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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Veteran Member
"Yes, some 'so-called Christians' try to force their viewpoint on another and sometimes in a tragic way. That does not make the Bible wrong it makes the person wrong. "

Yeah, and there is no true Scotsman either.:rolleyes:

WoW there sure was a true Scotsman, and I had the awesome privilege to have known such a man.

He was so concerned about others that he used the illustration that if one saw a neighbor's house on fire wouldn't you do what you could for that neighbor?
That is the sense of urgency he had about helping others.

When milk cartons had missing children's pictures on them Malcolm would carry that picture with him, or the missing child mailers with him, and share those children's pictures even with passers-by. He did what he could to help.

Everyone should have such a Scotsman in their life.


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing that disgusts me more than the concept of eternal hell. Except maybe that people think that God will do it. What a twisted idea. A good god would not torture anyone for eternity. Maybe a psychotic freak would, but not a good god. The idea of hell is just a ridiculous concept, a sick concept, that unfortunately has been associated with the gods. If there does indeed come a day when you will be standing before god, and you tell god that you spread the message on earth that god would torture people forever - I hope he displays MERCY on you, and that the only punishment you receive will be to feel like a complete idiot for having believed such complete nonsense! How sick!


Veteran Member
How did you arrive at the conclusion that abortion is better than bringing an unwanted child into the world?
Unavoidable abortion needed because of accident, disease, etc. is Not a Scriptural evil, however, to deliberately induce abortion for the sole selfish purpose to avoid the birth of an unwanted child is an act of high crime according to Scripture.
There is a difference between choosing between right and wrong and choosing what is right or wrong. Isn't executing the innocent unborn making a god out of one's self to decide who lives and who dies?

MIsty, ^above^ is the post to which I was first referring


Veteran Member
Theres nothing that disgusts me more than the concept of eternal hell. Except maybe that people think that God will do it. What a twisted idea. A good god would not torture anyone for eternity. Maybe a psychotic freak would, but not a good god. The idea of hell is just a ridiculous concept, a sick concept, that unfortunately has been associated with the gods. If there does indeed come a day when you will be standing before god, and you tell god that you spread the message on earth that god would torture people forever - I hope he displays MERCY on you, and that the only punishment you receive will be to feel like a complete idiot for having believed such complete nonsense! How sick!

There is a difference between the teaching of the concept of pagan hell and what the Biblical hell is.

After the first century ended the pagan concept of burning became mixed with Biblical teachings. The clergy class used fire as scare tactics on the flock.

Bad people burn forever in hell fire so taught the pagans.
Jesus was not a bad person.
At death Jesus went to hell [ Acts 2vs27,31]
We can discern from Scripture what Jesus believed hell to be.
Jesus likened death to sleep. [John 11vs11-14]
Jesus thought the dead sleep because he knew the Biblical hell from the Hebrew Scriptures taught the dead know nothing. The dead are not conscious. Ecclesiastes 9v5.

Even the psalmist likened death to being in a deep sleep-like state.
[Ps 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4]

Jesus knew false teachings would develop after the first century ended, so he gave the illustration of the Wheat and the Weeds. Genuine wheat-like Christians would grow together over the centuries with the false weed-like Christians until the Harvest time, or time of separation in our day or time frame.

So the pagans and the clergy class are responsible for spreading the false hell-is-hot idea, not Jesus.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between the teaching of the concept of pagan hell and what the Biblical hell is.

After the first century ended the pagan concept of burning became mixed with Biblical teachings. The clergy class used fire as scare tactics on the flock.

Bad people burn forever in hell fire so taught the pagans.
Jesus was not a bad person.
At death Jesus went to hell [ Acts 2vs27,31]
We can discern from Scripture what Jesus believed hell to be.
Jesus likened death to sleep. [John 11vs11-14]
Jesus thought the dead sleep because he knew the Biblical hell from the Hebrew Scriptures taught the dead know nothing. The dead are not conscious. Ecclesiastes 9v5.

Even the psalmist likened death to being in a deep sleep-like state.
[Ps 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4]

Jesus knew false teachings would develop after the first century ended, so he gave the illustration of the Wheat and the Weeds. Genuine wheat-like Christians would grow together over the centuries with the false weed-like Christians until the Harvest time, or time of separation in our day or time frame.

So the pagans and the clergy class are responsible for spreading the false hell-is-hot idea, not Jesus.

Very well expressed.

Its just so comforting to hear from a believing mind, that does not believe in this sick concept that soaks the Consciousness of so many.



Active Member
WoW there sure was a true Scotsman, and I had the awesome privilege to have known such a man.

He was so concerned about others that he used the illustration that if one saw a neighbor's house on fire wouldn't you do what you could for that neighbor?
That is the sense of urgency he had about helping others.

When milk cartons had missing children's pictures on them Malcolm would carry that picture with him, or the missing child mailers with him, and share those children's pictures even with passers-by. He did what he could to help.

Everyone should have such a Scotsman in their life.

I'm not sure whether you are actually that ignorant or you think I am.:(

After due reflection I think YOU are.
Here try a new experience - learn something.:rolleyes:

Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.


Veteran Member
I'm not sure whether you are actually that ignorant or you think I am.:(
After due reflection I think YOU are.
Here try a new experience - learn something.:rolleyes:
Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.

Wotan I want to apologize. I was not trying to be ignorant and I do not think you are. I do not think Scripture is myth. I think what the clergy teach about Scripture is often myth. Kind of like the Pharisees of Jesus day. They were teaching handed down oral tradition that was not recorded in Scripture as if their religious tradition was Scripture. Mark 7v7; 15v9.

Again please accept my apology.


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing that disgusts me more than the concept of eternal hell. Except maybe that people think that God will do it. What a twisted idea. A good god would not torture anyone for eternity. Maybe a psychotic freak would, but not a good god. The idea of hell is just a ridiculous concept, a sick concept, that unfortunately has been associated with the gods. If there does indeed come a day when you will be standing before god, and you tell god that you spread the message on earth that god would torture people forever - I hope he displays MERCY on you, and that the only punishment you receive will be to feel like a complete idiot for having believed such complete nonsense! How sick!
May I ask if you have read ALL relevant scriptures relating to eternal hell ? There is actually no eternal torment. It is indeed a sick and perverted belief taught and spread by false teachers who do not understand scripture. And what is worse is that people believe them and condemn GOD for it !
Scripture says the wicked shall be trod down and be (become) ashes under the feet of the saints. Does not seem like eternal torment but a burning up to ash .
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May I ask if you have read ALL relevant scriptures relating to eternal hell ? There is actually no eternal torment. It is indeed a sick and perverted belief taught and spread by false teachers who do not understand scripture. And what is worse is that people believe them and condemn GOD for it !
Scripture says the wicked shall be trod down and be (become) ashes under the feet of the saints. Does not seem like eternal torment but a burning up to ash .

Tomato - Tomahto :shrug:


Is hell eternal according to Rev 20 vs13,14 ?
Or rather does hell, once it is emptied out of all humans, die a symbolic second death just like death does? Rev 21vs4,5.

Even Satan is Not eternal according to Hebrews 2v14 B.

The bottom line is , bad things will happen to you unless your a believer in Jesus.:yes:


Veteran Member
What about all of those that have lived and died that never heard of Jesus,
are you saying bad things will happen to them?

well what do you believe?
according to the bible...jn 3:16

you either believe it or not....
could the word of god be fallible ;)


Veteran Member

[Jn3v16] is saying whosoever believes.....
In order to believe one must hear.
Romans 10vs13-15

In the past many people did not have the world-wide opportunity [Matt 24v14] to hear as they do today.

Romans 6v7 applies to all except for those of Matt 12v32;Heb 6vs4-6.
So the majority will be part of the resurrection of the just [righteous] and unjust [unrighteous]-Acts 24v15.

Do you agree with Romans 6v7?


Veteran Member

[Jn3v16] is saying whosoever believes.....
In order to believe one must hear.
Romans 10vs13-15

In the past many people did not have the world-wide opportunity [Matt 24v14] to hear as they do today.

Romans 6v7 applies to all except for those of Matt 12v32;Heb 6vs4-6.
So the majority will be part of the resurrection of the just [righteous] and unjust [unrighteous]-Acts 24v15.

Do you agree with Romans 6v7?

ahhhh yes
disclaimers disclaimers
what about who ever believes one must DO

faith is shown by works not by belief as your favorite apostle paul says
what about the entire 2nd chapter of james? or
Matthew 7:21-27 (New International Version)
21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

matthew 25 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

so i guess paul trumps jc yet again....