^^^ For the win.
I should make a whole thread comparing how easy the Boomers had it and how they're hoarding the investment capital and locking down all the decent jobs.
Yeah, there's a big demographic problem here, and some intergenerational tension. Part of it is the fact that there seem to be no good jobs for young people any more, but if you step up a generation, most people seem to have it pretty good. They earn decent money, live in their own fancy houses, most of which are paid off, and have retirement savings. In general, they entered whatever career path allowed them the resources to build up that cushy life much earlier than later generations are able to, bought their first house in their twenties, etc. Meanwhile, house prices are enormously inflated due to the dominance of baby boomers in the housing market. They have the freedom to trade amongst themselves without feeling in the least bit troubled that very few new buyers are entering the market, because we simply can't earn enough to get into the game.
So, many young people around here are kind of looking forward to the baby boomers retiring, moving into old folks homes, and even dying off, even though the tax burden of supporting this glut of retired old folks through their various ailments is going to mean most of us will ever be able to retire at all. When they retire, jobs will be freed up. When they move into old folks homes, property prices will normalize. When they die off, the burden they place on the struggling health care system will be alleviated. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?
It's the flip side to the "kids these days are lazy and entitled" poison you hear going in the other direction.
Personally, I think we (baby boomers and their kids) need each other. I'd like to see more cooperation and collaboration between the generations, particularly in the area of affordable housing. The boomers pretty much own everything, and if their kids are bled dry just trying to keep a roof over their heads, they will not have the resources to care for their parents when their parents can no longer care for themselves.