I might as well rant about my sister while I'm at it. I was advising her that with this one book she got, such things tend to include Jewish mysticism but completely and totally **** it up and have nothing right, but "oh well." She actually believes that some horny ancient aliens knocked up a hairy ape and out we - modern homo sapiens sapiens - came. She believes I have the same values as my parents, even though I'm absolutely nothing like my parents in terms of values and morality. And she acts like her life is hard, even though her constantly being broke is nothing more than her pissing away money and her kids poor behaviors reflects directly upon her being a bad parent. Yes, I know her dad was murdered on Christmas morning in 1979/1980, but my brother's kid is a hard working, wonderful, kind, gentle, and thoughtful person. I'm proud to call him my nephew. My sister's kids, OTOH, her oldest, I couldn't get her to even turn my key in my car so I could check my fuel pump, I've not heard from her oldest son in years, her middle son is very lazy, and her youngest is just a straight up ill-behaved *******.
And probably the worst thing is I'm sounding more and more, with each passing day, like an anti-theist because my sister gets on my every last nerve with her incessant preaching to me, but she herself knows so very little about any given religious topic yet she tells me that I need to read more, even though I constantly throw out names, concepts, and even religions that she is totally unaware of, and she talks about morality, decency, honesty, and all that crap but her actions make her a total ****ing hypocrite!
I think I may work on remaking Thugnicent's rap song "Eff Grandad" into a death metal song "Eff Sis." If nothing else, it'll give me a few moments of my own personal private inside jokes and laughter.