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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's always fun watching a movie and hearing a line and going "ooohhh! That's where that came from when it was used in that song!"
In this case its Exorcist 3, a line from a poem that was used for the intro of this song.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson


Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
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New Jersey man flew to Florida to kill fellow gamer after online dispute, police say

I guess some people take their online gaming pretty seriously.

While Kang and the victim had never met in person, sheriff's department investigators believe they were acquainted with each other through the online roleplaying video game ArcheAge.

“This is a weird one,” Leeper said on Monday.

According to arrest documents, Kang allegedly flew from New Jersey to Jacksonville, Florida on June 20, telling his mother that he was travelling to visit a friend he had met through an online video game.

The victim was struck in the head several times and received what Leeper describes as “severe, but non-life-threatening wounds.”

The victim's stepfather was awakened by the screams for help and helped disarm and subdue Kang, Leeper said.

According to arrest documents, when Kang was asked by the victim’s stepfather and an arresting sheriff’s deputy about a possible motive, he stated “he was a bad person online.”

ArcheAge, the game behind the alleged attempted murder, is a Korean-developed massive multiplayer online role-playing game. In April, the game’s developers announced that it would be shutting down on June 27 due to a steadily declining active user base.

Jeez-o-Pete, this is really something. Who gets this riled up over a video game? And it seems they're shutting the game down. That's one reason why I never went in for those massive multiplayer online role-playing games, since they never last anyway.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I realized today, I think most the TVs I've had am my family has had came from a family friend who's rich. The same person who gave me a Green Egg, zero turn radius mower when I had land and let me eat really good (including tbone and porterhouse steaks) out of pantry and freezer one year for mowing his lawn, tyding the house and taking care if his dogs while he and his wife was in Indiana for the summer.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think tomorrow I'm going to the head honcho to formally go up the chain of command to state I have absolutely had it with all the *****splaining my pain and job to me, the ineffective and pathetically useless formal training I get and lack of opportunity, and how management sucks so much **** at listening to me that I have to this manager anyways and relay the correct message to her because the shift manager who did apparently has her head up her *** when she's talking to me.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
New Jersey man flew to Florida to kill fellow gamer after online dispute, police say

I guess some people take their online gaming pretty seriously.

Jeez-o-Pete, this is really something. Who gets this riled up over a video game? And it seems they're shutting the game down. That's one reason why I never went in for those massive multiplayer online role-playing games, since they never last anyway.
It was funny when Jay got a ticket to beat up everyone who talked crap about Jay and Silent Bob, but that was a movie about a couple of really stupid stoners.
Real life? How the serious hell did he not at any point realize how monumentally boneheaded his idea and behaviors and goal are?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm glad I've only seen the first Exorcist u until now. It gave time for my love of one of my favorite albums to grow and flourish so that watching the third I can get really excited hearing parts of some of my favorite songs.
Like the intro to this.