up the deficit from all those years of no cussing and probably nearing average. Amd now I've got to go for Silver (I don't think I can outdo Kat Williams, that would be some serious Rocky v Drago **** going on if I'm gonna do that).


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
At least had some permanent fixtures on the moon by now, even if it's a just a camera feeding is live footage so we can see Earth and space from, even updates of a lunar base that we could use to once again lead the way.

I think that was just the natural expectation after the first Moon landing in 1969. People were just projecting that there would be more of the same to the point where we'd have permanent settlements on the Moon by the year 2000 and manned missions to Mars in the early 21st century. But I guess they didn't want to spend the money on ambitious projects like that.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think that was just the natural expectation after the first Moon landing in 1969. People were just projecting that there would be more of the same to the point where we'd have permanent settlements on the Moon by the year 2000 and manned missions to Mars in the early 21st century. But I guess they didn't want to spend the money on ambitious projects like that.
I rather would spend it on that than violent excursions into the Middle East. Then when people die, like Chaffee, Grissom and White, there is dignity in their deaths and they died for a worthy cause. It's not a total waste of everything amd embarassment like dropping bombs on innocent people halfway around the world.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
They would be in a ship orbiting Jupiter. It was HAL who tried to kill them, the evil computer.
Too bad that movie was just ruined by HAL being so bad at covering its tracks I really get the feeling even the characters in the scene knew it was terrible bull**** and horrible writing (not the actors, the characters). "Well, HAL,...well.....you see were all astronauts here and really smart and we know something is up with this because if none of you have made a mistake but two of you don't agree and you're blaming it on us? Yeah, no, we're not dumb but there's some forces at work who think we are."

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Ginger's hot?
Maybe for you eating a piece of ginger all by itself is meh on the hot scale but my wife had an experience when she was in grad school. She was rooming next to someone from India. She and her roommate at the time wanted to get a taste of real Indian food. The guy asked them if they had ever had ginger root. No was the answer so he gave them a piece. Ginger root is hot maybe not anywhere close to Carolina reapers but respectable.

ginger is also part of the fire spices, it brings warmth with a slightly peppery sensation. The manager or rather the managers are two compounds the shogaol and the gingerol . The first drift of the Japanese ( 生姜 、 shōga) which simply means Ginger. This compound on the scoville scale has a rate of 160,000 compared to the rate of 16,000,000,000 pure capsaicin. He is mainly responsible for the concept of heat released by ginger. It is then supported by the second compound the gingerol, which is chemically close to capsaicin.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe for you eating a piece of ginger all by itself is meh on the hot scale but my wife had an experience when she was in grad school. She was rooming next to someone from India. She and her roommate at the time wanted to get a taste of real Indian food. The guy asked them if they had ever had ginger root. No was the answer so he gave them a piece. Ginger root is hot maybe not anywhere close to Carolina reapers but respectable.

ginger is also part of the fire spices, it brings warmth with a slightly peppery sensation. The manager or rather the managers are two compounds the shogaol and the gingerol . The first drift of the Japanese ( 生姜 、 shōga) which simply means Ginger. This compound on the scoville scale has a rate of 160,000 compared to the rate of 16,000,000,000 pure capsaicin. He is mainly responsible for the concept of heat released by ginger. It is then supported by the second compound the gingerol, which is chemically close to capsaicin.
Its got a kick, but I wouldn't call it hot.

There used to be an Indian restaurant here(though the owners were Nepalese). They had spicy for Americans, and spicy for Indians, and often refused to give Americans Indian spicy. I complained about the American spicy not being good. The next time we were in, she kicked it up a little. I still complained.

The next time, she agreed I could have Indian spicy. Brought it out with a smug look. Watched me eat it for a second. "Too spicy, right?" "No, this is delicious! This is what I wanted!" At that point she got disgusted with me. "Only you and my husband eat that... you guys are ridiculous!" Apparently, she'd had kicked the spice up beyond what most Indians found acceptable... We were friends after that, though. And she kept the spice level to my liking. If we called in an order, I'd just say "its for the blue haired woman" and they'd know it was approved.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Its got a kick, but I wouldn't call it hot.

There used to be an Indian restaurant here(though the owners were Nepalese). They had spicy for Americans, and spicy for Indians, and often refused to give Americans Indian spicy. I complained about the American spicy not being good. The next time we were in, she kicked it up a little. I still complained.

The next time, she agreed I could have Indian spicy. Brought it out with a smug look. Watched me eat it for a second. "Too spicy, right?" "No, this is delicious! This is what I wanted!" At that point she got disgusted with me. "Only you and my husband eat that... you guys are ridiculous!" Apparently, she'd had kicked the spice up beyond what most Indians found acceptable... We were friends after that, though. And she kept the spice level to my liking. If we called in an order, I'd just say "its for the blue haired woman" and they'd know it was approved.

Why am I not surprised?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Maybe for you eating a piece of ginger all by itself is meh on the hot scale but my wife had an experience when she was in grad school. She was rooming next to someone from India. She and her roommate at the time wanted to get a taste of real Indian food. The guy asked them if they had ever had ginger root. No was the answer so he gave them a piece. Ginger root is hot maybe not anywhere close to Carolina reapers but respectable.

ginger is also part of the fire spices, it brings warmth with a slightly peppery sensation. The manager or rather the managers are two compounds the shogaol and the gingerol . The first drift of the Japanese ( 生姜 、 shōga) which simply means Ginger. This compound on the scoville scale has a rate of 160,000 compared to the rate of 16,000,000,000 pure capsaicin. He is mainly responsible for the concept of heat released by ginger. It is then supported by the second compound the gingerol, which is chemically close to capsaicin.
I didn't realize ginger can get that high with the scovilles.
The 16,000,000 stuff? That's a heavily processed and crystalized thing that just adds heat. It's a novelty thing as far as I know because it gives no real flavor like peppers and that's just insanely hot. The Toe of Satan is 10,000,000 and it's torture. The Paqui One Chip Challenge is 1,000,000 and controversial.
But Pepper X averages at 2.69 million, Carolina Reaper at 2.2 million. The Ghost Pepper, moved down several ranks, is 1.04 million.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I didn't realize ginger can get that high with the scovilles.
The 16,000,000 stuff? That's a heavily processed and crystalized thing that just adds heat. It's a novelty thing as far as I know because it gives no real flavor like peppers and that's just insanely hot. The Toe of Satan is 10,000,000 and it's torture. The Paqui One Chip Challenge is 1,000,000 and controversial.
But Pepper X averages at 2.69 million, Carolina Reaper at 2.2 million. The Ghost Pepper, moved down several ranks, is 1.04 million.
Ginger gets high with Scoville...huh!!!!!
