The irony is that their bible indicates no one seeks God. God is the one who does the seeking. I think the finding of Christ is more of a modern turn-of-phrase and really has no basis in scripture.of course it was done independent of value...silly
it was done on the premise of you DOING something... you FOUND christ
you saving yourself was done independently of value
but now, YOU ARE saved because you FOUND christ
I've wondered that myself, even with choosing the right preacher to listen to. If I'm qualified enough to choose the right preacher, why aren't I qualified enough to just hear from God who indwells me already first-hand and eliminate the middle-men entirely? Otherwise, who am I actually placing my faith in -- God, or the middle-man?why does the word of god depend on qualified commentators?
what makes someone more qualified than me when it comes to understanding something written in the bible...are these qualified commentators supposed to enter my head and flip a switch?