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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Is that a good feeling or stressful feeling?
It starts with a feeling of emptyness/something missing and then after a while a feeling of peacefulness.

But we've had some very minor instances of "it's too quiet - something is wrong" but nothing like what I'm sure you feel sometimes.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
It starts with a feeling of emptyness/something missing and then after a while a feeling of peacefulness.

But we've had some very minor instances of "it's too quiet - something is wrong" but nothing like what I'm sure you feel sometimes.
Usually 'quiet' moments are accompanied by some guilt...

"I have time to clean. I should clean. But I don't want to clean. I want to shut my brain off and post jokes and other ridiculousness."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I don't wanna go into work for something extra. I even thought nah, I'll skip doing this to not start **** at work where things can get bad for me by going to the head manager to escalate things regarding how I'm being treated by the other managers.
But then I realized oh yeah, it's already bad for me and they started the **** before this. Things either get better for me or they'll just keep giving me ammo for a lawsuit.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
"I have time to clean. I should clean. But I don't want to clean. I want to shut my brain off and post jokes and other ridiculousness."

In one job I had become what I said at the time was "desperately exhausted". From that experience I applaud posting jokes etc rather than paying heed to "I should do this/I should do that".


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
In one job I had become what I said at the time was "desperately exhausted". From that experience I applaud posting jokes etc rather than paying heed to "I should do this/I should do that".
When I hear objections from the family, I'll say " @sun rise said I could" and carry on.

Without context, of course.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In one job I had become what I said at the time was "desperately exhausted". From that experience I applaud posting jokes etc rather than paying heed to "I should do this/I should do that".
I wish I could just say my jokes out loud and tell them to people. Between being recognized and the "loose acquaintances" I've recognized, and now friend who donates, I know lots of them would appreciate the ones about burying richies in Walmart and throwing one big white trash party over their graves (the pole with the puke clean up stuff is the stripper pole that marks their grave). The richie managers and coworkers probably not, especially as they fueled this one, but they are definitely the ones with a very nasty attitude in the situation. I'm just having fun at the expense of their hatred of the poor, and doing it in a wildly satirical way.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I have a banana a day as part of my minions routine.
Nectarines are nice when ripe but difficult to get at just the right moment.
Give me mango and I'm yours (hypothetically of course)