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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I feel ill...but that is only because I have eaten so incredibly wrong during the holidays


Family and friends are so overrated!

I go out of my way to help, do what is asked of me and 'be there' for them...but the moment I need anything, they are otherwise 'busy' with friends, games, doing their own thing and I must resort to guilt, emotional blackmail and finally, financial bribes for them to reciprocate. The moment I say; 'screw you, that's the last favour I ever do for you because I am sick of being used', I am no longer their friend/mother/daughter etc.

I just drove around a carpark for an hour looking for a parking space while my daughter went shopping and all I asked of her was to buy me a sandwich and a cup of coffee...she's like "I am trying to save my money for my car rego" and I was like "what are you doing buying DVDs and video games then?...no wai...screw this..I'm going home, you know where the train station is...you can either spend money on my lunch, train fare or petrol for my car, your choice. Nobody gets stuff for nothing.." She's like fine! if you want lunch, I'll buy it" *slams car door*.

My mum thinks I should 'divorce' my daughter (she hates her), then again, she's just as bad...I'm thinking about telling them all where to go, because I can get a total stranger to do the same favour for me, costing a lot less than what my friends/family charge for their 'services'. I hate this...

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
just love it when the "better half" makes problems that she can't handle and then I have to fix it.... oh joy

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
It is 28 degrees Fahrenheit all day...well not later today...then it will be 12 degrees Fahrenheit

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I'm thinking about picking up my classical guitar and starting to play again


Atheist Triple Goddess
something funny for a change

[FONT=&quot]Winter has settled in in northern climes and keeping roads ice-free is expensive. So what else to do in a land where residents wear cheese hats than apply cheesey thinking to the problem? Joining other areas of Wisconsin, Milwaukee this month started using cheese brine, a byproduct from the cheese making industry, to de-ice roads, reports the NT. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“You want to use provolone or mozzarella,” Jeffrey A. Tews, the fleet operations manager for the public works department, told the Times. “Those have the best salt content. You have to do practically nothing to it.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It's a win-win for the cheese making industry in the state -- the largest in the nation -- and the local municipalities that take advantage of the free cheese brine. Each side saves tens of thousands of dollars a year, the cheese makers in waste-hauling costs and local governments in rock salt costs, the paper said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cheese brine may freeze at lower temperatures than salt brine, which is good. But when roads warm up in the sun that could smell pretty bad, right? So far, there haven't been any complaints -- unlike the molasses mixture previously tried that left footprints in people's homes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Officials are hoping that no one gets down on their hands and knees and gives a mighty sniff.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Italian Cheeses Melt Icy Roads in Wisconsin : Discovery News [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Video: The SURPRISING History of Cheese[/FONT]


New Year's Resolution - to go into hibernation from Dec 1 to Jan 31 and all School Holidays.

I just drove to my friend's house who lives 30kms away - I was breathalyzed twice going there and once on the way back (not that I consumed any alcohol) and mobile speed cameras are set up every 5 kms (not that I was speeding) and about 1 in 6 vehicles traveling on the road is a police car (not that I was doing anything illegal).

I just felt like a character out of a George Orwell novel....it really sucks.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
The only new years resolution I ever kept I made about 25 years ago and that was...

I shall not make anymore new years resolutions