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the right religion

Curious George

Veteran Member
now you are changing your statement.

you said EVERYTHING. you stand corrected.

No, no, no... I was speaking on that particular something: that something is still part of my original everything. I am not changing my statement. I agree that I am way out on the limb. again only one thing that no two people question and doubt is all that it will take. However, I think with my explanations I have encapsulated everything. Let's go over the checklist

Time? check
Space? check
matter? check
energy? check
perception? check
reality? check
thought? check
logic? check

I am pretty sure that those abstract ideas include part of anything you have or can suggest. I might be wrong though. And I eagerly await my public admission when that one thing that no two or more people question is discovered.


Veteran Member
No, no, no... I was speaking on that particular something: that something is still part of my original everything. I am not changing my statement. I agree that I am way out on the limb. again only one thing that no two people question and doubt is all that it will take. However, I think with my explanations I have encapsulated everything. Let's go over the checklist

Time? check
Space? check
matter? check
energy? check
perception? check
reality? check
thought? check
logic? check

I am pretty sure that those abstract ideas include part of anything you have or can suggest. I might be wrong though. And I eagerly await my public admission when that one thing that no two or more people question is discovered.

are these people going to question and doubt what time to meet and where, what web site to go to and debate what is real and what isn't?

Curious George

Veteran Member
are these people going to question and doubt what time to meet and where, what web site to go to and debate what is real and what isn't?

yes, since people question whether or not a web site really even exists or a place in space time even exists, they by nature of what they question, question these things you suggest.


Veteran Member
yes, since people question whether or not a web site really even exists or a place in space time even exists, they by nature of what they question, question these things you suggest.

the fundamental problem with this is the fact of communication. if one doubted existence of everything then no one would be able to communicate their doubt since communication doesn't exist.
unless you are interpreting my post as:
)Bk;hakfh *&^b nkjfhah()*& hd;ahf

i see you are not interested in a honest discussion

moving right along.

Curious George

Veteran Member
the fundamental problem with this is the fact of communication. if one doubted existence of everything then no one would be able to communicate their doubt since communication doesn't exist.
unless you are interpreting my post as:
)Bk;hakfh *&^b nkjfhah()*& hd;ahf

i see you are not interested in a honest discussion

moving right along.


not trying to ruffle your feathers. You bring up good points, but I still think that people question or doubt each of these things. I agree that whether people question or doubt logic or reality that they still have to act according to it. Otherwise they would die. They can't just tell themselves that they are not hungry or thirsty they have to act. But just because they do act does not mean that there is not any question or doubt in their minds.

The interesting thing about my word choice is that while I did make a statement with an absolute "everything," to disagree with me would be to make another statement with an absolute that is to find one thing and suggest that all people completely without any doubt or question accept it.


Active Member
But the religious people are not supposed to doubt their god, or else they go to hell.. If they unquestionably believe in god, they go to heaven. Either way, they sold their soul.


Veteran Member

not trying to ruffle your feathers. You bring up good points, but I still think that people question or doubt each of these things. I agree that whether people question or doubt logic or reality that they still have to act according to it. Otherwise they would die. They can't just tell themselves that they are not hungry or thirsty they have to act. But just because they do act does not mean that there is not any question or doubt in their minds.

The interesting thing about my word choice is that while I did make a statement with an absolute "everything," to disagree with me would be to make another statement with an absolute that is to find one thing and suggest that all people completely without any doubt or question accept it.

yes that is possible but not absolutely true.

Curious George

Veteran Member
yes that is possible but not absolutely true.

alright just ran across this in another thread. thought I would share it with you

There may be no "reality" as we percieve it. Everything we see may just be an illusion...perhaps all that exists is a "condition".

In the couple days I have been on I have ran across many concepts wherein people question the foundations of everything literally everything. you have been on these boards longer than I, have you not seen even more?


Veteran Member
alright just ran across this in another thread. thought I would share it with you

In the couple days I have been on I have ran across many concepts wherein people question the foundations of everything literally everything. you have been on these boards longer than I, have you not seen even more?

we call them dreamers...because the experience of them communicating their doubt in, is not in doubt, no doubt.
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Curious George

Veteran Member
we call them dreamers...because the experience of them communicating their doubt in a is not in doubt, no doubt.
:D clever and witty, I question and doubt the validity of this... but I suppose until I get another to do the same my person is not people and I am wrong. :clap:


Jesus in me
you left out someone very very central to the entire premise of islam;

nice try though...

so again...is islam the right religion or is christianity?

pssst....this is what i think.....
there cannot be one right religion, unless you think god is a monoglot....but if you do... cool.

Supposedly Mohammed heard and obeyed but the Qu'ran was only verbal and not yet written.

Christianity is the right religion. God requires righteousness. Islam attempts righteousness but can't produce it. (The person tries to obey but is not able). Christianity enables a person to be righteous without trying.


Jesus in me
are you for real. a box of chocolates is not even comparable...
again you failed.

well there will be nothing of what i know...so i don't see how the masochism plays any role in it. it is sociopathic to willingly say to ones self of a loved one, "i won't remember so and so if they don't make it, so whatever, it's all about me and how i feel"

It doesn't have to be the concept is the same.

I would grant that and that is not the attitude a loved one takes here. I want everynoe to have everlasting life and I am sad that so many reject it. However that will not carry over into Heaven. I would not choose to reject my everlasting life so that I could feel just as bad about myself as I do for others.


Veteran Member
Supposedly Mohammed heard and obeyed but the Qu'ran was only verbal and not yet written.
so were the gospels

Christianity is the right religion. God requires righteousness. Islam attempts righteousness but can't produce it. (The person tries to obey but is not able). Christianity enables a person to be righteous without trying.
no it's not...you still haven't shown me how you are to qualify these claims from the bible are to be true...claims are claims...not truth.

besides, what ever happened to the meekness jesus asked his followers to practice?


Veteran Member
It doesn't have to be the concept is the same.
the concept isn't the same at all...not by a long shot...unless you don't value your relationships with people...
I would grant that and that is not the attitude a loved one takes here. I want everynoe to have everlasting life and I am sad that so many reject it. However that will not carry over into Heaven. I would not choose to reject my everlasting life so that I could feel just as bad about myself as I do for others.

then you are willing to forget them if they don't make it...


Jesus in me
At Matt 7:21-23--- These are those who are told they are christian--they believe in Jesus,They will call on his name--I would say they were told they were saved as well. The problem is is that they did not repent ( a worker of iniquity( lawlessness) is a practicer of sin. And since this is Jesus speaking these words( i will confess,i never even knew you) that all sin is not forgiven just because Jesus died for sin--it is a requirement on the humans part to repent( stop doing the sin) -- Many are being told they are saved by false teachers, its not reality--they are workers of iniquity and have never belonged to Jesus or the Father to start with. Just as Jesus was saying there in Matthew--(you were never mine to begin with)99% of all religions claiming to be christian are false. They do not listen to Jesus.

However the complaint agaainst them was not what they were doing but that they did not know Jesus (as Lord). If in fact Jesus is Lord, then His will is done. If in fact calling Him Lord is just deception and not real then His will is not done.

I find no evidence of this. No doubt 100% are false in some way, most seem to Christian in one form or another.

Religons can't listen to Jesus; they can only encourage parishoners to listen to Jesus.

However this is not an individual repentance of sins but a general turning away from sin and to Jesus as Lord. If a person repents a few sins he is only saved from those sins and Jesus will still say I never knew you because repentance alone can't save.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from the wrath of God through him.

Through Jesus we are justified and saved from wrath but a person without Jesus is not.


Well-Known Member
However the complaint agaainst them was not what they were doing but that they did not know Jesus (as Lord). If in fact Jesus is Lord, then His will is done. If in fact calling Him Lord is just deception and not real then His will is not done.

I find no evidence of this. No doubt 100% are false in some way, most seem to Christian in one form or another.

Religons can't listen to Jesus; they can only encourage parishoners to listen to Jesus.

However this is not an individual repentance of sins but a general turning away from sin and to Jesus as Lord. If a person repents a few sins he is only saved from those sins and Jesus will still say I never knew you because repentance alone can't save.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from the wrath of God through him.

Through Jesus we are justified and saved from wrath but a person without Jesus is not.

Gods word teaches that Jesus sacrafice doesnt count for one who practices sin.Heb 10:26--
And that is what Jesus was saying to practicers of sin, that he never even knew them because even though they did powerful works in his name-they obviously were told and believed they belonged to Jesus and were in the Fathers hand, but in reality are not.
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Science can solve all this debate. Science shows biological evolution is true. Science shows that we are members of the Animal Kingdom. Science shows that animals and plants have consciousness, a soul. Science proves Jainism is the way.


Well-Known Member
Science can solve all this debate. Science shows biological evolution is true. Science shows that we are members of the Animal Kingdom. Science shows that animals and plants have consciousness, a soul. Science proves Jainism is the way.

Is the science you are referring to, the unprecise science of men who have polluted the water,air,land and put a huge hole in the ozone layer so that worldwide the weather is all screwed up?


Veteran Member
Is the science you are referring to, the unprecise science of men who have polluted the water,air,land and put a huge hole in the ozone layer so that worldwide the weather is all screwed up?

science didn't do those things...man did....