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the right religion

islam abduallah

Active Member

Although you have not answered any of my earlier questions, i gatecrash here.

i apologize if i don't answer your questions, really i don't mean to ignore them, please gather them in one post and send me the post number to answer them

But your claims rattle more. Only Koran is perfect? Only Islam is solution for all problems of humanity?

yes, i'm sure of that.

[/quote]May I respectfully ask you why the muslims split into two sects right after Muhammad's passing away, [/quote] you can ask any thing, i just want to correct the questions, muslims don't split in two sections, it's more than that, but the majors are sunni and shieet, when i'm talking about islam i mean the islam as the sunni believe, anyway the prophets before his death told us that this nation "Muslims" will be splited in to 73 branches, all of them in the fire except who follow me and my Companions" the sunni muslims do that, so the prophet told us that
if they had everything perfect going on
look Muslims are not perfect, but islam is perfect

we are not following the islamic teaching so that you can find our situation now are too bad, because we don't follow islam, if we are right muslims, you will not find the people in arab gulf live in luxury while people in somilia died because they don't have a bread to eat and water to drink, this isn't right muslims
when muslims come back to their religion we will rule the world again as we promised , if you read history, you will find that muslim rule the world from china to spain, from north africa to middle africa, it was most of the world, at that time the world was full of just and fair

islam abduallah

Active Member
I'm afraid that's one of the most petty things that could warrant any sort of punishment. It makes God look like an overprotective, insecure parent.

i don't fully understand whatyou want to say

There is nothing that is not God. There is no "another" to God; he is One without a second. This is what the Vedas teach.

i agree but who's that god, it's jesus, allah, universe, buddha or anyother one.

is isn't necessarily true.

Again, not necessarily true.

i know that yuo don't belieev that they are true, i just asked youhow do youunderstand them?, if you are a muslim could you tell me from those verses why there's etenal hell and eternal paradise?

Even one unforgivable sin is too many. But the latter one kind of makes sense, but I would argue that there is no heaven if there is no absolute forgiveness

there's absolute forgivness to who deserves that, and there's absolute just to who deserves that.

But I could argue that hell is the false depiction of God.
i hope i could do that with you, but indeed i'll be offline after 2 days for one month, and i don't want to start argument and leaveit at the middle, after our feasts passed, we can start as you like :)

True common sense is universal. We both would agree that murder and theft are bad, and we would agree as to the practical reasons why they're bad.

not people agree on that, some people said it's the god's mistake who forces them to be killers and criminals, you can't gather the people to one idea.

I've read bits of the Qur'an, and parts of it impress me, while others don't. I will read it in its entirety eventually, but I've already seen imperfections in it.

you judge the quran based on yourbelief and that's wrong, you see that there's imperfections, do you know howthe other side understand it?

[/quote] Circular logic: the Qur'an is true because God told me through the Qur'an. That's like if I said that every word of the Vedas is perfect because God wrote it, which I know because the Vedas say so. This doesn't logically work.[/quote]

no, it's logically works if you read the quran you will know that it'sthe word of god, no errors no contradictions, every thing is sensible, provide solutions for all of our problems, economical, political, social, everything plus the scientific miracles in it which can't be know at the prophet's mohamed era, because all of that i believe that the quran is the right word of god


Premium Member
look Muslims are not perfect, but islam is perfect
we are not following the islamic teaching so that you can find our situation now are too bad, ----

This is more agreeable. Yet, all major sciptures demand perfection and in the view of Hindu Paramacharyas, based on Veda, the Word is perfect. It is revealed to perfect sages in perfect condition. Scripture is like tranquil water that however may reflect whatever muck is there on the face of the person looking in.

As before, I reiterate that striving for perfection starts with onself.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
i don't fully understand whatyou want to say

I understand the reason why it's considered the worst of sins to assign a "partner" to God: because God created us. But that's the thing: even if it were true, it would be little more than ungratefulness, which can easily be corrected. Calling it the worst of sins is like a parent who demands that his child do EVERYTHING he wishes, even as an adult, because he sired him. This is unhealthy behavior.

i agree but who's that god, it's jesus, allah, universe, buddha or anyother one.
All of them and more. "The wise refer to what is One by many names." teaches the Rig Veda.

(btw, when the Buddha was asked if he was a god, or if he was God, he said no.)

i know that yuo don't belieev that they are true, i just asked youhow do youunderstand them?, if you are a muslim could you tell me from those verses why there's etenal hell and eternal paradise?
No, those verses do not justify eternal hell.

there's absolute forgivness to who deserves that, and there's absolute just to who deserves that.
There is no deserving in the grand scheme of things. We're all just children on the spiritual journey.

i hope i could do that with you, but indeed i'll be offline after 2 days for one month, and i don't want to start argument and leaveit at the middle, after our feasts passed, we can start as you like :)
Okie dokie. :)

not people agree on that, some people said it's the god's mistake who forces them to be killers and criminals, you can't gather the people to one idea.
But they'd still agree that it's bad, regardless of the reasons.

But you're correct, there are those who feel it's okay: psychopaths who had terrible childhoods.

you judge the quran based on yourbelief and that's wrong,
I judge it based on my experience, not my belief. My stance on the Qur'an hasn't really changed since I first read it: I wasn't a Hindu back then.

you see that there's imperfections, do you know howthe other side understand it?
The translation I have is Yusuf Ali's, and it has his commentary, which I try to read along with it. I do enjoy it.

no, it's logically works if you read the quran you will know that it'sthe word of god, no errors no contradictions, every thing is sensible, provide solutions for all of our problems, economical, political, social, everything plus the scientific miracles in it which can't be know at the prophet's mohamed era, because all of that i believe that the quran is the right word of god
Except other Scriptures provide the same thing. Heck, there's so-called "scientific miracles" (which I don't really believe in, BTW) in the Vedas and Puranas, too. The Qur'an doesn't have a monopoly on those.

Besides, I've talked to plenty of people who have read the Qur'an in its entirety and weren't impressed.
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islam abduallah

Active Member
You'd be surprised. There are people in the world who lie; the Qur'an has spoken of those unbelievers who pretend to believe. Heck, that's the problem with the "swearing by Allah's name four times"; to unbelievers, the name of Allah has no power, and thus they can swear a hundred times by His name and still be lying.

no, i'm not surprised, i know that well, but as i told you, if we know that the witness had been lied before or that he's not devout enough, his testimony would be rejected, as he's not comptent enough to be a right witness

Which is always going to be a problem. The point is, there IS no perfect justice system, and the one I've seen from the Qur'an suffers from the same problems, and other problems, as others. A perfect justice system should be foolproof, with no chance of the innocent getting jailed and no chance of the guilty going free. But there's no such justice system in the world.

if there's no perfect justice, it's becausethat we arenotcomptent to use the god's law, the problem isn't in the law, it's in how to apply the law, and because of that there arehuman errors could occur in that life, there's another life which is the absolute just, the judge is allah, so it's fair enough, don't worry no body could feel unfair there.

No, they're not. They're just slaves to their sex drives, and are having marital problems that they never solved.
if it's like that, they have to do it in homes not in public or streets, they are exporting the immorality to the community

[/quote]Good for them. But how many people do you know would actually do that? Especially considering too many Islamic states have the death penalty for adultery. Fear of death is one of our strongest instincts, and very few people who can overcome it.[/quote]
i can tell you one of their stories, she came to the prophet and told him that she is pregnant due to adultery, so please clean me from the sins, apply the law uponme, but he refused, he doesn'twant to do the law upon her as she already repent, so he told her go till you get baby then she came, and he told go for 2 years till he began to eat, and she came with a piece of bread in his hand, and asked him to apply the law
this is the religion when it touches the heart.
we muslims don't fear death, as we know that this life isn't our permnant life, there is another life which is permnant and we will be punished or rewrded based on our work here, so that we don't worry about when will we die if we do well


Premium Member
look Muslims are not perfect, but islam is perfect

we are not following the islamic teaching so that you can find our situation now are too bad, because we don't follow islam, if we are right muslims, you will not find the people in arab gulf live in luxury while people in somilia died because they don't have a bread to eat and water to drink, this isn't right muslims
when muslims come back to their religion we will rule the world again as we promised , if you read history, you will find that muslim rule the world from china to spain, from north africa to middle africa, it was most of the world, at that time the world was full of just and fair

So, you have your heart set on ruling the world and not on Allah. Now, your statement
"-- look Muslims are not perfect ---" appears meaningful.:D

islam abduallah

Active Member
So, you have your heart set on ruling the world and not on Allah.

surly not, i was telling you why we are like that now and why we were the leaders before, any Muslims' goal is to make allah loves him, we are not worried to rule the world or not

Now, your statement
"-- look Muslims are not perfect ---" appears meaningful.:D
i'm honest with myself, and i know that we are not perfect to our religion or even to ourselves, i'm usually comparing between our relation with allah and the first muslims relations to allah, there is a great gap between us, we are in the bottom