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the right religion


Conquer your mind
Sahib could be translated as Sir or Master, we call the first Guru of the Sikhs Guru Nanak Dev or Guru Nanak Sahib out of respect. I have heard of a man named Corbett who hunted man eating tigers in India, yes.

Not within Hinduism, he was born in a Hindu family just like Jesus was born in a Jewish household, but he himself did not practise the religion. He was the first Guru of 'Sikhi' (different to Hindu, Islam etc). You should read about Sikhi to know the differences. He had direct contact with the One and was ordered to preach the Truth all over the world. So you will find that the Guru travelled all Asia, parts of Europe and Africa to spread the message of Sikhi which is basically truth, love, equality, etc.

What kind of proof (of the miracle, prophecy, ...) are you expecting ? (you could show me things you believe as proofs of Jesus' prophecies or miracles so I get an idea).


Sahib could be translated as Sir or Master, we call the first Guru of the Sikhs Guru Nanak Dev or Guru Nanak Sahib out of respect. I have heard of a man named Corbett who hunted man eating tigers in India, yes.
If you ever get the chance to read Man-eaters-of-India I recommend it. It contains the most extraordinary tales of hunting and very rural Indian life. They even made several documentaries about them.

Not within Hinduism, he was born in a Hindu family just like Jesus was born in a Jewish household, but he himself did not practise the religion. He was the first Guru of 'Sikhi' (different to Hindu, Islam etc). You should read about Sikhi to know the differences. He had direct contact with the One and was ordered to preach the Truth all over the world. So you will find that the Guru travelled all Asia, parts of Europe and Africa to spread the message of Sikhi which is basically truth, love, equality, etc.
I believe you are confusing your specific Guru with my claims about Gurus in general. I believe Gurus in Hinduism go way way back.

What kind of proof (of the miracle, prophecy, ...) are you expecting ? (you could show me things you believe as proofs of Jesus' prophecies or miracles so I get an idea).
For now I was not going to get into the quality of a claim to the supernatural (miracle, prophecy, etc). I wanted to know if there exists any miracles or prophecies at all first. Theological language, claims to being wise, and even actual wisdom are great but not proof of the transcendent. It is also very intuitive. When Muhammad was running around claiming to be a prophet those that actually cared if it was true demanded miracles as they said the prophets of old had all done (Biblical), of course he refused as he was not from God. The Bible claims this:

2 Corinthians 12:12 - Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.

I am saying that only the supernatural is evidence of the Divine or transcendent. There are multitudes of book and people with great wisdom, but very men whom God used to reveal his word. I am trying to see where your GURU fits in. sinless prophet who conquered death its self.


Jesus in me
I'd say examine the lives of the prophets of those religions, the teachings and see if they do make sense or not. You can't take the religion of an immoral person seriously right? So that way you can eliminate some of the religions and if only certain religions are left then get deeper and try to find the right one.

I believe in order to search one must know the criteria. I believe religion is right when it forms a right relationship with God. I believe the only religion that does that is Christianity.


Jesus in me
Why not Judaism?
I believe judaism does not provide a way for men to be right with God that men can actually follow. Judaism or more reasonably what God said to Jewish people (not necessarily the same thing) provides a right way that no-one was ever able to follow. Christianity provides a right way that can be followed since it doesn't depend on the believer but depends on God.


Well-Known Member
I believe judaism does not provide a way for men to be right with God that men can actually follow. Judaism or more reasonably what God said to Jewish people (not necessarily the same thing) provides a right way that no-one was ever able to follow. Christianity provides a right way that can be followed since it doesn't depend on the believer but depends on God.

Perhaps that was the point. To try.

To struggle to be as perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. It is through this struggle that you are rewarded.

I look at it as a parent and their child. The child brings home a drawing, the drawing isn't perfect, it is faulty, and it's not colored in the lines, but the parent still cherishes the attempt. Because they know that the child isn't perfect but the child is willing to try. That seems to me what Judaism is about and what Christanity is about because end of the day the God that Christianity follows to is the same God that gave those "seemingly impossible to follow" rules to Judaism.


Because gurus are real people.
The conclusion of NT scholars on all sides, at least 20 Biblical authors, and 40 extra-biblical authors show Jesus was as well. The claim that Jesus never existed is all but vanished into the rubble of bad arguments against the Bible. Why in the world are you still using it?


Conquer your mind
If you ever get the chance to read Man-eaters-of-India I recommend it. It contains the most extraordinary tales of hunting and very rural Indian life. They even made several documentaries about them.

I believe you are confusing your specific Guru with my claims about Gurus in general. I believe Gurus in Hinduism go way way back.

For now I was not going to get into the quality of a claim to the supernatural (miracle, prophecy, etc). I wanted to know if there exists any miracles or prophecies at all first. Theological language, claims to being wise, and even actual wisdom are great but not proof of the transcendent. It is also very intuitive. When Muhammad was running around claiming to be a prophet those that actually cared if it was true demanded miracles as they said the prophets of old had all done (Biblical), of course he refused as he was not from God. The Bible claims this:

2 Corinthians 12:12 - Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.

I am saying that only the supernatural is evidence of the Divine or transcendent. There are multitudes of book and people with great wisdom, but very men whom God used to reveal his word. I am trying to see where your GURU fits in. sinless prophet who conquered death its self.

1. Yes I'll definitely read about that whenever I get a chance.

2. There do exist miracles and prophecies yes, but they are not the prerequisite of a prophet according to Sikhi. We believe that anyone could do miracles (predictions etc) with spiritual experiences but our goal is to achieve something higher than that, union with God. Sikhi does reject performing miracles for showcase but the ones performed by Gurus were parts of lessons and neccesities. Even our scripture Guru Granth sahib is not a book with predictions BUT a guide to humanity on how to merge back with God and how to lead a truthful life here on earth.
It has a different approach than Christianity, we focus more on what we can do instead of focussing on things that won't help humanity directly. But yes they do exist.


Conquer your mind
How can one rank a guru as higher than Jesus who is God in the flesh?

Who says Jesus is God in the flesh? I rank him below the Gurus because he was afraid of pain and cried out on the cross (our Gurus were persecuted too but they did not cry out, instead accepted it and went through it calmly singing hymns). Jesus was a normal human being and his knowledge increased with time. But I do respect him for having good morals unlike Muhammad.


| abhyAvartin |
How can one rank a guru as higher than Jesus who is God in the flesh?

How can one rank a Guru higher than Jesus? It's very simple: the whole world isn't Christo-Centric. Thus, you will be able to find someone who will rank a Guru higher.
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श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
मैत्रावरुणिः;3454115 said:
How can one rank a Guru higher than Jesus? It's very simple: the whole world isn't Christo-Centric. Thus, you will be able to find someone who will rank a Guru higher.

Also, to a Hindu, Guru is God :p

Guru Stotram: Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu: Sanskrit with meaning: Stotra on Sri Gurudeva

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥१॥
Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah |
Gurure[-I]va Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||1||

1.1: The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),
1.2: The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru.

Jai Gurudev

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
What? What are dental ethics?
Not "dental", deontic or deontological. See here.

I have already claimed ethics can be gained without God. We can define personal evils or good. We can't show they reflect anything objective. By person invariant I think you mean that for every person it would be evil.
Person/subject-invariant means non-subjective, i.e. objective. It doesn't mean popular, it means that it is an objective matter of fact not contingent upon any persons opinion. I think this is precisely what you mean.

That is not the standard for objective in this context. Even if Hitler had exterminated everyone that disagreed killing Jews would still not be objectively right. I noticed you said "if" slavery is evil. Do you know of Sam Harris? He is a neuroscientist and the only atheistic debater I have ever seen claim objective morals exist.
Right, but he's far from the only person who has ever claimed that objective morals have nothing to do with God, whether he exists or not. As I've stressed to you, moral realism is the position you're endorsing; that morals are real and objective. There are several varieties of moral realism, one of which is "divine command theory", which is that the moral facts are determined by a deity. Clearly, this is the specific form of moral realism you subscribe to- but there are other forms of moral realism in which there are objective moral truths that are NOT a result of the will of any deity.

I have no interest or need for claims regarding perception, evaluation, or utility. I am discussing actual nature or quality given God and minus God. You can not redefine morality as being equal to happiness.
Doesn't seem to be a redefinition in the first place. Utilitiarianism argues that ALL morality is, at bottom, about maximizing happiness and minimizing pain/suffering. And their argument is at least plausible, and cannot be dismissed by a mere wave of the hand, as you do here.

Ethics can't comment on the nature or quality of moral fact.
Of course it can, that's more or less what ethics does. You asked how one would judge the morality of a certain situation (involving God), and I said the same way one would judge the morality of ANY action- by a moral or ethical criterion or principle, such as "the will of God", "duty", or "maximal happiness/minimal pain".

That is so easy and so simply it cannot even be obscured by rhetoric. We do not possess even a small percentage of the info he has to determine moral justification for an act. We may only see a baby die in the cradle but God saw a new Hitler lying there. We may kill a life in the womb but God saw the cure for cancer he would invent.
So it is your contention that every infant that dies or suffers does so because that person would eventually be extremely evil? That when a nice old lady gets run over crossing the street it was to prevent some evil she was to commit? (like what, cheating at Bingo night?)

Condemnation requires absolute knowledge. Praise requires personal desire. Even if he is right by default that does not mean my appreciation of him is invalid.
Now we're trying to have our cake and eat it too. If moral condemnation requires absolute knowledge, then it would seem moral praise does as well (otherwise, how could we be sure that we shouldn't actually be condemning an act, but don't have sufficient information to know this?)

2. I argue that only with him is there grounds for claiming objective moral truth exists.
Right- but so far I haven't seem what your argument for this claim is; you have more or less simply asserted this to be the case, without ruling out the competitors (i.e. non-divine command varieties of moral realism) or showing why moral realism has a necessary feature which can be satisfied ONLY by God, for some logical reason.

I knew what the only argument that could be made was but did not think you would think of it so I did not head it off. Let me do so now. What you said about risk is invalid for two reasons. The weapons of today make actual morality the prohibitive not personal risk. Just last night I saw a show claiming humans had not only killed the mega beasts (Mastodon, Moa, Marsupial lion) but had over predated them and killed them of all together. What was the risk 50,000 years ago verses the gain of wiping out an entire food source? Risk is not prohibitive. It seemed to Hitler killing Jews was moral. It seems to modern secularists killing millions of human lives at some politically determined and ever changing point in time before birth is just fine but one second later is murder. We are nuts and for morality I want a second and higher opinion and fortunately I believe we have one.
Of course, none of this is really relevant because what the original function or form of morality happens to be does not imply what it must be like now- this would be a genetic fallacy to argue as much. Clearly, if we still lived according to our most basic, evolutionarily produced moral sentiments, the world would be a very ugly place. Indeed, the evolution of morality distinct from the biological evolution of species is one of the more interesting areas in contemporary ethics.

Evolution is your moral source not mine. I think is almost comical to picture lawmakers and SC justices look at bone beds, guessing at behavior gain and loss, and carbon dating data to create law.
Well, if its anyone's source then its everyone's source. It is either the case that morality is a product of evolution- for everyone- or that it is not- for everyone.

And as above, and as I remarked last post, a descriptive account of the original functions of our moral senses does not commit us to any prescriptive morals.

I have one primary claim.

1. Only with God do objective moral truths exist. That is not to say the ethics we invent are not objectively existent.

How simple is that. Look at what you have posted to get out of this simply claim. It looks like a pint shop exploded and interns were sent around looking for the most ambiguous and technical words to use in an attempt to show 1 + 1 = fruit loops.
Trust me, the problem isn't that we don't know what your primary claim is, the problem is taht you have to substantiate it somehow. You can't simply assert it and expect that to count for anything. There is such a thing as a burden of proof; if you claim X is true, then you have a burden to show that X is indeed true (via providing evidence, arguments, etc.)

1. People are your source and that is not objective.
2. Evolution is your source and that is not moral. Unless you redefine morality as whatever someone (just like Hitler did in Eugenics and race superiority) claims evolution suggests.
Well, I don't have to make ANY choice until I see what your argument for your primary claim looks like. And regardless, I don't endorse moral realism in the first place, so this is not a problem for me at all; I don't think there are any such thing as objective moral truths or moral facts.
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Universal member
Islam is the right religion.Because there are so many proofs.If islam is wrong,can anybody answer how can an illiterate prophet create a book which has meanings beyond comprehension?It predicts future.It was revealed to prophet between 673 and 610 AD still it contains scientific facts discovered recently.


Islam is the right religion.Because there are so many proofs.If islam is wrong,can anybody answer how can an illiterate prophet create a book which has meanings beyond comprehension?It predicts future.It was revealed to prophet between 673 and 610 AD still it contains scientific facts discovered recently.

This forum has heard these claims numerous times and they've been debunked.


Conquer your mind
Muhammad did not create the Quran and even if he did it contains fallacies such as mathematical inaccuracies, internal contradictions and mistakes while plagiarising from the Bible etc.

Inheritance verses (4:11, 4:12 and 4:176) contain mathematical errors.
Mathematics Error in Quran

Quran says sperm comes from between spine and ribs. (Qur'an 86:6-7).

How can Gods word change? The way Meccan verses contradict Medinan verses clearly show that these verses were 'created' for own benefits in certain situations. Just like Muhammad uttered the Satanic verses to please Pagans and then retracted his statement. Quran is a very human book with major flaws. Muhammad was a cunning criminal who used God/so-called Quranic revelations to manipulate people and situations.
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Because Jesus wasn't God in the flesh, he was another human being.
Jesus existed before the Universe did. Can that be said of any Guru? Did Jesus or a Guru take mine and your punishment for you? Jesus had the power to forgive every sin every human ever committed. Did any Guru have that power? Everything that was made was made through Christ. What Guru is that true of? Christ raised the dead, cured the blind, healed lepers, and fed the hungry. Can any Guru claim to have done all that? As for pain: Did any Guru get hung on a cross? That is just about the most painful of all the terrible ways to die the Romans had invented. Jesus did not cry out in pain, (he refused the numbing gall offered him) he cried out because for the first time in eternity he was separated from the love of the father. I have nothing against a Guru but in no category what ever are they even close to Christ.