I find it hard to believe that a loving God, who I and many others call Father, could ever send or allow any of his children to be sent to an infinite place, of infinite suffering, for an infinite period of time with no relief for finite sins against an infinite God. Such an idea is barbaric and runs contrary to God's love, to God's grace, and justice. It turns the loving creator of all into a deranged, psychopathic mass killer. I believe that God, in due time, will reconcile all souls, Christian or not to himself. God I believe can do anything God wills but not contrary to the divine nature which is love. God is able and will reconcile the whole creation. If God is unable to save even one of his children, then God has failed at the act of redemption and salvation. God must be better than us not worse. As scripture says, that perfect love casts out all fear. There is no hell outside of ourselves . The only hells we have are of our own creation- they are born of people's hatred, cruelties and injustices.
Not only should you find it hard to believe you should find it impossible to believe God would send anyone to a place of infinite suffering.
Adam was sent back to the dust of non-existence.
Was the hell Jesus was in of his own creation?
Acts 2 vs27,31 ?
The Biblical hell is the common grave of mankind.
Pagan hell is the one of forever burning.
After the first century ended pagan ideas became mixed with Scripture.
The clergy class taught a literal burning as a scare tactic on the flock.
According to Matthew [20v28] Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many.
Please notice it says 'many' and not 'all'
The reason is because not all use their moral free choice to not be wicked.
God forces no one to worship him.
Satan was not forced to worship him.
Adam was not forced to worship him.
We are not forced to worship God.
But all that want to practice what is wicked God will not tolerate forever.
If God would not intervene then the wicked would wipe out the upright.
According to Proverbs [2vs21,22] God will not allow the wicked to gain the upper hand. According to Psalm [92v7] the wicked will be destroyed.
Please notice it does not say burning forever or tortured but destroyed or annihilated forever. Meaning out of existence forever.
That is why 2nd Thess 1v9 equates punishment with everlasting destruction and not eternal hell fire or burning.
As far as hell goes, according to Rev [20vs13,14] hell is temporary.
Hell, the common grave, 'delivers up' the dead during Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth. Once hell is emptied out, when all are 'delivered up' from hell, then emptied-out, vacant, void-of-people hell goes out of existence in a symbolic second death. That is also why Rev [21vs4,5] can say that even death will be no more.
If you had a beautiful home and it became infested with rodents would you get rid of your beautiful home, or would you get rid of the rodents?
All who want to be rodent-like people can not gain everlasting life either in heaven or on a beautiful paradisaic earthly home.
Since God desires all to repent [2Peter3v9,13] then the choice is our to make whether or not to repent and gain God's favor.