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the right religion


Islam is the right religion.Because there are so many proofs.If islam is wrong,can anybody answer how can an illiterate prophet create a book which has meanings beyond comprehension?It predicts future.It was revealed to prophet between 673 and 610 AD still it contains scientific facts discovered recently.
First he was probably not illiterate to begin with. What merchant can be successful without knowing how to add and write? Second he did not write the Quran his companions did. In his time it was scratched out on bark, leather, and rocks and not by him. The Quran has been judged by secular experts to be a literary train wreck, not a miracle. Muhammad refused to do miracles even when directly asked so I guess a book is all you got left. The fact it was plagiarized from heretical Gospels, apocalyptic fables, pagan sources, and Arabian myth kind of ruins that claim as well. It even got well known history wrong.
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All based on second-hand information from proselytizers and nothing concrete...
Good lord man. Those same sources were judged by two of if not the two greatest experts on testimony and evidence (Greenleaf, and Lyndhurst) to meet every standard of even modern law and the historical method. So I will go with the best scholars I can find instead of a person in a forum who simply asserts truth into existence apparently.


Well-Known Member
First he was probably not illiterate to begin with. What merchant can be successful without knowing how to add and write? Second he did not write the Quran his companions did. In his time it was scratched out on bark, leather, and rocks and not by him. The Quran has been judged by secular experts to be a literary train wreck, not a miracle. Muhammad refused to do miracles even when directly asked so I guess a book is all you got left. The fact it was plagiarized from heretical Gospels, apocalyptic fables, pagan sources, and Arabian myth kind of ruins that claim as well.

illiterate just means not able to read or write. My grandmother can't do either and still knows how to add and manage money. You'll see things like that in "third world countries" a lot. People with no formal education who cannot even write their own names or read but can do math.


Also, to a Hindu, Guru is God :p

Guru Stotram: Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu: Sanskrit with meaning: Stotra on Sri Gurudeva

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥१॥
Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah |
Gurure[-I]va Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||1||

1.1: The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),
1.2: The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru.

Jai Gurudev
How can a mere mortal be a God? They sinned, they were afraid, they were conceived the same way we all are, they died (and did not rise). In what way are they God's? Unless you are defining Guru in some other way the case is academic.


Proud Pagan
The right religion is different for everyone. Find what makes you a good person and what makes sense to you.There is no one true god. There are many deities. My advice is try and find a faith that is not too hateful and doesn't have a concept of hell. :D


illiterate just means not able to read or write. My grandmother can't do either and still knows how to add and manage money. You'll see things like that in "third world countries" a lot. People with no formal education who cannot even write their own names or read but can do math.
Is your grandmother a successful merchant on the silk road? There is much evidence to suggest he was literate. However that was not my main point. The Quran was not written by him so whether he was illiterate or not it is no miracle. It is not even good literature.


The right religion is different for everyone. Find what makes you a good person and what makes sense to you.There is no one true god. There are many deities. My advice is try and find a faith that is not too hateful and doesn't have a concept of hell. :D
So basically your defining theological truth based on what you like. I am glad science does not work that way or planes would be falling out of the sky. I suggest instead you find the one that is true and adopt it whether you like it or not.


Well-Known Member
Is your grandmother a successful merchant on the silk road? There is much evidence to suggest he was literate. However that was not my main point. The Quran was not written by him so whether he was illiterate or not it is no miracle. It is not even good literature.

She's actually quite successful, owning much land in Haiti her husband can't read either and he owns quite a bit of land.


She's actually quite successful, owning much land in Haiti her husband can't read either and he owns quite a bit of land.
How do you get successful owning land in Haiti? Voodoo? Just kidding but that is unusual. Is she actually illiterate or just not a competent reader. The issue is what most likely was Muhammad. Almost all ANE merchants were literate of which he was one.


Well-Known Member
How do you get successful owning land in Haiti? Voodoo? Just kidding but that is unusual. Is she actually illiterate or just not a competent reader. The issue is what most likely was Muhammad. Almost all ANE merchants were literate of which he was one.

Thanks for insulting my culture.

But no, you buy, bargain and deal for it, there is also inheritance but she came from a poor family so worked her way upward.

It's not that unusual.


Thanks for insulting my culture.
Are you Haitian? Of course I was joking and I even said so but I would think Haitian cultural history is a very hard one to be proud of, given what little I know of it.

But no, you buy, bargain and deal for it, there is also inheritance but she came from a poor family so worked her way upward.
So you were saying she is successful AND owns land in Haiti. That makes more sense to me.

It's not that unusual.
Which part? Haiti real estate speculation is an unusual method for gaining success.


Well-Known Member
Are you Haitian? Of course I was joking and I even said so but I would think Haitian cultural history is a very hard one to be proud of, given what little I know of it.

So you were saying she is successful AND owns land in Haiti. That makes more sense to me.

Which part? Haiti real estate speculation is an unusual method for gaining success.

If you know so little of it, why even make a comment "hard one to be proud of?"

In Haiti at the time that my grandmother was growing up, the owning of land was equated to success, very much like how it was in the U.S. and still is today. It's considered an investment that can be used to produce for later.

Haiti is also an agricultural based country, though that is also changing with more companies and industries moving in. So the owning of more land means you can produce more, if you can produce more you can sell more.

And just because you say you're joking doesn't remove the obvious passive agressive undertone.


If you know so little of it, why even make a comment "hard one to be proud of?"
Because all of the little I know is in that one direction. Their treatment of the French who made that place thrive is not a good one.

In Haiti at the time that my grandmother was growing up, the owning of land was equated to success, very much like how it was in the U.S. and still is today. It's considered an investment that can be used to produce for later.
I think you are talking within a Haitian context and that may be true within that context. It is a context however few would assume unless stated. I am from the southern US and never have I heard of anything associated with Haiti as a good investment in a larger context. Do you live there now?

Haiti is also an agricultural based country, though that is also changing with more companies and industries moving in. So the owning of more land means you can produce more, if you can produce more you can sell more.
I was not contending against owning land as a good investment within a Haiti context. My point was that beyond that context there is almost never a mention of anything concerning Haiti within an economic field of discussion.

And just because you say you're joking doesn't remove the obvious passive agressive undertone.
Oh come off it. Haiti's shamistic past is almost universally known. I hardly ever have an undertone. I say exactly what I mean. I do not think Haiti has an honorable or enviable cultural past. It does have a past history with voodoo but I was joking concerning it's effect on what your grandmother has done. I'm am serious about the former but only joking about the latter.


Jesus existed before the Universe did. Can that be said of any Guru? Did Jesus or a Guru take mine and your punishment for you? Jesus had the power to forgive every sin every human ever committed. Did any Guru have that power? Everything that was made was made through Christ. What Guru is that true of? Christ raised the dead, cured the blind, healed lepers, and fed the hungry. Can any Guru claim to have done all that? As for pain: Did any Guru get hung on a cross? That is just about the most painful of all the terrible ways to die the Romans had invented. Jesus did not cry out in pain, (he refused the numbing gall offered him) he cried out because for the first time in eternity he was separated from the love of the father. I have nothing against a Guru but in no category what ever are they even close to Christ.

Do you have objective empirical evidence for any of the things that your claiming? Guru's don't need to do any of those things things because there is no such thing as sin.


Do you have objective empirical evidence for any of the things that your claiming? Guru's don't need to do any of those things things because there is no such thing as sin.
I have four contemporary eyewitnesses. Prophecies of many of those events from maybe a dozen additional authors and one non eyewitness account who along with the four I mentioned suffered for that truth. They met every test for sincerity that exists. I have no contending contemporary claims to events said to have been witnessed by thousands. I have 40 extra biblical authors that records pieces and parts of these events. That is about as good (and better than almost any other) as ancient historical events get. Of course I can not claim to know for a fact but how much of history can be said to be known to that standard even for the much later Guru's. I debate Christ as a concept. The concept have those characteristics the same as Guru's who lived 500 years ago do. The concepts are not equal and if even one of the few things I claimed about Christ are true then the contest is sort of academic.


Well-Known Member
Because all of the little I know is in that one direction. Their treatment of the French who made that place thrive is not a good one.

I think you are talking within a Haitian context and that may be true within that context. It is a context however few would assume unless stated. I am from the southern US and never have I heard of anything associated with Haiti as a good investment in a larger context. Do you live there now?

I was not contending against owning land as a good investment within a Haiti context. My point was that beyond that context there is almost never a mention of anything concerning Haiti within an economic field of discussion.

Oh come off it. Haiti's shamistic past is almost universally known. I hardly ever have an undertone. I say exactly what I mean. I do not think Haiti has an honorable or enviable cultural past. It does have a past history with voodoo but I was joking concerning it's effect on what your grandmother has done. I'm am serious about the former but only joking about the latter.

Lol, see that's important information I should have known...lol nevermind carry on then.


I have four contemporary eyewitnesses. Prophecies of many of those events from maybe a dozen additional authors and one non eyewitness account who along with the four I mentioned suffered for that truth. They met every test for sincerity that exists. I have no contending contemporary claims to events said to have been witnessed by thousands. I have 40 extra biblical authors that records pieces and parts of these events. That is about as good (and better than almost any other) as ancient historical events get. Of course I can not claim to know for a fact but how much of history can be said to be known to that standard even for the much later Guru's. I debate Christ as a concept. The concept have those characteristics the same as Guru's who lived 500 years ago do. The concepts are not equal and if even one of the few things I claimed about Christ are true then the contest is sort of academic.

How is any of that objective empirical evidence? They are just claims made by people from thousands of years ago. Idk what authors your talking about because the gospels are not eye witness accounts.