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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Jesus in me
This is my personal view....

If a young child boy/girl was playing in the living room and knocked a glass varse and broke it, would you personally repect a parent to grab the arm of the child and place it in a fire place to burn the child as a punishment?

If you are trying to use that as a metaphor it doesn't work.

I punished my children for bad behavior and think any parent that doesn't gets a child that behaves even worse. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done with a child and it is turned over to the authorities.

With adults it is different. Some have been burned at the stake, although there are many cases where that was not justified.

The Caananites offered children as a burnt offering to their idols but God was so much against that, He had the whole nation beaten by an enemy (abortionists take notice that the same judgement awaits).


Jesus in me
Are you addressing yourself???????????

Welcome to the conversation. If you look closely you will see that I was responding to Mickiel who was addressing something I said.

PS: It would be helpful if you could keep your messages short and respond to hte OP although I have to admit wandering from the subject is a bad habit on long strings. I don't even bother reading diatribes.


Well-Known Member
If you are trying to use that as a metaphor it doesn't work.

I punished my children for bad behavior and think any parent that doesn't gets a child that behaves even worse. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done with a child and it is turned over to the authorities.

With adults it is different. Some have been burned at the stake, although there are many cases where that was not justified.

The Caananites offered children as a burnt offering to their idols but God was so much against that, He had the whole nation beaten by an enemy (abortionists take notice that the same judgement awaits).

Burning someone at the stake is NEVER justified!:facepalm:

Abortion is often a necessary evil and better than bringing an unwanted child into the world!


Veteran Member
Burning someone at the stake is NEVER justified!:facepalm:
Abortion is often a necessary evil and better than bringing an unwanted child into the world!

How did you arrive at the conclusion that abortion is better than bringing an unwanted child into the world?

Unavoidable abortion needed because of accident, disease, etc. is Not a Scriptural evil, however, to deliberately induce abortion for the sole selfish purpose to avoid the birth of an unwanted child is an act of high crime according to Scripture.

There is a difference between choosing between right and wrong and choosing what is right or wrong. Isn't executing the innocent unborn making a god out of one's self to decide who lives and who dies?


Active Member
" . . .to deliberately induce abortion for the sole selfish purpose to avoid the birth of an unwanted child is an act of high crime according to Scripture."

And this should be the basis of public law because . . . .?


Veteran Member
" . . .to deliberately induce abortion for the sole selfish purpose to avoid the birth of an unwanted child is an act of high crime according to Scripture."
And this should be the basis of public law because . . . .?

'"life for life"

According to Exodus 21v23 the unborn is considered a life.

Public law [Mosaic law] said life should be given for life, or in other words, soul for soul.

As far as 'public' law today Christians are Not to interfere with Caesar's law.
[Jesus did not interfere with Roman law]
However, Christians following the Bible principles and standards would not agree to take a life even if Caesar says it is alright to do so, regardless of what the world around them is doing because Christians are to view God's law as 'absolute' whereas man's law are 'relative' to God's supreme laws.


Active Member
'"life for life"

According to Exodus 21v23 the unborn is considered a life.

Public law [Mosaic law] said life should be given for life, or in other words, soul for soul.

As far as 'public' law today Christians are Not to interfere with Caesar's law.
[Jesus did not interfere with Roman law]
However, Christians following the Bible principles and standards would not agree to take a life even if Caesar says it is alright to do so, regardless of what the world around them is doing because Christians are to view God's law as 'absolute' whereas man's law are 'relative' to God's supreme laws.

So if YOU don't approve of abortion don't have one.

But WHY are YOUR religious principals the basis for public law?"


Active Member
when i ponder this question, i often think about a german concentration camp guard at auschwitiz in 1944. he's a devout christian, attends church with his loving family each sunday and donates his share when the collection plate is passed. on this day he is leading jews, among whom is a family, mother, father, daughter, son, into the gas chamber. the nazi, if he asks forgiveness for his sins after the war, he will enjoy raising his children, playing with his grand children and otherwise basking in the warmth we call life. and when that ends he'll ascend to heaven where he'll meet his loved ones. the jewish family on the other hand, not believing precisely as the german that jesus is the son of god, will burn in hell for eternity. that's just sick man.

Yes your right.

that is where the fundamental belief is wrong.

You get forgiven of your sins upon death. Unless it is someone who knew the bible truth and turned away from it. (Judas Iscariot, Adam, Eve) or it is someone who died during previous judgements by Jehovah (Noahs Flood, Sodom and Gommorah)

Ecc 9:5-6
For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.

Romans 6:23
For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.

So we get everlasting life through Christ.

Jesus likened Death to sleep.
John 11:11-14
He said these things, and after this he said to them: “Laz´a·rus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.” Therefore the disciples said to him: “Lord, if he has gone to rest, he will get well.” Jesus had spoken, however, about his death. But they imagined he was speaking about taking rest in sleep. At that time, therefore, Jesus said to them outspokenly: “Laz´a·rus has died,

Matthew 9:24-25
Jesus began to say: “Leave the place, for the little girl did not die, but she is sleeping.” At this they began to laugh at him scornfully. 25 As soon as the crowd had been sent outside, he went in and took hold of her hand, and the little girl got up

But we have the hope of the resurrection if we die.

John 5:25-30
“Most truly I say to YOU, The hour is coming, and it is now, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who have given heed will live. For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to do judging, because Son of man he is. Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment. I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative; just as I hear, I judge; and the judgment that I render is righteous, because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him that sent me.

But the ones who practiced vile things are not judged on their sins from when they were first alive, but on their deeds after they are ressurected.


Active Member
I find it hard to believe that a loving God, who I and many others call Father, could ever send or allow any of his children to be sent to an infinite place, of infinite suffering, for an infinite period of time with no relief for finite sins against an infinite God. Such an idea is barbaric and runs contrary to God's love, to God's grace, and justice. It turns the loving creator of all into a deranged, psychopathic mass killer. I believe that God, in due time, will reconcile all souls, Christian or not to himself. God I believe can do anything God wills but not contrary to the divine nature which is love. God is able and will reconcile the whole creation. If God is unable to save even one of his children, then God has failed at the act of redemption and salvation. God must be better than us not worse. As scripture says, that perfect love casts out all fear. There is no hell outside of ourselves . The only hells we have are of our own creation- they are born of people's hatred, cruelties and injustices.


Veteran Member
I find it hard to believe that a loving God, who I and many others call Father, could ever send or allow any of his children to be sent to an infinite place, of infinite suffering, for an infinite period of time with no relief for finite sins against an infinite God. Such an idea is barbaric and runs contrary to God's love, to God's grace, and justice. It turns the loving creator of all into a deranged, psychopathic mass killer. I believe that God, in due time, will reconcile all souls, Christian or not to himself. God I believe can do anything God wills but not contrary to the divine nature which is love. God is able and will reconcile the whole creation. If God is unable to save even one of his children, then God has failed at the act of redemption and salvation. God must be better than us not worse. As scripture says, that perfect love casts out all fear. There is no hell outside of ourselves . The only hells we have are of our own creation- they are born of people's hatred, cruelties and injustices.

Not only should you find it hard to believe you should find it impossible to believe God would send anyone to a place of infinite suffering.

Adam was sent back to the dust of non-existence.

Was the hell Jesus was in of his own creation?
Acts 2 vs27,31 ?

The Biblical hell is the common grave of mankind.
Pagan hell is the one of forever burning.

After the first century ended pagan ideas became mixed with Scripture.
The clergy class taught a literal burning as a scare tactic on the flock.

According to Matthew [20v28] Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many.
Please notice it says 'many' and not 'all'
The reason is because not all use their moral free choice to not be wicked.
God forces no one to worship him.
Satan was not forced to worship him.
Adam was not forced to worship him.
We are not forced to worship God.

But all that want to practice what is wicked God will not tolerate forever.
If God would not intervene then the wicked would wipe out the upright.
According to Proverbs [2vs21,22] God will not allow the wicked to gain the upper hand. According to Psalm [92v7] the wicked will be destroyed.

Please notice it does not say burning forever or tortured but destroyed or annihilated forever. Meaning out of existence forever.
That is why 2nd Thess 1v9 equates punishment with everlasting destruction and not eternal hell fire or burning.

As far as hell goes, according to Rev [20vs13,14] hell is temporary.
Hell, the common grave, 'delivers up' the dead during Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth. Once hell is emptied out, when all are 'delivered up' from hell, then emptied-out, vacant, void-of-people hell goes out of existence in a symbolic second death. That is also why Rev [21vs4,5] can say that even death will be no more.

If you had a beautiful home and it became infested with rodents would you get rid of your beautiful home, or would you get rid of the rodents?
All who want to be rodent-like people can not gain everlasting life either in heaven or on a beautiful paradisaic earthly home.

Since God desires all to repent [2Peter3v9,13] then the choice is our to make whether or not to repent and gain God's favor.


Active Member
Believing what about it [Sermon on the Mount]?

What do you find wrong with the Golden Rule?
If all on earth lived by the Golden Rule what would the world be like?

Believing it happened. These myths have been the excuse for more suffering war and oppression than any ideology ever. WHATEVER value they may have had is more than out weighed by the harm they have caused.

Particularly now.

We have learned, learned the hard way, much of what these myths claim as "truths."

Time to outgrow this crap and leave all this supernatural religion nonsense in the ash can of history.


Veteran Member
Believing it happened. These myths have been the excuse for more suffering war and oppression than any ideology ever. WHATEVER value they may have had is more than out weighed by the harm they have caused.
Particularly now.
We have learned, learned the hard way, much of what these myths claim as "truths."
Time to outgrow this crap and leave all this supernatural religion nonsense in the ash can of history.

I can agree 'Bible myth's as taught by the clergy class' is that the best they [clergy] have accomplished is civilian extermination in the holy name of war.
The clergy have often used the pulpit as a recruiting station so parents will sacrifice their sons on the alter of war.

Think: is what the clergy teach what Jesus taught?
Jesus was politically neutral
Jesus first-century followers were politically neutral not even getting involved in the issues between the Jews and Romans at that time.

Scriptures agree with you that the world's religious sector is nonsense, and it will end up in the ash or trash can of history.

When ancient Israel was religiously unfaithful, God did use the 'political ax', so to speak, against apostate Israel. The political 'kings' [world rulers] of today see a dangerous religious climate brewing in the world today. Soon they will use a military or political ax, so to speak, to destroy the world's false religious 'queen' or world's religious sector, because she has run amok playing false to God and his Word.
[Rev 17v2; 18v7]

With backing the United Nations can be strengthened to turn on the false religious world, and then for all time never to be seen again on earth.


Veteran Member
I believe we evolved rather than created. I would prefer my ancestors to have been apes rather than a deity.

Then are you saying the best evolution has accomplished is a war torn world?
Then at least you are not giving blame to any deity.


Veteran Member
How did you arrive at the conclusion that abortion is better than bringing an unwanted child into the world?
Unavoidable abortion needed because of accident, disease, etc. is Not a Scriptural evil, however, to deliberately induce abortion for the sole selfish purpose to avoid the birth of an unwanted child is an act of high crime according to Scripture.
There is a difference between choosing between right and wrong and choosing what is right or wrong. Isn't executing the innocent unborn making a god out of one's self to decide who lives and who dies?

Misty- do you have a response to the ^above^?

Since you are Grannyto5, if one of your five was an unwanted child which one would you have chosen to abort?