yet there is absolutely no historicity of moses or any archeological findings. none. :sorry1:
and the timing of the census is off a bit...
or if jesus came only for the lost tribe of israel or not
or if one is to prove their faith by drinking poison
or if one or both of the criminals were mocking jesus
of if jesus was dead for 3 days or just 1 and a half
or if jesus was scared to go to the cross or confident of his destiny
or if zombies were actually walking around after jesus breathed his last
of if a 3 hour eclipse actually did occur
and how did they know when jesus died the curtain ripped in 2...close circuit TV?
fyi, open mind =/= indoctrination.
How is ignoreing a ton of evidence but instead listing a few areas where you want something that you didn't find a valid argument? I have noticed a trend in biblical critics. If a bible defender supplies 100 examples of concrete evidence. If the critic can find one ambiguity or issue that sometimes even comes from their lack of knowledge they list the example ignore the other 99 with no problems and declare victoy.
I will look into your Moses and Abraham claim.
The Abraham one is not that supriseing but I would think Moses would have left some evidence.
2. This is a doctrtinal issue not a historic one and therefore not what I was talking about. However I believe his earthly ministry was primarily (maybe exclusively) for the Jews but his priesthood that he aquired by his resurrection is for all. No matter what the answer is, it is not the kind of verifiable historical claim that we were discussing.
3. That poison story isn't ment to be literal. That's just silly. I have heard a very good commentary on that verse but can't remember it accurately enough write it here.
4. Don't remember. It could easily be explained by the different perspectives and events listed in the gospels. Both claims could be true at different times. From my unsure memory I think only one did. Again this is not what we were discussing and is another issue.
5. This is a popular one. If you know that any part of a day is considered as a whole day in the Hebrew culture of the time then there is no issue here. This same issue appears several times in the bible.
6. This is another one where both realities could be valid. He was 100% man and 100% God (even though he voluntarily relinquished much of his Godly Characteristics) Many theologans say that his humanity was in anguish and doubt but his devine nature was confident. In my opinion he could have been one then the other at different times.
7. Zombies that's a good one. I have no opinion I just accept it on faith. It has no bearing on anything unless it could be shown to be false.
8. Actually I believe there is an extra biblical source or two that record the eclipse.
9. It is called two people remebering what time it was when something happened.
I don't know what you are trying to accomplish here. If the bible was inaccurate then there should be all kinds of towns out of place, thousands of prophecies that didn't happen, dates that are wrong etc.....that are all easily shown to cotradict the bible. You supplied some extraordinary claims alright but no actual contradictory concrete facts that disprove them. I would not expect you to accept the "zombies" because the bible says so unless you actually check into the thousands of verifiable claims and the bible is found accurate first. Even then I would understand reluctance to claim zombies as factual. I have dobts as well but they are not concerning well attested things found in a reliable bible like the existance of Jesus and the ressurection. I answered your points from my memory and did not do the research because I don't understand why you listed them. They seem out of context if I remember the discussion correctly. If you desire I will really dig into one or two if you tell me why. Have you seen where they found what they claim is a bone box with the inscription "James son of Joseph brother of Jesus" I am skeptical of things like this but have not spent much time verifying it but it looked at first glance to be authentic, it might be interesting to check out.